View Full Version : My New Router Table

Gary Lange
08-06-2008, 3:04 PM
I finally got a new Digital Camera so I could post some pictures of the Router Table I built from the New Yankee Workshop Plans.
Left side Bit Drawers
Right Side Bit Drawers
Storage Drawers
Woodpecker's Router Plate Waiting for the Milwaukee 5625 Router

Tim Thomas
08-06-2008, 3:45 PM
Looking good, looking really good. I've been scheming to make one of these for a while. I've already got the lift, the fence, plenty of plywood and MDF, t-track, the power switch and this past weekend I finally got the dust collection fittings, ball bearing drawer slides and a sheet of plexiglass. I think I'm out of excuses for not having this project done. You have inspired and shamed me into action! Thank you sir! :D

Gary Lange
08-06-2008, 4:02 PM
Just pay attention to the design when building it. I made some boneheaded mistakes that I had to account for like when I put the drawer pieces in for the bit drawers I forgot to allow for the 1/8" luaun on the bottoms and had to adjust for this in the drawers. It worked out okay but I should have paid more attention. Also make sure you adjust the measurements if your plywood isn't 3/4" like the plans are built on. Other then those things it went pretty good and I am happy with it since it is the first bigger project I have done.

Todd Miranda
08-06-2008, 9:13 PM
Looks Great Gary!

I bought those plans over 6 months ago..maybe one of these days :)


Don Abele
08-06-2008, 9:16 PM
Every time I see a NYW Router Table I'm amazed at the limitless variations in the final design. They are all great. Someday I'll actually finish mine as well.

BTW, I LOVE your floor. Did you add that over an existing concrete pad? Looks like it's elevated in the one shot that shows a cut out with pipes in it.

Be well,


Gary Lange
08-06-2008, 9:22 PM
Don it is elevated on 2"X4" treated lumber topped with 3/4" particle board and then with the 1"X12" No. 2 pine.

Peter Quadarella
08-06-2008, 9:39 PM
Awesome router table, and great job on it. I need to build one of those someday.

Harley Reasons
08-06-2008, 9:42 PM
Super duper great job, I've also got those plans and it is on my project to do list.

glenn bradley
08-06-2008, 9:48 PM
I think I'm out of excuses for not having this project done.

I hate that phase of a project ;-)

Nice looking table. A real clean job. It should serve you well.

Norman Pyles
08-06-2008, 10:13 PM
That's a great lookin router table, Norm would be proud.

Mike Langford
08-06-2008, 11:08 PM
Great lookin' router table.....just one question......Why does the deep drawer have a different panel? :rolleyes:

Paul Greathouse
08-06-2008, 11:10 PM
Norm and I are both jealous, thats a great looking router table. Several years back I built my Norm tabletop and fence, mounted a Benchdog lift and a PC 7518 in it.

Then a threw togeather a rough stand for it so I could use it for another project and I never got around to building the cabinet. Hopefully one day soon, I can take the time to build the cabinet for it.

Chris Holder
08-07-2008, 7:57 AM
Great looking table Larry. I built Norm's table a couple of years ago and just finished making a new top for it. Probably one of my "shop built tools" I am most proud of. Enjoy!

Jim Becker
08-07-2008, 9:04 AM
Really nice job on that router table project!

mreza Salav
08-07-2008, 10:02 AM
Looks very good. I envy you!

Gary Lange
08-07-2008, 10:14 AM
Mike I guess that was just a little different coloring on that piece of plywood.

Thanks all for the great and kind comments. I enjoyed building it and I think it will serve me well for a long time.

Don L Johnson
08-07-2008, 4:28 PM
Awesome job; I have the same Woodpecker setup and enjoy it each and every time I use it. Now, what color of plaid shirt are you going to get?

Gary Lange
08-07-2008, 5:30 PM
I should get a plaid shirt and post a picture of me standing next to the table.:):):):):):)

Tim Thomas
08-07-2008, 5:46 PM
I should get a plaid shirt and post a picture of me standing next to the table.:):):):):):)

The plaid shirt is an excellent start, but you also need to do the following in order to get the full effect:

1) Get really sweaty and/or pour a cup of water over your head.
2) Mess up your hair. I mean really get in there and push it all around. Some parts should be matted down flat, others standing up straight, and at least 15 different cowlicks, all pointing in different directions.
3) Get cuts and scrapes all over your hands. Blood blisters, missing portions of fingernails and visible scarring will get you bonus points.
4) Make sure to cross one leg in front of the other and lean on the router table with one arm.
5) Put on your widest possible smile. If I can't count at least 16 of your teeth you are not smiling wide enough.

Now you should look just like Norm, the man who taught me that furniture doesn't have to come from the store pre-built. You can just buy some sheet goods, rough lumber and many thousands of dollars of tools instead and then make your own! :D

Gary Lange
08-07-2008, 5:54 PM
I have most of those now just need to mess up my hair and get a plaid shirt!

Sean Troy
08-07-2008, 6:52 PM
Swweeeeeeet ! I just got to make a better one like yours.

Peter Quinn
08-07-2008, 8:02 PM
The router table is very nice Gary, but that floor in your shop is simply fantastic! What a great place to work! How do you like the woodpecker lift?

Anthony Anderson
08-07-2008, 8:24 PM
Very Nice Gary. I like the look of the trip that you put around the door and drawer fronts. Nice touch. I am sure you will be very glad you built this project. I built one about 4 years ago, and after using it a couple of times, wondered why I waited so long. Enjoy! Bill

Gary Lange
08-07-2008, 8:59 PM
Peter it is just a plate for the Milwaukee 5625 when I get it. I will get a lift for it next year and it will be the Woodpecker PRL-V2 Precision Router Lift. It is new and coming out in October and looks very nice.

Tony Bilello
08-07-2008, 10:08 PM
Am I the only one that don't see the photo?

Tony B

Rick Fisher
08-07-2008, 10:53 PM
Gary, that is a beauty. You should be very proud.

You did make mine look ugly however ... :rolleyes:


Michael Panis
08-08-2008, 11:58 AM
I don't get it. It looks like you took a beautiful living room cabinet and threw a fence on top.
Seriously--It's a beauty.

Harley Reasons
08-08-2008, 12:03 PM
Am I the only one that don't see the photo?

Tony B

I think you have to be a contributor to see the photo in the post. One of the mods can verify that.

Gary Lange
08-08-2008, 1:50 PM
Tony it must just be something in your computer. I sent yo a PM with the photo's so you can see them. I hope it works. Harley, others that are just members can see the photo's so that is not the case.

Harley Reasons
08-08-2008, 2:26 PM
Tony it must just be something in your computer. I sent yo a PM with the photo's so you can see them. I hope it works. Harley, others that are just members can see the photo's so that is not the case.
Your right Gary, SBT, Isn't it that the contributors can see the thumbnails and members see the links?

Gary Lange
08-08-2008, 3:22 PM
Harley I don't know since I am a contributor but I see others that are classified as members that have commented on it at it appears they can see it.

Denny Rice
08-08-2008, 4:18 PM
A great job indeed..It looks so good all it needs is a place in MY shop. LOL Nice job, I love the detail you paid to the outside if the pull out drawers with all the trimwork, makes it look that much richer. I have the plans for this project, but seems like everytime I get ready to start this project I find something else I end up building.

Tony Bilello
08-08-2008, 4:28 PM
I have this problem with some posts and not with others. I can see all of the photos that the guys posted of their shops.
I can see one of a cross slide vise that someone posted yesterday.
I can post a photo on here, but no button to press to attach a photo to a private message.
I have received some photos in private messages also.
Gary was nice enough to send me a photo in a message , but it didnt come through.

Thanks for your efforts
maybe I will figure out something that i may have wrong.

I will try to post a pic on here to see if I can. The photo is irrelevant to anything, just what I have handy.
OK my preview shows the pic, lets see if it shows on the real post.

Tony B

EDIT: my photo shows here, but still can't see Gary's.

Gary Lange
08-08-2008, 5:47 PM
Denny if you do get started pay particular attention to the thickness of your plywood and the dimensions given on the sheet. Also unlike what I did pay attention to what you are assembling and remember that each drawer is 1/4" thicker then the piece you cut out. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and my brain stays behind. It worked out fine and I am happy with it the way it is.

Denny Rice
08-09-2008, 4:07 AM

Ya, no kidding. I ran into this problem when I purchased 3/4" birch plywood for Norms "Workshop Hutch" I wasn't too far into the project when I realized this 3/4" birch was not 3/4. For the project I had to purchase undersize 1/4"-1/2"-3/4" router bits. My wife says I purchased the undersized plywood on purpose just so I could buy three new router bits...LOL

Jerry Olexa
08-09-2008, 1:41 PM
Nice work!!! I have the same table complete with even the same Woodpecker plate...Love it!!!

Gary Lange
08-09-2008, 4:35 PM
That is something that you would have the same plate. Thanks for the comments. I am heading up to the Chicago area or should I say Southwest of Chicago for a vacation and to visit family and friends. Keep the weather nice.

Jim O'Dell
08-09-2008, 6:52 PM
Very nice, Gary! Glad you said in one of your posts that it was the plate, not the lift. I was about to say my PRL doesn't have the markings on it that your's does, and how nice it would be to have that. But then I would have probably gotten my recess skewed one way or the other, and the markings would not be parallel to my fence!!:p The V2 PRL looks to be a nice change step up from what I have. Enjoy your new table! Jim.