View Full Version : Finishing Endgrain - Advice Needed

Matt Hutchinson
08-06-2008, 11:14 AM
I am currently finishing a bunch of bowls. I have put on 3 and 4 coats of General Finishes oil base top coat, and I love how it feels and look. But the endgrain is still not matching in sheen. I know it's well protected/sealed, and I soaked the heck out of it on the first coat. Will wax even out the sheen? Do I need to keep putting on coat after coat after coat until it's a perfectly even sheen, and only then wax it? Thanks.


Jason Whelehon
08-06-2008, 11:25 AM
Sounds like you didn't sand enough.

Matt Hutchinson
08-06-2008, 2:32 PM
I sanded to 320. Some people go finer, but I don't think this is the culprit. Not matter how fine wood is sanded, endgrain's capacity to absorb finish is not altered. A straw is a straw....that's what I am thinkin' anyway.


P.S. In the past, I have just done whatever I feel like, as far as finishing goes. But I now have to finish many bowls all at once, and I was hoping that there might be a faster way than 7 coats each.

Steve Schlumpf
08-06-2008, 3:25 PM
Matt - I find that I have to do a bunch of coats of finish. First few dry and seal the end grain - the rest then build without being sucked into the wood. Takes time but it will build.

Matt Hutchinson
08-06-2008, 3:41 PM
Alright, well at least I know what I'm in for. I just put the 4th coat on a cherry bowl. I first put it back on the lathe, and sanded with 220, 320, 400, and 600. The endgrain is getting pretty close to the rest, and I am hoping the 5th coat will do the trick. If not, guess it'll get a sixth.

Also, who here uses carnauba wax as the last step? I have used furniture wax in the past, and I really find it works well. I do not have any type of buffer, but I am certainly not opposed to getting one.

Thanks all!


P.S. I tried using carnauba wax on a bowl that's been setting around for a while. It emphasized any imperfection in the finish, and I had trouble with clumps in a few places.

robert hainstock
08-06-2008, 4:02 PM
I sand between coats after two. and then add another coat. I sand with WET 600 wet or dry. I use a 2"x4"x1/2" b;ock of firm felt as a sanding pad and wrap the spaper around it. You might try a trippoli buff before any finish is applied. Just keep it moving. Good luck! :eek::eek::eek::)

Bernie Weishapl
08-06-2008, 6:46 PM
Hutch I found the same thing that Steve has found. I just put on maybe 4 to 6 coats and it usually turns out ok.

Matt Hutchinson
08-06-2008, 7:48 PM
Thanks for the input y'all.

I haven't really had an opportunity to experiment/perfect my finishing technique. In fact, I have kinda been dreading it cuz I know it's probably the weakest part of my skills. I was hoping to develop it over time, and I wasn't expecting to have to show the general public my pieces for quite some time. I am a little nervous, but once I get the first few bowls finished properly, I think my confidence will grow.

I'll post some pics as soon as the first couple are completed. Thanks again!


Ken Fitzgerald
08-06-2008, 8:30 PM
Remember Matt.....we all had to do our first ones. And yes....I showed my first couple here.

And if we don't see photos soon......We'll bring Tyler out of retirement and whip up the fervor with the PHOTO COPS!.....:rolleyes::D