View Full Version : Anybody worked with OSB core veneered panels?

Chuck Saunders
08-02-2008, 6:19 PM
I received a flyer from the local wood store (Metro Hardwoods) announcing that they now have Cherry, Red Oak, and some other species veneers on an OSB core. Has anybody tried these and what have you found. I am concerned with OSB's edge swelling character. And it's not like the price was any bargain.

Kelly C. Hanna
08-02-2008, 8:38 PM
Yes I have. My computer desk top was made from a 4x10 sheet of Mahogany veneer core. I generally don't use MDF products, but this one kinda fell into my lap from good friend Steve Jenkins [who works with this type material a lot]. To this day four years later it's still straight and flat...sure was heavy to work with though!

Jim O'Dell
08-02-2008, 10:26 PM
I'd be more inclined to use the MDF core than OSB core. My concern is how would they get a flat smooth surface on the OSB to laminate the veneer on to? OSB certainly doesn't come flat and smooth around here!! Plus the loose strands that come off so easily. If it was cheap, I might try some for a shop cabinet to see how it held up, but not if it's not a bargain. Jim.

Kelly C. Hanna
08-03-2008, 12:12 AM
My mind must have blocked the OSB part out, I thought you wrote MDF core. Haven't even seen that yet, but like you I'd have questions.

Ben Abate
08-03-2008, 8:12 AM
I can't imagine using OSB, how is it kept flat. I've used MDF, Fiber Core (partical board) and the newer stuff that is light weight Wheat strand but never OSB. Possibly if it is sanded flat it maybe a very strong core. Think about how it is used in construction, in most cases it is stronger than plywood. If it starts out flat I would think it would stay flat and strong. I just hesitate about the open voids possibly. You know how OSB can give some pretty good sparks when cutting it, also it really tears out when cutting it. I would think you would not be able to cut it without a scoring blade. Who knows, the advancements they make in products these days always amazes me. Buy some and give us a report.