View Full Version : Picked up a truck load of Jatoba today

steve reeves
08-02-2008, 5:57 PM
On my way home from working on a rental house I came across a "estate sale" sign. It was already 2pm and around these parts those type of sales are usually over by then.. but I made the turn and stopped by to see if anyone was still there.

There was plenty of things left unsold, but it was either way overpriced or simply needed to go to the dump. I spied a shed out behind the house and asked if there was anything left in it. They lady's replay was "no just some old rough looking boards" I asked to take a look and after sweeping a good bit of dust off the boards I discovered that they were all 4/4 x 8ft (or there abouts) Jatoba.

I asked what they wanted for the old boards and the lady running the sale (a relative perhaps) said that If I'd agree to take all of them she'd let me have them for $50.

440 bd ft of very nice Jatoba now sits in my garage. I had forgotten how dang heavy this stuff is as I haven't used it in quite awhile as It's not normally available here in any sort of quantity.

And if my memory serves me well, I'll need to be buying a couple new sets of planer blades for the 735.... which eats blades nearly as fast as it planes the lumber anyway.

Moisture meter put this lot at 9 so maybe a month or so in my semi air conditioned garage it'll get down around 8 where I'd prefer it.

Wife's been wanting a new kitchen and I think I just ran out of excuses.

Bob Aquino
08-02-2008, 6:55 PM
I dont see any Jatoba? Rule #1, no pix, didn't happen. I've never found jatoba to be that bad on blades, it is very dense but I dont think the silica content is near as high as teak.

Jack Camillo
08-02-2008, 7:03 PM
"Rule #1, no pix, didn't happen"
Yeah, I agree. hahahaha

glenn bradley
08-02-2008, 7:26 PM
A long lost uncle left me 1000 bf of zebra wood. Its setting right next to me as I type this . . . see? Right there. See?

Just doing my part for the pic police. Congrats on a great score. Sorry there's no more excuses for the kitchen ;-)

Kelly C. Hanna
08-02-2008, 7:33 PM
Wow, that is a super score! You paid a whopping 11 cents per BF!!! That is a great find...congrats...be sure and update when you build with it.

Brian Peters
08-03-2008, 12:53 AM
Awesome deal, post a photo so we can all envy your catch!

Al Willits
08-03-2008, 10:49 AM
I hate you.......:)

Congrats on a great score, pictures would be nice..:)


Dave Bureau
08-03-2008, 11:47 AM
That deserves a YOU SUCK:D

J.R. Rutter
08-03-2008, 4:41 PM
Good find!

The silica content can be all over the place depending on where the tree grew. I've had some boards where the surface was almost milky after planing, the mineral content was so high. Good plan to have extra blades!

Mike Wilkins
08-04-2008, 10:23 AM
Hey Steve. Your post reminded me of an estate sale I attended several years ago in another state. Nothing inside the house interested me at the time, but on the way out, I spotted a pile of old wide pine boards and some misc. pieces of molding. Asked the cashier what they wanted for it and was told a price of $50. As I reached into my pocket for the cash, she then added, 'by the way, there is a shed out back with some old boards in it. If you want them take them'.
After spotting these 'old boards' I nearly passed out. Approx. 500 board feet of black walnut, in sizes from 5/4 to 8/4. Could'nt get them loaded fast enough. After working the night shift, this was enough to blast my eyes open.
Keep your eyes and ears open guys. Something like this may be just around the corner.