View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
08-01-2008, 6:40 AM
Friday August 1st, 2008


Hot, humid and dry. That sums up our weather. We will hopefully get some rain today. If not looks like early next week before the next chance. Which means more dragging the hose around and watering to keep the grass alive.

I'm a little early today as I'm going on a dealer trade today to Red Wing, MN. The drive up Hwy 61 along the Mississippi is a nice ride. Last time I was up that way was early this year when the snow was still on the ground.

Not sure about the weekend yet. I'd like to get in some golf, but we'll have to see about that. I do have many things to do in the shop. Clean again comes to mind. Oh, Al!!!! I just can't figure out how it gets so messed up when I'm only out there such a short time?:confused:

So, as we hit the dog days of summer, what's on your agenda for the weekend?

Keep it enjoyable and above all SAFE.

Have a great weekend.


Mike Heidrick
08-01-2008, 6:53 AM
Started working 4/10s so I have Fridays off. Still up though.

Finished up a picnic table last Sunday and want to make a booster seat for it for my daughter who is 18 months old now.

Wife says make a new one for the dinner table as well - that one won't be treated wood.

Also have a job for a buddy who needs a unique threshhold because of a new floor he installed. Guess I will try that one on as well.

Heading over to Peoria to have lunch at Hofbrau Restaurant with some buddies from work who are either playing hooky or also have Fridays off.

For shop work I am thinking of changing out the back bench in favor of a miter station like Norm built ony with Bies tables and not homemmade tables and also designed to hold a Foreman. May measure out for that.

Lofty plans for me as I am a slacker. I guarantee lunch will get done.

Have a great morning.

Jim Becker
08-01-2008, 8:45 AM
I will be sitting and sleeping a lot coming off a week in Singapore. 'Might faddle around in the shop a little to continue the cleanup so I can get back on projects including getting the glass in the wet bar doors finally.

Matt Meiser
08-01-2008, 8:56 AM
Tonight I'm taking my daughter to the Monster Truck show at our county fair. We went last year as something to do since we had a power outage and she loved it. She's been talking about going this year all summer. We might catch the Budweiser, I mean InBev :rolleyes:, Clydesdales too. Tomorrow visiting with my brother who's coming up for a visit. Sunday evening I have to fly out for work so I'll have to prepare for my trip and mow the parts of the lawn that aren't brown. If I have any free time it will probably be spent starting to tear down another piece of old arn that I bought this past week to prepare it for repainting.

Matt Hutchinson
08-01-2008, 9:11 AM
I have a show that I have to prepare for, so I have a lot of bowl turning to do. Gotta go make shavings....


Al Willits
08-01-2008, 9:25 AM
Oh, Al!!!! I just can't figure out how it gets so messed up when I'm only out there such a short time?:confused:

Its the messy gremlins, I have a few here too, I put a tool where I won't forget it, and when I come back its gone..and there's sawdust all over. :)

Boring weekend here, with the major wood purchace coming up later this month I had a chance to work sat for OT I have the kitchen cabinets to finally start and maybe I see some Bubinga and Paduck in my future..:)

Going to be in the 90's so prob not much shop time, but maybe a bit of BBQing sunday


Tyler Howell
08-01-2008, 9:25 AM
Hey Karl,
A little hot and humid here in God's country too.
Fishermans' Picnic is here in town. Big doings... lots of people.
I'm going in for my fish burger and head back out of town.

Entertaining out of town guests, working on the shop, a little range shooting, have a date with one of the local ladies:D, I work my watch on the schooner Njordis (http://www.northhousefolkschool.com/classes/Sailing.htm)and more framing on the master suite.

Going to be busy

Have a safe weekend

Dewey Torres
08-01-2008, 9:46 AM
I will be continuing my landscape project. Maybe it will rain so I can get some shop time!

alex grams
08-01-2008, 10:42 AM
More progress work on the bathroom vanity. Have some wall touchups to do in the bathroom.

Got the carcass and face frame set up and most of the drawers framed/dovetailed. Will start finishing the face frame so I can put in on the carcass next week. Going to start working on lots of drawer faces and doors for the vanity. I need to get some progress done, it seems like it is taking forever to finish the vanity :(

Charles Wilson
08-01-2008, 10:14 PM
Painting -

I started by painting our entrance and hallway. My wife liked the color so much that she said that I could paint the rest of the downstairs as well (ceiling, walls, moulding, windows). Goody, Goody. :rolleyes:

Maybe some swimming and mow my MIL/FIL lawn as my FIL is on a fishing trip. Get to drive the tractor.


George Sanders
08-02-2008, 6:38 AM
I finished putting an engine in my truck. Between yesterday's heat and climbing all over and under it; today I feel like I've been beat up. I'm going to scrap the old engine and finish up the loose ends on the truck.
I think I'm just getting too old to turn wrenches. While I was working I was thinking of how much easier woodworking is (and more enjoyable) compared to this.
On the plus side by getting rid of quite a few things for my old truck I now have more room for woodworking machines. My Belsaw planer is now inside the garage and no longer on the patio under a tarp.

mark page
08-02-2008, 2:54 PM
Four wheel brake job on the Subaru, rotors, pads, etc. Was going to try to stretch to 200K miles on the originals, but since driving a company vehicle, mine sat for a month and pads froze to rusted rotors & ended that theory. 164K ain't bad for originals. Finished that job this morning in 105 heat index temps. Lawn needs mown, but will have to wait till cooler temps. EOM for both home and work, so have to pay bills, reconcile accounts, P&L statements to go over, etc, etc, etc. Definately no shop time, but in this heat, I don't even care at this point. Have to help a neighbor track down some kind of "yellow ring-tailed" hornets nest and erradicate it. I know they burrow in my flower beds as I've had them the last several years. Now I guess they moved over one house. They don't seem aggressive stinging wise, but aggressive as they will strafe you if you get near them. Don't know exactly what they are but about twice the size of the biggest wasp around here. Any gardening will have to wait till cooler temps. I'm surprised that my tomatos are doing good as it was a late season due to rain. Still all green, and have gazillions of green "pounders" right now.

Jerry Olexa
08-02-2008, 3:45 PM
Finished up the 14 panel doors for my SIL. Whew, Oak is more challenging to work with than walnut, cherry, etc. Acually clogged my DC a few times when the router table became full of oak shavings. So clean up the shop, rest and plan for next project...And maybe a beer or two.