View Full Version : IWF Official Rendezvous Site for "Creekers"

John Thompson
07-31-2008, 11:34 PM
It is now official.. Sawmill "Creekers" have an official Rendezvous Site at booth # 6429 as appoved by Keith Outten. A litlle behind the scenes events took place that has given us a place to "greet and meet". Keith had tried to arrange but family matters intervened which will prevent him from being at the event.

But.. I recieved a phone call from Scott Box (President of Steel City Toolworks) and he offered the Steel City Toolworks booth #6429 as a rendezvous site if we were interested. I got with Keith Outten and it has been approved. Keith will be calling Steel City tomorrow to see if he can offer an official banner. I can get a portable table to the site that will allow Creekers to register when on premise.

I do not work for Steel City... but be advised I have been ask by them to help set up their booth the week before the Show and demonstrate their machinery during the Show. So.. I will be in the booth the majority of time and can assist with the Sawmill Creek registration and help co-ordinate members meeting.

I would personally like to say "thank you: to Mr. Scott Box and his brother Jim (Tech Dept.) for their thought-ful offer for us to have a place to rally! And I personally look forward to meeting and greeting each and every Sawmill Creek member that attends the Show.

So... any questions feel free to ask but note.. I have to run my wife to some pre-surgery appointments Friday. She is having micro-disc surgery Monday so I will not be assessible that day and Tuesday morning.

Steel City Toolworks... booth # 6429.. Ask for Sarge as the Steel City Guys and Gals wouldn't have a clue who John Thompson is... :D

Regards and hope to see you at the Show...


Jack Camillo
08-01-2008, 8:16 AM
Way to go, Sarge. Hopefully this sort of thing can continue at future large ww venues. My plans to do Atlanta fell through this time... but it would be great to meet creekers at some point.

Jim Becker
08-01-2008, 8:33 AM
Good deal, John. Having worked a couple shows for a vendor as a favor to friends there myself, I can tell you that you'll really enjoy meeting so many people!

Dick Bringhurst
08-01-2008, 8:47 AM
Sarge, Thanks for stepping in and helping out. My best to you and your wife. My wife just went through that. Dick B.

John Thompson
08-01-2008, 10:35 AM
Thanks guys and gals.. I am looking forward to meeting eveyone that attends from the forum. I have worked one Atlana Show (the smaller one in the spring) and absolutely love demonstrating machines. I have done some field testing for Steel City with their black granite jointer fence in my shop before it came out. And.. their Band-saw in the early stages when Steel City entered the market which resulted in a few minor changes that you see on the saw on a show-room floor today.

And don't expect to find me shy... just bring a roll of duct-tape as once you start a conversation about Woodworking or Machines.. you'll need the tape to shut me up. The word "stranger" doesn't reside in my limited southern vocabulary. :)

Again.. my pleasure to assist you in any way on you're visit to the Show and the South. Ya'll drop by the "Sawmill Creek" Rendezvous site in Booth #6429 and I assure you the welcome mat will be out... and we'll leave the porch lights on for ya!


Sarge.. john thompson

Mike Heidrick
08-01-2008, 6:51 PM
Sarge I am on my way down Wednesday. Any dinners planed for get togethers?

Will they have all their SC tools their? Is there going to be a good demo of their Widebelt and oscillating edge sanders?

Lee Koepke
08-01-2008, 7:43 PM
I will try to get there a day or two early, but plan on at least half day friday and all day saturday.

Hope to meet up with some of ya'll:cool:

John Thompson
08-01-2008, 10:38 PM
There are no dinner plans at this point, Mike. This was sort of a last minute salvage of something everyone wanted to do. Since I will be in the Steel City booth where the Rendezvous point is.. I will serve in a dual function of attempting to make hook-ups of Creekers that are there on a given day so they can make whatever plans they wish to make based on their personal schedule and agenda which will vary. That fact can't be circum-navigated.

But.. in a phone conversation this morning with Keith Outtan.. he has learned there is a possibility that he make it down by Thursday or Friday if my memory serves me? But.. I had to run my wife around all day on appointments for pre-surgery and had to cut details short.

On the machines... I will know next week and post what will be in the Steel City booth if you wish. I would be almost sure the sanders will though. There will be power in the booth. But.. I don't know the official rules and regulations about dust control and ask about it. Again my working in the booth only evolved about a week ago and I do not know all details yet.

But.. from what I see from activity from Steel City's HQ in Murfreesboro... building displays there.. assembling machines in advance.. crating.. loading on transport.. inter-cepting on this end.. having spotters move it to the booth.. and final assembly... setting up for a Show of this magnitude and the enormous Building's it is held in..... it is a ton of work and co-ordination for a vendor with a large machine tool line.

I will try to update what I find out as I find out. My wife has surgery Monday and I am operating "on the fly". Normally that is contained in my shop but has spilled over with the Show and family matters so...



John Thompson
08-01-2008, 10:43 PM
See ya, Lee. We will be surrounded by machines so bring your hand DT saw and some wood. We'll show em a thing or two about how folks used to do it... and some still do. :D


Richard Spain
08-02-2008, 12:44 PM
I just registered and I am looking forward to meeting everyone. Thanks for your efforts.


John Thompson
08-02-2008, 8:42 PM
See ya Richard. Hold down the fort in P'tree City and watch out for those golf carts.. :)


Todd Hyman
08-04-2008, 1:46 PM

Hope everything went fine with your wife. I met you a couple months ago at your home as you gave me your old workbench top. I just registered as well and will hope to be there on Friday and Saturday.

Thanks again Todd

John Thompson
08-04-2008, 10:06 PM
Sorry I missed your post Todd. My wife had surgery at 5:30 AM and 15 hours latter after sitting in hospital chairs I just got home. She had some complications in recovery that required she stay... so I play the game again bright and early in an attempt to Bail her Out. :)

It will be my pleasure to see you sir along with all others.


John Eaton
08-05-2008, 9:59 AM
I live in Atlanta and will be attending - Sarge are you going to be there every day?

-- John

John Thompson
08-05-2008, 3:24 PM
I live in Atlanta and will be attending - Sarge are you going to be there every day?

-- John

I will be there 3 days next week before the Show getting the Steel City Booth ready for the following week. And yes.... every day of the Show including Tuesday which is Dealer Day and not open to the public. Well... barring fire.. flood.. tornado.. etc.. :)

See ya there...


James Jaragosky
08-14-2008, 8:03 PM
I'll be there looking at.. err.. hmm.. well... EVERYTHING....:D but my main focus will be to locate a Cnc router.
But it will be nice to meet any fellow SMC'ers

Walt Caza
08-14-2008, 8:50 PM
Hello Sarge,
I think this is a great idea, and hope it sets a trend for other major woodshows.
It would be terrific to meet some other friendly Creekers.

I made a good effort, but unfortunately I will be unable to fly down.
Sorry to miss your demos, I hope you have a good show.

I wish your wife a speedy and full recovery. I know you are doing all you
can to be there for her... and I'm sure it's good to have you on the team!
(I like how she keeps you busy and out of trouble with wood projects)

Since I cannot attend, any chance someone will post some Creeker meet and greet pics?
Remember, no pics....never happened!

Thanks for your efforts to make a rendezvous,
be well,

John Thompson
08-15-2008, 7:28 AM
I intend to take a digital camera in case none of the camera guru's are there Walt. Far from professional but with most of our ugly mugs that might be best anyway. Now of course a few ladies might attend to add some class to what otherwise could be mistaken for a reformed Biker Gang that has turned to wood as a salvation. :D

At the moment I am exhausted. Four of us put together about 18 machines yesterday with 5-6 to go. I have great respect for the guys I am working with as they can put about 3 together for my one being familar with them. There is a major amount of extremely hard work that takes place behind the scenes so you can show up and ooh and ahh... trust me. My back confirms that.

If I can just make it through today as this resembles WORK... big time WORK.... :eek:



Mike Heidrick
08-18-2008, 10:00 AM
John/Sarge, you or any other members out there want to do dinner Thursday with Brian Gumpper (Holbren) and I and a couple friends of ours? I will set it up if I can find a local accessable place.

John Thompson
08-18-2008, 10:11 AM
Barring any family issue (my wife just had surgery a week ago) count me in. I would love to meet you and Brian which I have had several phone conversations with in the past. The more the merrier as I see it.

I have been invited by the Mini-max and Felder booth and the schedule is tight.. but am pretty free after 6 PM daily during the Show as it stands at the moment.



Mike Heidrick
08-18-2008, 10:37 AM
Sounds good. I will hook up with you Wednesday at the SC booth.


Terry Bigelow
08-19-2008, 6:01 AM
I'll be there tomorrow morning and will make a point to stop in as well.
looking to be there first thing as I only have until about 2:00 to buy...er look.

John Eaton
08-19-2008, 6:49 AM
I should be free for dinner on Thursday - just let me know when and where.

-- John

Lee Koepke
08-19-2008, 8:50 PM
I am trying very hard to leave the office around noonish tomorrow. ( i aint too busy these days )

Not sure if I can make it every day, but at least tomorrow and saturday.

John Thompson
08-19-2008, 8:52 PM
Terry... I don't get in until around 9:30 AM as I start late to avoid traffic and travel surface streets until I get inside the perimeter. I may leave early tomorrow to attempt to get there by 8:30 or so. But drop back by if you miss me early.



John Thompson
08-19-2008, 8:54 PM
Mike probably caught your post John E.... but I will mention it to him if he doesn't confirm it on this thread..

Hope to see ya....


John Thompson
08-19-2008, 8:58 PM
Hope to see ya tomorrow Leo... but if not just drop by Saturday. Just do what is best for you as the Show is 4 days. I walked the floor twice today and I though I was going to have to call a "dust-off" (medical helicopter extraction) as that last trip wore the ole man out. :)

Hope all is well in Carrollton and see ya when I see ya...


Johnny Kleso
08-20-2008, 9:44 AM
I hope to see some of you all there :)

Johnny Kleso
08-21-2008, 7:27 PM
I walked by twice did not see any table or chairs or anyone.. Maybe next year :)

John Thompson
08-21-2008, 8:51 PM
I walked by twice did not see any table or chairs or anyone.. Maybe next year :)

Sorry Johnny... you should have just come in the booth and told someone you were from Sawmill Creek. They would have pointed me out. We had about 9 Creekers yesterday drop by and 3 new one's today with several from yesterday dropping back by.

Again.... sorry to have missed you...


Johnny Kleso
08-21-2008, 10:27 PM
I could not remember what the post said as I read it just before I left..

I was thinking of coming tomorrow and have my Sis drop me off as she works downtown but my legs and even my knee are hurts..

I'm on Federal Disability and I remember why quite well today :)

Robert Payne
08-22-2008, 8:37 AM
I was very pleased to rendez-vous with Sarge yesterday and sign the register he had -- the Steel City booth was great - some nice new "stone age" tools (granite tops) and the smoothest operating Biesemeyer clone tablesaw fence I'd ever seen. I was also intrigued by their new (to be introduced soon) Variable Speed drill press with 6'' of quill travel.

Overall, a great show, but next time I won't try to drive 3-1/2 hours each way and cram the show into one day -- I'm bushed today!

John Thompson
08-22-2008, 11:33 PM
Sorry you couldn't get back Johnny. I do understand about the walking with a handi-cap. I had a stent a few years ago and poor circulation in the legs. Assembly last week and standing 10 hours a day this week has worn the old man out. I'm pretty much a zombie by the time I leave each night.

One more day as we start tearing down tomorrow around 4 PM even though the Show ends at 6 PM. Will probably be an 8 AM till mid-night deal. I won't post any picture until Monday probably.



John Thompson
08-22-2008, 11:34 PM
Nice picture on the variable drill press, Robert. I will post a few amateur pics on Monday as I may be too tired to do in on Sunday. They wore the old man out, frankly. :)


Johnny Kleso
08-23-2008, 6:21 PM
Was Good meeting John there today (Sat.) as I was able to store up enough energy to give it one more go..

Was able to get a Free shirts and hats and other small stuff but best goodies where

Tenryu 7 1/4" ultra thin Citation blade
and a
Leuco mailing box for a free saw blade sharpening up to 14" at the plant here in Ga.

Leuco Saw http://www.leucotool.com/1255_ENG_HTML.htm
Tenryu Citation http://www.tenryu.com/power_tool_MR.htm

John Thompson
08-23-2008, 10:09 PM
I'm glad you got back by Johnny. We started tearing down around 4 PM behind the scenes and finished about 9 PM. I just got home and am going to catch a sandwich and go to bed. The ole man is throughly tired.

Hope to see you in the fall at a plane meetng at your place.



John Thompson
08-23-2008, 10:13 PM
Just wanted to say thanks to all Creekers that dropped by the booth. There were over 20 that signed and I suspect even more were at the show at some point and couldn't get by due to tight schedules.

Hope to bump into all you guys again as it was my pleasure to meet all you!

Again... thanks and wish eveyone a safe trip home...

Sarge.. john thompson

Richard Spain
08-23-2008, 10:45 PM
This was my first show and I could not believe the number of vendors. I spent three hours Friday afternoon walking the floor to scope it out for a return on Saturday (today). I figured I saw about half of the exhibits but it turns out I saw half of only one of three buildings! :D

I wish your wife well with her recovery and I will see you next time. :)


Johnny Kleso
08-24-2008, 1:03 AM
It was also my pleasure to meet you Richard sorry but I had to make it home my 4PM

I hope to see you at my Hand Plane Class this Fall..

Peter M. Spirito
08-24-2008, 6:07 PM
My brother Jim, and I were there also for Thursday and Friday. It was our first time. I loved watching that machinery running. Sooooo Coooool. :) :) I had been preoccupied with planning a fishing trip for the days before the show that I missed the posting of a meeting both. I should have known better and checked in.

Mike Heidrick
08-25-2008, 2:04 PM
Hope all of the members that went to dinner had a good time. Eating with Norm (actually next to Norm) was a good sign that at least the restaurant was a good choice! I think we were there from 6-10:30pm!

It was a great show and Sarge is one awesome dude for helping me get the crazy dust fitting shipped home.

No way to get a multirouter on the plane with me so the pneumatic clamps had to be good enough. JDS John is one awesome guy for selling those to me. I have decided to let Laguna shoip me the new mortiser anyways and also a set of SAE and a set of metric bits.

Freebies were sawstop and Grizzly hats, a sawstop bhrake embedded into one of their blades, the JDS multi-tool (mini leatherman), a ton of the Kreg #2 square drive long bits, teh Dewalt WW book with the Greene adirondak plans in it, and the best one - A free 690 Porter Cable router for doing the new product demo show - thanks to Peter for that heads up!! I noticed he went back the second day for a second tool!!!

Now, the wait for the mortiser begins.

Great seeing everybody!!!!

Congrats to a couple of you that I know walked out of there with new huge saws!!!

John Thompson
08-25-2008, 3:01 PM
With any luck I will try to get by the local UPS Store latter today Mike. I estimate the shipping to be around $6 K so just send a check and we'll call it even. :D Just kidding of course. I will let you know by PM as I do have to buy a box from them but I am going to take duct tape to tape it myself.

So... either today or tomorrow she will be rolling on the ground with Big Brown...

BTW.. how the heck did the air-craft get off the ground with what you were carrying on board? And... I'm surprised they didn't arrest you for a suspected terrorist. ha... ha.... ha..ha..ha..



Mike Heidrick
08-25-2008, 7:53 PM
You know, they did completely unpack my checked bag! Everything was "re-organized!". I bet they wondered what the heck that pneumatic clamping set was packed in the middle of my bag with my clothes. That and the sawblade with brake attached probably was under consideration.

Thanks again sarge. Money will go out tomorrow. Send me your addrerss!

John Thompson
08-25-2008, 9:37 PM
Checks fine.. details of track # in PM... Yep... if you had had any matches on you I could have delivered the Y pipe local at the Atlanta Federal Pen. Good news is Harold's Bar-be-que is next door. Bad news is you wouldn't be able to go next door to get any. :D

Good luck with whatever your building with that monster Y pipe.



John Eaton
08-26-2008, 7:09 AM
Hey Mike and all,

I also had a good time at dinner - sorry I couldn't hook up with that wrench - thank your buddy for picking up the tab on the apps - I don't remember if I did.

I thought the show was awesome - getting to see the Splinter and talk to the builder was cool - also talking to the founder of Oneway and all the product guys at Delta/PC. I also scored a couple of hats (Festool and Grizzly), some wood glue and a mess of pens. I ended up in two product demos - scored the mini PC belt sander and a Dewalt jobsite radio/charger.

-- John

Mike Heidrick
08-26-2008, 8:39 PM
John is the man - he got us the info for Gary and I's new PC 690 routers. Gary got the apps and I got the desserts. Well worth it for the company for sure!!

Sorry about the wreck Sniper got in on the way home (hurt his bandsaw and scraped up the Drill Press - not to mention his truck). Only bad news I have heard from the trip.

Great to meet Mike, Greg, and Brian as well. Greg is going to have one heck of a new set of machines very soon.

Sarge, the $$ is in the mail - look for it soon!! I will keep the BBQ here on the outside of teh bars thankyou. Megan needs a dad more than a pen pal!!

David Gilbert
08-27-2008, 6:26 PM
I'm coming down on Thursday morning and I'm looking forward to meeting all you guys.


David Gilbert

John Thompson
08-27-2008, 8:24 PM
I'm coming down on Thursday morning and I'm looking forward to meeting all you guys.


David Gilbert

Been getting a TS off the truck and busy.. but glad I caught your post. The Show is over David... as it ended last Saturday at 6 PM. But.. if you happen to around my neck of the burbs in Atlanta and drop by the shop. Feel free as the welcome mat stays out.... :)


Walt Caza
08-28-2008, 8:58 AM
Hi All,
Sounds like a great show was enjoyed by all.
Sarge seems to be quite the organizer, good host and demo man!

Anyone have any Creeker meet-and-greet pics to share with us?
I know I'd like to see some.....they always warm my heart a little!
take it easy,