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View Full Version : Black Tupelo HF Critique Requested

07-30-2008, 11:12 PM
This hollowed form is black tupelo obtained from Got Wood (on the web). It's 7 7/8" wide x 3 3/4" high with a 1 3/8" bottom. It has a 3 3/8" collar made of spanish cedar (the only thing I have available to make finials, etc.).

I'm not happy with the color of the collar, an orange leaning brown against the HF wood color that is yellowish with gray streaks. Probably should have stained it ebony and am not sure if doing so now would be worth the risk. The collar was glued in before it was turned to fit the HF so it's pretty tight. (BTW -my intention on finials, collars and inserts is to use wood with colors that complement the color of the HF and to not go exclusively with black)

I'm also not happy with the orientation of the wood. I hollowed out the wrong end and left the best side of the wood on the bottom.

I am happy with the choice of black tupelo; it's good looking wood, having the appearance of marble.

Bernie Weishapl
07-30-2008, 11:37 PM
Bill that is a great looking HF and collar doesn't look bad to me. Yep a lot of times you look at the wood and say why didn't I do this or that. Well done.

Neal Addy
07-30-2008, 11:39 PM
Very nice HF, Bill. I like the high shoulder and tapered foot.

I wonder if it's the size of the collar (rather than the color) that's putting you off? It does draw the eye away from the body of the piece.

Ted Jay
07-30-2008, 11:50 PM
I think it looks very nice. What finish do you have on it now?

Since you prefer the bottom more than the top, why not turn a display so you can invert it, and place it atop the "display" stand, at whatever height you prefer. The stand could be 4-5inches to a foot tall. It'll keep it from wobbling around.;)


Richard Madison
07-31-2008, 12:00 AM
Nice indeed, Bill. The shape almost begs you to pick it up and look at the underside, so the wood orientation is not really a problem.

If you look at it off and on for a week or two and still do not like the collar, you could always center it very carefully in a doughnut chuck and turn away said collar. I would be inclined to leave it as is, and press on with the next project.

Steve Schlumpf
07-31-2008, 12:10 AM
Nice work Bill! I like the steep sides to the form! Wood orientation looks fine to me. If it had been reversed you would have lost all that grain where the foot is located. Tend to agree with Neal on the size vs color issue with the collar. If the collar was totally black - would it add anything to the form?

I think you did some very nice work on this one and I am looking forward to seeing your next hollow form!

Jim Becker
07-31-2008, 6:10 AM
I really like the Tupelo...the "marbling" is as you say, wonderful. My issue would lie with the collar. I find it too tall and distracting. It draws the eye away from the rest of the form too much rather than complimenting it as it needs to. That's more important than the color, at least for me, although I do think that the particular shade of this collar is also discomforting for me. I might think differently if it was shorter and less "outstanding".

robert hainstock
07-31-2008, 11:51 AM
I guess I'm a not to critical, but I like itThe cedar color compliments the piece nicely. I would have Stained the col,ar with a complimenting cedar stain such as "Old Masters" cedar stain to darken but NOT blacken the wood of the collar. :):)

Wes Henson
07-31-2008, 4:54 PM
I think the bright color of the collar draws in your attention. Then you see the great shape and the interesting wood grain. The collar color may be just a little overpowering, but I think the piece would lose a lot of "pop" without it.
Overall - amazing

Jerry Gerard
07-31-2008, 5:34 PM
Everyone has a different opinion , no matter what anyone has to say in the end when the maker isn't happy how it turned out not much can change his or hers mind . I think it looks great , nice shape , beautiful wood and what looks like a wonderful finish. It has what I like to call Pop to it . The top ring draws me into the piece . Bill if you don't like it that much send it to me :D Nice job .


08-01-2008, 12:24 PM
Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate them and take them to heart. It's nice to have an "ah ha" moment when someone suggests something and you realize "ah ha that's exactly what's needed" as with the size of the collar. That's the best thing about this forum. It helps us get better at what we enjoy doing.