View Full Version : Hello all. New here Just want to introduce my self.

glen box
07-30-2008, 10:42 PM
I am a hobbist. I have been told that I should start some kind of business building cabnets and furniture. My reply to that is, if I made it my job then It would not be a relaxing hobby any more.

I have a 600 sq ft workshop im my back yard. That is why I bought the house. I have all the tools anyone would need and probaly even more I don't need. But Hey you never know when something will come in handy. Right? After reading several of the threads and looking a some of the projects in here I can tell that most of you are more advanced in skill than me. Also you guys seem willing to spend alot more money on your tools that I can. But hey I make do with what I have.

I was introduced to woodworking by my dad. He was a carpenter by trade. I started "helping" him in the garage, when I was 8 yrs old, at home when ever he had cabnets to make. At 12 I started going to work with him during the summers for 5$ a day. I guess that was cheaper than daycare.

Well I could say more but I don't want to bore ya'll. So hello all And I am looking forward to contributing where I can and learning even more.

Don Bullock
07-30-2008, 10:50 PM
Glen, welcome to Sawmill Creek. It sounds like you have a nice size shop. I'd be interested in seeing some pictures of it and some of your work.

glen box
07-30-2008, 10:57 PM
I plan to do that in the near future. Right now I am still trying to fiell my way around this site. Like how do you put a picture of your self with your post?

John Thompson
07-30-2008, 11:09 PM
Welcome Glen. When I was 12 I was making $.50 a day.. so things have changed. But basically the love of WW will not I have found.

Happy WW'ing...


Denny Rice
07-30-2008, 11:58 PM
Welcome to the Creek Glen.......There are a lot of good people here with a lot of good advice if you ever finding yourself needing it. I think SMC is the best woodworking forum on the web.:D

glen box
07-31-2008, 12:17 AM
This is the best forum site I have come accross. I have not seen one single smart a__ response to any posts so far. It is very refreshing.

gary Zimmel
07-31-2008, 12:41 AM
Another Welcome to the Creek Glen.

The amount of information you are going to find here is unreal...

Dewey Torres
07-31-2008, 12:49 AM
Alright Glen... welcome.
Post some pics of your shop!

Ken Fitzgerald
07-31-2008, 1:49 AM
Welcome to the Creek Glen! Wade right in the water's fine.

To post a picture you either start a new thread or click "post a reply" on a thread already started. Type in your words and then scroll down towards the bottom of the page to "Manage attachments". Select "Manage attachments" and another window will open. Browse to the photos on your computer and click on the photo and then click "Upload" on the window. Pay attention to the size limits in that window for different types of photo files. If you try to upload a file that is too large the upload will fail. You can upload upto 5 photos IIRC per post. Now close that window. DO NOT TRY TO PREVIEW THE PHOTOS after uploading. They will be lost. Scroll back up to your words. IF you would like, you can put those in line by selecting the paper clip near the top of the verbage window and selecting the photos. In either case, just select "Submit Reply". This will close the window you are typing in but your photos will be there. Now you can go back and select edit and enter more appropriate verbage between each photo.

I hope this makes sense!

Again....Welcome to the Creek.

Bruce Page
07-31-2008, 9:45 AM
Welcome to SMC Glen

Glenn Clabo
07-31-2008, 10:12 AM
Welcome Glen.
(Always seems weird when I type Glen vs Glenn...)

glen box
07-31-2008, 12:20 PM
Nice lab I have three my self two yellows and a black mix.:)

John Keeton
07-31-2008, 5:53 PM
Like how do you put a picture of your self with your post?
Ken, I think he is talking about his avatar. Glen, you first need to have stored on your computer the photo or graphic, etc. that you want to use for an avatar. Then go to User CP (User control panel), and under Settings and Options you can edit/add an avatar - in my case the deer sketch. You can upload the image to your profile and it will be on every post.

Was that the question/answer?

Steve Jenkins
07-31-2008, 8:42 PM
Welcome Glen.
what suburb are you in? pm or email me if you don't want to narrow it down that much on line.
If you are interested, the North Tx. Woodworkers Assoc. meets the third Tues of every month in Plano.
Again Welcome

Lee Koepke
07-31-2008, 8:49 PM
This is the best forum site I have come accross. I have not seen one single smart a__ response to any posts so far. It is very refreshing.
:D i behave myself here !!!

Welcome, this place is alot of fun, the stuff you pick up is amazing. Once and awhile I can contribute to something, but mostly being around others that have the love and appreciation of wood working ...

Charles Wilson
07-31-2008, 9:06 PM


Cary Falk
07-31-2008, 9:10 PM
Welcome to the Creek Glen!!! I would also like to see pictures of your work. Your are right. A hobby is not much fun when it becomes a job, but there is nothing wrong with doing side projects to fund tools.:D

Rod Sheridan
07-31-2008, 9:37 PM
Glen, welcome to the odd collection of members that make this such a great place. ( Or is that a collection of odd members)?

It sounds like you have a nice shop.

Regards, Rod.

Mike Heidrick
07-31-2008, 10:39 PM
Welcome Glen.

Danny Thompson
07-31-2008, 11:08 PM
Cheers, Glen.

glen box
08-01-2008, 12:35 AM
yes that was what am trying to figure out. Thanks But I also needed to know how to post picson a thread so his advice was also good

Thanks to you both.