View Full Version : Whiteside Vrs. Bosch

Dan Lautner
07-30-2008, 8:24 PM
I picked up a few Bosch bits over the weekend at the borg and was surprised. The rabbit bit and the straight bit seem to give as good a cut as my Whiteside bits. I'm thinking of buying a few more in the next couple weeks. Any opinion on longevity and quality of Bosch vrs Whiteside?

Thanks, Dan

glenn bradley
07-30-2008, 8:49 PM
I guess I see a Bosch http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=37597-353-85296MC&lpage=none for $32 or a Whiteside http://www.holbren.com/product.php?productid=266&cat=0&page=1 for $21, less than $2 shipping and a 10% discount for being an SMC member and wonder why. JMHO

P.s. I have picked up a Bosch at the Borg in a pinch and it did a very nice job ;-)

scott spencer
07-30-2008, 9:08 PM
I've never been motivated to spend the money for the Bosch bits for much the same reasons Glenn pointed out. Plus the Whiteside are American made, known high quality, and in many cases less expensive or at least competive with the price of the Bosch. I see little to no chance of the Bosch being "better" so unless I needed one right then, no reason to try them...

Here's how FWW rated them last year:


John Thompson
07-30-2008, 11:19 PM
Eagle.. white-side with a few CMT's for the basic same reason Glenn and Scott stated.


Cody Colston
07-30-2008, 11:34 PM
Bosch are good bits. I generally buy Whiteside but when I need one now, I buy Bosch because i can get them locally.

Chuck Tringo
07-31-2008, 10:17 AM
True, but Bosch bits from Amazon are routinely about half to 3/4 the price that Lowes sells them for, even better when they run a 15% off Bosch accessory sale, which they seem to do a few times a year. Also the packages of the 2 Bosch bits that I have say made in the USA, just FYI...

I guess I see a Bosch http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=37597-353-85296MC&lpage=none for $32 or a Whiteside http://www.holbren.com/product.php?productid=266&cat=0&page=1 for $21, less than $2 shipping and a 10% discount for being an SMC member and wonder why. JMHO

P.s. I have picked up a Bosch at the Borg in a pinch and it did a very nice job ;-)

Brian Gumpper
08-01-2008, 6:19 AM
Bosch bits are made at the old Vermont American facility IIRC.

Danny Thompson
08-01-2008, 11:05 AM
What's this about 10% off to SMC Members? How did you find out about that?

Chuck Tringo
08-01-2008, 5:59 PM
FYI Amazon is doing the 15% off Bosch router accessories right now; I got a 1/2, 3/8, and 1/4 inch Solid Carbide Spiral Bits this morning for $49 and change

Tom Veatch
08-01-2008, 10:50 PM
What's this about 10% off to SMC Members? How did you find out about that?

I found out about it pretty much the same way you apparently did, by stumbling across a reference to it in some thread. A search of SMC using the string "SMC10" returns the earliest reference to the discount code as being posted on "07-08-2006". As of a few weeks ago, when I placed my most recent order, it was still being honored.

glenn bradley
08-01-2008, 11:29 PM
True, but Bosch bits from Amazon are routinely about half to 3/4 the price that Lowes sells them for, even better when they run a 15% off Bosch accessory sale, which they seem to do a few times a year. Also the packages of the 2 Bosch bits that I have say made in the USA, just FYI...

Thanks Chuck, that's good info. I do tend to keep an eye out for good prices on bits and the Bosch I've used have held up well in my Colt.

Charles Wilson
08-02-2008, 9:40 AM

I assume that this is buying directly through Whiteside. Correct?


Tom Veatch
08-02-2008, 10:49 AM

From www.holbren.com (http://www.holbren.com)

Brian Ross
08-02-2008, 11:02 PM
I have made several purchases from Holbren and find his service excellent. Will ship USPS to us who reside north of the Border.
