View Full Version : Colorado Turnathon Went great!

Christopher Pine
04-26-2004, 1:06 AM
I suspect John Hammer who is largely resposible for our(Colorado Woodworkers Guild) turnathon will post some news about our event last saturday.
I had the best time! We had I think as many as 6 lathes running at one point. People would come up and talk with us.. we even had a few folks turn there first pen with our guidence. I was fortunate enough to be able to do this a couple of times. I even got to teach a 6 year old to turn his first pen. Was a hoot! HE was so little and I did not have any eye protection that would fit him :) So I held my face shield between him and the lathe and with the other hand some how guided the tool and his hands over theblank.. Did this for a short time and I finished turning it and he helped sand and finsh the pen. He was delighted and I must say he made my day as well! :D
Was great time and we are allready contemplating another turnathon somtime in near future.
Chris Pine


Christopher Pine
04-26-2004, 1:19 AM
Sorry Did my best to get the pictures in the post. Someone help please? How do you attach photos in your posts?
Anyway here is a link to yahoo photo album the pictures are there also...


Diane Darwesh
04-26-2004, 6:36 AM
Hello Chris,

Sound like you had a blast!! I tried to open the the links but I get this message

Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster.

John Hammer
04-27-2004, 11:37 AM
Chris did a good job of telling about our turn-a-thon. I'll just add that we turned 52 pens and had another 12 donated by a Rockler employee, Tim Harris. Will have a few more ready by time to ship. Was a really good time.

John Hammer
05-11-2004, 10:27 AM
We now have over 100 pens made and have found a guy that does laser engraving that will do all our pens for free.