View Full Version : Be careful with them chainsaws (Caution Graphic picture.) Update.

Alan Trout
07-23-2008, 11:18 PM
Took my buddy to the doctor today for the one week checkup. It looks pretty good. They did put him in a hard cast after this picture but looks like he will be good to go in about another 5 weeks.

To me It looks pretty good considering how bad it was.



Mark Rios
07-24-2008, 12:04 AM
Y I K E S ! ! !

Dennis Peacock
07-24-2008, 9:30 AM
That's the exact reason why I wear chaps and steel toed boots when running my saw. Maybe I'm a little overkill at times, but I do slip up and not wear my chaps when I'm just trimming a bowl blank. Godspeed to his healing and recovery.!!!!

Alan Trout
07-24-2008, 9:43 AM
He was wearing steel toe boots. Went right behind the toe.

Good Luck


Steve Schlumpf
07-24-2008, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the update Alan! Glad your friend is recovering!

Robert Wachala
07-24-2008, 1:21 PM
Ouch! Now that's going to leave a mark.

Paul Downes
07-24-2008, 8:06 PM
To reiterate, Steel toed boots can cause a false sense of security. The sawchain will often just slide back off the steel until it finds something it can cut. Further up the foot results in more damage. It is better to wear kevlar boots because the chain doesn't tend to slide as fast on that. (in theory) It is of course far better to learn good safety practices. I am always aware of where my feet are in relationship to the saw bar. Just today I probably changed position a few times because I was beginning to cut toward my foot. I was cutting up a big pile of log butts and you can't always position yourself idealy. It is good to always think about what you are doing rather than get in automatic mode. Also, I think this post is a great safety reminder. A picture says a thousand words and it's good to have visuals like this stuck in your head. I hope your friend heals well.