View Full Version : Got My New Jointer "at last" (Gloat with Photo's)

Graham Skinner
07-23-2008, 10:23 PM
Hi Guys.

You may remember that I posted a few questions about "6" jointers a few months ago, and I would like to thank you all for your comments and suggestions.

I went for a GI 80/100 ML "6" long-bed in the end, as it is the best option for me at the moment, "ie" the price was right, I got it at last years price so was very happy about that:), also it is just the right size for my very small workshop, and also there is an option to upgrade to a byrd cutterhead in the future.
Up to now I have put a couple of test pieces through it, and the results look very good, I am looking forward to giving it a good runout over the next few days.

Anyway thanks for looking, and hope that you enjoy the photo's.

Cheers...Graham Skinner...

Von Bickley
07-23-2008, 10:43 PM

Looks like a fine piece of equipment. The only thing I see wrong is that it's not in my shop.

Let us know how it works......