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View Full Version : Ta Daaah, "Nessie" is finally finished

Wolf Kiessling
04-25-2004, 4:33 PM
Like many stylized sculptures, this one ain't gonna be everyone's cup of tea but I'll post her anyhow. As I posted previously, the mounting is a piece of post oak branch that I carved to look like a piece of driftwood. Heck, as far as I'm concerned, that's a good half of the finished piece and, IMHO, could be a stand alone piece. It is stained with two coats of Woodburst colonial oak and finished with a double coat of quick dry Velvit Oil. Nessie, an aromatic cedar branch, has no finish on it whatsoever and I will probably eventually just give her a good coat of furniture wax.

Dick Parr
04-25-2004, 4:39 PM
Amazing Wolf! Another beautiful piece of work. :)

Jim Becker
04-25-2004, 4:47 PM
A most extraordinary carving, Wolf! Very nice.

Ken Garlock
04-25-2004, 6:26 PM
Wolf, you continue to amaze me. :)

Tony Falotico
04-25-2004, 10:03 PM
Wolf, you continue to amaze me. :)

That's exactly what I would have said. Wolf, your talent and creativity are truly extraordinary.


Dean Baumgartner
04-25-2004, 10:10 PM
Your carvings are just incredible. Wish I had half your talent.


Danny Jennings
04-25-2004, 10:37 PM
Beautiful and imaginative work Wolf.

Just noticed your avatar. Saw I lot of that gesture in Hawaii..they use to convey the message "hang loose", sort of a slang Hawaiian motto.

Jim Ketron
04-25-2004, 11:11 PM
Nice work Wolf!!
Do you use solid wood block to make them? Or do you use a limb and shape it into what you see in the piece?

Wolf Kiessling
04-26-2004, 9:34 AM
Beautiful and imaginative work Wolf.

Just noticed your avatar. Saw I lot of that gesture in Hawaii..they use to convey the message "hang loose", sort of a slang Hawaiian motto.

That's exactly where I got it from.......

Wolf Kiessling
04-26-2004, 9:43 AM
Nice work Wolf!!
Do you use solid wood block to make them? Or do you use a limb and shape it into what you see in the piece?

Jim, Normally I do use a solid block of wood when I do a carving. In this instance, however, "Nessie" was formed from an aromatic cedar branch (obviously mostly sapwood as you can see) that was given to me and the mounting was carved from a piece of post oak branch.

The cedar branch, in fact, determined the shape of "Nessie". For the mounting, I looked through several trees for a branch that would work and, luckily for me, what I needed I found on one that had gone down.

David Klug
04-26-2004, 11:42 PM
That is really wild and imaginative Wolf. I love it!!!!!!!


Bruce Shiverdecker
04-27-2004, 12:27 AM
Evenin' Wolf"

All I can say is DITTO, DITTO............................................. Ditto to ALL the above. That is definitely a piece of EYE CANDY!

Wolf Kiessling
04-27-2004, 9:30 AM
Thank you for all the kind words, folks. I'm really sort of surprised at the response, I didn't think that all that many people would like this kind of work. This is very, very gratifying.

Working on a 2 ft tall cowboy caricature now. A companion piece to that Ronnie Reed designed piece I did and posted a few months ago. This one is definitely my own design; I'm happy with the plans, have already band sawn the blank and am busily working on the rough carving now. SWMBO is having some medical problems that are kind of slowing me down and keeping me out of the shop but she is making rapid progress.

John Olson
04-27-2004, 10:40 AM
Wolf you mistical caracters are always good choices. You see things in the wood that others miss. You have the viking ability to take the branch that is right for the piece you want. Not try and make the piece into what you want. Keep creating you insiper the rest of us to do better in what we do.

Tony Falotico
04-27-2004, 7:53 PM
I didn't think that all that many people would like this kind of work.

Wolf, whether or not we personally "Like the Work" is immaterial (and please don't misunderstand, I say this with deep respect and admiration), Your talent and creativity is amazing, and that's what we like to see. Please Don't stop, keep the work and the pic's coming.