View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
04-23-2004, 9:30 PM
Here I am running late again. :( I've got to get my priorities straight and quit letting my day job take up so much of my energy. Oh wait, I can't buy tools if I don't have a day job!

Been a stormy week here in Okieland with more rain predicted tonight and tomorrow. I'm teaching a class in drawer making tomorrow, so let it rain. I think Sunday will be R and R, hopefully.

What's happening in your world this weekend?

BTW, when I am so negligible in my duties in posting this on Friday morning, anyone feel free to start the thread.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Jim Becker
04-23-2004, 10:30 PM
I am thinking I'm going to have to get the mower deck ready as it's pretty green out there in lawn-land. The corn gluten meal also needs to get applied as it's already beyond the start of weed season. Otherwise, it's the start of what will hopefully be a week of vacation filled with the "honey-do" list as well as some other things...like painting wainscott in the kitchen and a few stray moldings that need to be dealt with. There will be shop time, too. Oh, yea.;)

Pat Salter
04-23-2004, 11:20 PM
Well, hope to finish a couple of desks (finish as in, put on the last coats of finish :D ) for my oldest son and try to get started putting some shelves up for the youngest son. I'm kinda glad the middle son lives about 450 miles away or I'd have to do something for him too, :rolleyes: . Oh, and go pick up some free stones tomorrow morn first thing.
My lady love will be busy doing her kind of stuff and will be gone so I should have some fun.

Robert Ducharme
04-23-2004, 11:20 PM
road trip - stay tuned for the movie starring your favorite cinema stars :)

John Miliunas
04-23-2004, 11:54 PM
'Tis the season....For lawn mowing, that is! Should be exciting. :rolleyes: Never mowed here before, since we moved after the mowing season. Got the guy's rider (18hp Husqvarna) with a million attachments, but haven't used it yet.

Then it's on to start organizing the garage. Again, from the move, lots of stuff just got kinda' thrown where there was an empty spot, including stuff relegated to LOML's next garage sale. Not fun, but with a definite purpose: I'm hoping to make enough room to get stuff OUT of my shop finishing room, so that I can actually use it for what it was intended for! :D That'll give LOML more room to get in/out of her car, too, so it's a win/win situation.

In between all this, step-daughter and grandkids coming over Sat./Sun. and will need help stripping/refinishing a dining room set we're giving them. Fun. :( If I have any time at left, I'd like to move some of my bathroom remodel supplies *away* from the lathe and knock out a couple FP's.

Have a SUPER weekend, all! :cool:

Tyler Howell
04-24-2004, 1:11 AM
More Play time! I'm putting French cleats throughout the shop to give me a little more flex in my storage. A set of Phoenix shelves are going to rise up of a pile of ruins that fell to the floor a couple of weeks ago.
A lot of punch list items, I have a date with a great friend and a date with another great friend (my mom) Play safe.


Brian Hale
04-24-2004, 6:18 AM
The Scag gets new oil, plugs and fuel filters along with sharpening the blades. Then of course cutting the grass as it's getting tuff to find the dog in some parts of the yard. :eek:

A fellow creeker will arrive on Sunday to get some of this apple wood out of my yard.

The better half will figure up the materials list for the easy part of the deck so a run to HD is in the cards.

I should have most of Sunday to continue expanding the basement shop (10' x 30' to 20' x 42'). It amazing how much sawdust fills the corners.

Still have several Gb's of images to sort through from last weeks trip to Myrtle Beach so a couple hours of computer time is needed somewhere.

Brian :)

Rick Lasita
04-24-2004, 6:47 AM
My weekend started Friday with a day off and since it has rained here in west TN since Thursday, and hard, and has not let up yet, there will be no chasing the little white ball or mower riding this weekend, but I know I will pay the price when this 1 1/2 acres dries out....working on the Oak Tall Case clock St. Norm featured a while back, everything is done but the door, that will start today....been working on the new workbench design in my head, may get some time to sit and work on CAD and start figuring out the BF required, watch some baseball, and do a little cooking, clean the shop, and go back to work Monday to get some rest :D

Mike Evertsen
04-24-2004, 8:26 AM
finish setting up the new unisaw,,move the other tools around again,,(my brother says thats all I do),,getting ready to build a 10'x6' room on the back of the shop for the dust collector and air compressor,,,

Ken Fitzgerald
04-24-2004, 9:11 AM
I'm on standby this weekend for northern Idaho and eastern Washington. We'll see how that goes! Hope it goes better than the past weekend a half while my counter part was out of town! Some minor work at one hospital this weekend. :confused: Have a 48" door to install into my current shop. The first step of building my new shop begins on Monday. I am getting a visit from my first 'Creeker on Monday! :D :D :D :D :D

Mark Rios
04-24-2004, 9:15 AM
I've got a class to attend all day today (Saturday), ongoing training for Emergency Response Team Program, but right now and this evening I will be starting a cutting board for a neighbor in the fashion of the ones in the SMC tutorial. Really looking forward to the time in the shop, just me and the dogs.

Jeff Cybulski
04-24-2004, 6:53 PM
Bob - Sorry I missed all the storms this week. I was golfing in Phoenix :) Back home now and boy did the lawn grow. Mower deck maint. all day today ( new bearings, blades, and belt) - Hopefully it dry's out enough Sunday to mow.

Have a safe week all


Tyler Howell
04-24-2004, 8:11 PM
[QUOTE=Mark Rios]I've got a class to attend all day today (Saturday), ongoing training for Emergency Response Team Program, but right now and this evening I will be starting a cutting board for a neighbor in the fashion of the ones in the SMC tutorial. Really looking forward to the time in the shop, just me and the dogs
Mark, Good investment of time. Worked with a lot of ERTs. good people.
My dog doesn't like the shop. Too much noise keeps him awake.:rolleyes: