View Full Version : sawmill blade guides, blade tuning.

Keith Marben
07-16-2008, 4:03 PM
First off, Im a noob so take it easy on me.

I have a Hud-Son 52" that Ive been getting working. I recently fabbed up some new roller blade guides instead of trying to fix the old sandwich style carbide inserts which broke btw because the frames were made of 1/4"x1" L shaped cast aluminum pieces. total junk.

The old guides broke when I was trying to saw a 40" dia oak (maybe white, cant tell yet.) log in half. Needless to say I quartered one of the halfs today with the new guides and holy awesome cuts batman. laying a flat piece of steel across the old cut showed a wavy cut that varied more than half an inch. While the new cut showed less than 1/8th of an inch anywhere.

I will post some pics once my camera charges of old and new guides and old and new cuts. I need to email hud-son and complain about their junk guides anyway. Some of Hud-son's engineering is baffling to me.

Now to my question. Is there anything to keeping the blade in tune so they last longer, stay sharper, etc?

stuff that might not be obvious to me, since there is almost nil info available about sawmills on the web. and even fewer pictures to help explain things.

Quarter sawing huge logs is fun as hell.