View Full Version : Better than Norm

Rich Konopka
07-15-2008, 2:12 PM
I had the opportunity to attend a Festool Fest this past Sunday. I met the one man who has provided more woodworking advice to the world than Norm.

Festool Fest 2008 (http://www.woodshopdemos.com/)

I hope this keeps the Pic Police off my back.:p


Clifford Mescher
07-15-2008, 2:32 PM
I had the opportunity to attend a Festool Fest this past Sunday. I met the one man who has provided more woodworking advice to the world than Norm.

Festool Fest 2008 (http://www.woodshopdemos.com/)

I hope this keeps the Pic Police off my back.:p

Has he been on TV? Clifford

Robin Cruz
07-15-2008, 4:42 PM
I dont get it.

Rich Konopka
07-15-2008, 4:58 PM
I dont get it.

what don't you get? The man behind woodshopdemos.com or the pic police?

Clifford Mescher
07-15-2008, 5:09 PM
Television is an old medium, but it will reach more people then a web site.Clifford

Rich Konopka
07-15-2008, 5:33 PM
Television is an old medium, but it will reach more people then a web site.Clifford

Many PBS stations do not carry Norm and they are pimping all of the doo wap music specials. Overall PBS viewers are declining to channels like Discovery, HGTV, DIYNet etc.. I disagree with you that TV reaches more people than the internet. Just look at the rise of Google and compare it advertising revenue to what the networks make.

David DeCristoforo
07-15-2008, 6:01 PM
Not to "dis" Norm (whom, I know, is regarded as a master by many) but there have been (and still are) many who are much "better". Frank Klaus, Ian Kirby, the late Tage Frid just to name a few. Norm has been far more "visible" to be sure but he is not, by any means, the "best"

Robin Cruz
07-15-2008, 6:12 PM
what don't you get? The man behind woodshopdemos.com or the pic police?

the festool fest? more advise then norm? pic police on your back? picture of apple pie? never heard of wood shop demolition. Its all very confusing.

James Carmichael
07-15-2008, 6:43 PM
I must confess, I don't get it, either.

"Better" is a subjective term, but if you're referring to Amy Devers, she's certainly better-looking than Norm;)

Robin Cruz
07-15-2008, 7:01 PM
The original poster simply said that a guy on a web site gave more advice then Norm. I simply asked if he was on TV because I think a TV medium can reach more people, therfore give more advice. He did not state "better".Clifford. so whats that all have to do with the posted pictures of people eating pie?

Clifford Mescher
07-15-2008, 7:07 PM
so whats that all have to do with the posted pictures of people eating pie?

LOL Clifford

James Carmichael
07-15-2008, 7:22 PM
The original poster simply said that a guy on a web site gave more advice then Norm. I simply asked if he was on TV because I think a TV medium can reach more people, therfore give more advice. He did not state "better".Clifford.

Hmm, must we must be on different browsers, because the title of the original post displays in mine as "Better than Norm".

Bart Leetch
07-15-2008, 7:44 PM
Not to "dis" Norm (whom, I know, is regarded as a master by many) but there have been (and still are) many who are much "better". Frank Klaus, Ian Kirby, the late Tage Frid just to name a few. Norm has been far more "visible" to be sure but he is not, by any means, the "best"

But but but he's the best Norm we have......

Jack Camillo
07-15-2008, 7:56 PM
The others listed as the greats are not known until people actually get into woodworking. Norm, who has inspired probably millions who never touched a woodworking tool, is probably hands down 'da man' for doing just that. Don't think it's fair to compare him to the great artists - that's not Norm's bag. Not that I really care, of course, just passing on my opinion.

Rich Konopka
07-15-2008, 8:17 PM
I surrender !!! I made some assumptions and apparently some of the newer members do not know about the Picture Police. It is an old joke for some of the folks on SMC.

My posting was a simple Kudo to John Lucas and what he has done for Woodworking. IMHO, John Lucas's website is better than Norms advice. Check out his website and spend a few minutes and you will learn quite a bit.

The Festool Fest is an event where Festool owners or non owners get a chance to try some of the tools hands on, see a demo, and have a good time meeting someone with common interests.

Dan Lee
07-15-2008, 9:28 PM
Why does one need to be more/better then the other Norm is Norm, David Marks is David Marks, John Luca is John Lucas, Per is Per....... fill in the name.....etc.........
Appreciate each for what they offer

Jim Becker
07-15-2008, 9:40 PM
Glad you had a nice time. This reminds me of a similar event I had in my own shop a few years back with Bob Marino presiding...it was great fun! Kinda like a "Tupperware-style" Festool party! (Yea, there is a thread on SMC about that somewhere...)

SMC Member


And now a word from one of your friendly moderators...lighten up. There is absolutely NO reason to turn an anecdote about a fun event into a mess that we have to remove to preserve the peace. But we will if necessary.

SMC Moderator

Per Swenson
07-15-2008, 9:53 PM
Why does one need to be more/better then the other Norm is Norm, David Marks is David Marks, John Luca is John Lucas, Per is Per....... fill in the name.....etc.........
Appreciate each for what they offer

Thanks Dan.

But heck, don't stick me in that rarefied and esteemed company,

all I have is average finish carpentry skills, rudimentary writing composition,

and a list of clients who are broke.:D


Bart Leetch
07-15-2008, 9:57 PM
Glad you had a nice time. This reminds me of a similar event I had in my own shop a few years back with Bob Marino presiding...it was great fun! Kinda like a "Tupperware-style" Festool party! (Yea, there is a thread on SMC about that somewhere...)

SMC Member


And now a word from one of your friendly moderators...lighten up. There is absolutely NO reason to turn an anecdote about a fun event into a mess that we have to remove to preserve the peace. But we will if necessary.

SMC Moderator

Now watch the rough stuff Bub!!!!:p:eek::):Just funnin ya!!!

Bruce Page
07-15-2008, 10:07 PM
IMHO, John Lucas's website is better than Norms advice. Check out his website and spend a few minutes and you will learn quite a bit.

John Lucas has been a hero of mine for years.
I have spent many, many hours enjoying his skilled presentation, and have learned a lot from his website.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-15-2008, 10:39 PM
No disrespect intended to either John Lucas or Norm.........They both have educated a lot of beginning woodworkers.

John Lucas
07-16-2008, 12:14 AM
What a thread. First, I thank Rich for the post; second, I dont hold a candle to Norm, Tage, Frank, Dave and the others, with the exception being the router guys, maybe. But no webpage can compete with a tv program for numbers. I pay for Stats program and there is a danger that you start to bliieve them. I dont have to score big views or whatever. I know that there are some good readers out there, so I continue doing it, Having attractive shop assistants make the shooting more fun.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-16-2008, 12:30 AM
Some how John, I felt sure you'd say that!

Norm, John, David Marks......they aren't competing with each other. I'll bet they are all just trying to compete with themselves. If in each project they are able to improve their own skills and maybe communicate to the viewers, they'll improve the viewers skills too.

I have never understood why folks feel compelled to compare these and other woodworkers to the others. They are all excellent craftsman and teachers to those of us with lesser skills.

All of them have taught me many things. And yet, all of them will teach me more. I have a lot to learn. I respect each of them for their skills and abilities and their teaching capabilities.

I can see Norm several times a week on our 3 local PBS channels. I can visit John's site at my leisure. I only wish our cable television company would carry David Marks previous shows. I got to watch David for about 3 months and then locally HGTV quit carrying his shows. I had to get up at 0500 to watch them on Saturday mornings and it was a wonderful way to start a weekend.....a pot of coffee......David Marks......Norm......and John Lucas at my leisure.

I have so much to learn......and I can learn from any of those 3.

Ron Dunn
07-16-2008, 12:45 AM
John, are you telling us that the free tools don't have anything to do with it?

I enjoy your site, as I enjoy a few others. I just wish that internet tool reviewers were a bit more open about their relationships.

John Lucas
07-16-2008, 7:25 AM
John, are you telling us that the free tools don't have anything to do with it?

I enjoy your site, as I enjoy a few others. I just wish that internet tool reviewers were a bit more open about their relationships.

Ron, always a fair question. In the last few minutes I read a persons review of a new product and I thought it was "tainted." Not wrong but maybe overly enthusiastic.

Ron, here is my take. Most everything in my shop has come free from mfr. That is the job I set out to do - review, but review based on whether I would want it in my shop as a tool I had bought. Now, I like tools...and it is a hard thing for me to find a tool that I dont like. But there are many of these tools that I could like a lot better...mainly it comes down often to instuctions or lack of...and I always add that in the review. Out of a hundred or so reviews, I have had 3 or 4 where I did not post the review...cause I didnt like the product at all. Now, should have I have said that...maybe, but I wrote my charter way back to say I would review tools that I would want in my own shop. And that is what I do and I hope always fairly.

brett gallmeyer
07-16-2008, 8:25 AM
What website is everyone talking about? I'm allways on the lookout for more info on woodworking no matter what form it comes in. I've never had the opportunity to take a class or even work with other woodworkers. ''Except my grandfather 15 or so years ago'' and my dad when he comes and visits.'' So I'm prettymuch self taught. Thats why I love forums, websites, tv shows, magazines, and books.
Speaking of which... any good websites to check out? or books that I should own?

brett g.

Rich Konopka
07-16-2008, 8:58 AM
What website is everyone talking about? I'm allways on the lookout for more info on woodworking no matter what form it comes in. I've never had the opportunity to take a class or even work with other woodworkers. ''Except my grandfather 15 or so years ago'' and my dad when he comes and visits.'' So I'm prettymuch self taught. Thats why I love forums, websites, tv shows, magazines, and books.
Speaking of which... any good websites to check out? or books that I should own?

brett g.


In my original post click on the link and it will bring you to John's site. One trick to the site is that you have to find the main menu (http://www.woodshopdemos.com/menu2.htm). There is so much info on his website and in John's words:
Shamefully, this menu covers only the first 20% or so of the pages

John Lucas has been a hero of mine for years.
I have spent many, many hours enjoying his skilled presentation, and have learned a lot from his website.

Bruce, I could not agree more. With John living so close and being a Festool owner I could not resist the invitation to go an meet John.

Glad you had a nice time. This reminds me of a similar event I had in my own shop a few years back with Bob Marino presiding...it was great fun! Kinda like a "Tupperware-style" Festool party! (Yea, there is a thread on SMC about that somewhere...)

SMC Member


And now a word from one of your friendly moderators...lighten up. There is absolutely NO reason to turn an anecdote about a fun event into a mess that we have to remove to preserve the peace. But we will if necessary.

SMC Moderator

Thanks Jim,

It was certainly not my intention to start anything and to show disrespect. It was simply my way of paying tribute to John and his contributions to woodworking.

Robin Cruz
07-16-2008, 11:40 AM
ive never heard of jon lucas. ill add the link to the many many dozens of other woodworking links Ive saved. most have beginner generic tips, but occassionally one will catch my interest for the project of the moment. my cable box (Tivo) is great for recording Woodworks-David Marks, NYW-Norm Abrahms, This Old House, Ask This Old House, I found a Woodshop Magazine show on PBS as well now which is more tips and jig oriented. DIYnetwork.com has a large library of videos for projects that are good. Im thinking of building the torsion box next. I dont care for the new age shows like Cool Tools which are much to showbizzy for my tastes and the yuppie gimicky home improvement shows that dominate DIY.

Ron Dunn
07-16-2008, 7:26 PM
I have had 3 or 4 where I did not post the review...cause I didnt like the product at all.

John, I think this is the most valuable thing any reviewer could do ... to post negative reports about tools which are no good. This demonstrates real objectivity, rather than "advertorial" content.