View Full Version : Mobile Base Casters

Jack Clay
07-14-2008, 10:05 PM
Has anybody used Panther castes from Grizzly? I am building a mobile base for a 1000 pound band saw. I am wondering about the 4 inch wheel that will handle 550 pounds. I was also looking for information from someone that has built one before. What size wheels would you recommend and would you make them all swivel or only two? I would appreciate any information.

John Seiffer
07-14-2008, 10:29 PM
I would definitely go with all 4 swivel. It's so much easier to move around than with 2 straight. I use 2 with brakes and 2 without and never had a problem that way.

I've never used the Grizzly ones - I've used some from Hartville Tool - they are red - and liked them a lot.

Jack Clay
07-16-2008, 10:07 PM
Thank You for the help. I think I am going to try the 4 inch Panther casters.I like the point about all swivel casters that seems like it would make it easer to move.

Jack Clay
07-25-2008, 11:48 PM
I found pictures of bases but I could not find much on the leveling feet. I am not putting locks on the casters so I want to level and lock it in place with the levelers. I would appreciate any help.

Bryan Cowing
07-27-2008, 6:37 AM
I recently bought a Delta RC-51 planer, about 1200 pounds. I put it in the shop fox mobile frame that held my old 700 pound 20" asian planer, supposed to hold 1200 pounds. Hold it, it does, but I could hardly move it around with out back pain. I bought some 4" , 900 pound rated poly casters from Tractor Supply. With two swivel and two straight as I find all swivel , very hard to get a tool to go in a straight line. I bolted the casters to 4" wide oak runners I made up to fit the bottom of the Delta planer. Very easy to move now. I like this set up better then the shop fox frame, nothing sticking out pass the base of the planer to trip on. It does raise the planer 7" off the floor, but I like it high, much more comfortable to use.

Ted Baca
07-27-2008, 2:20 PM
I would recommend contacting someone who specializes in casters. I use a place in Denver, Affiliated Caster. They have been extremely helpfull in getting me the right caster for each job. They will ask you about weight, floor surface, overall height etc. It is amazing how many variations of caster wheel, bearing, brake, offset etc there are. It is worth the effort. They hvae my shop rolling with greatest of ease.