View Full Version : A Box To Be Re-born ?

Mark Valsi
07-11-2008, 11:31 PM
I made this chest for the Habitat for Humanity Charity auction here in Pasadena.

Spent a lot of time on it, and it sold for a nice price.

However, the Dooooofus who bought it, droppped it on the way out.

He was put in touch with me and I agreed to fix it for him with a caveat: it would be very expensive to fix, and he would write the check not to me, but to H for H !!

So he'll pay more to them !

Ron Dunn
07-12-2008, 12:14 AM
Did you leave out the bit where he played football with it after the drop?????

John Thompson
07-12-2008, 12:36 AM
Nice chest.. nice repair. As my wife would say.... "fix it... please". :)

BTW.. I've worked on houses with Habitat a few times... good cause IMO.


John Keeton
07-12-2008, 8:18 AM
Well, first of all, very nice work, beautiful wood and a great cause! But, the real question is - did you confiscate the sedge hammer he hit it with. Sure looks like he did more than "drop it."

Anyway, good recovery! Is that walnut, mahogany or what with the curly maple. Very nice contrast and neat design.

Ed Sallee
07-12-2008, 12:03 PM
Very nice.... Great job on the repair! Curly Maple makes nice boxes... love the accents.

Bill Wyko
07-12-2008, 11:05 PM
What on earth did he do to this exquisite piece of beauty? I can only pray it was an accident. as far as your work goes, that is georgous. One of the finest pieces I've seen in a while. Great job.

Cary Swoveland
07-14-2008, 1:20 AM
Very nice piece, Mark. I can see why you put a lot of time in it. The damage could have been worse. I'm reminded of a cellist who tripped over his Stradivarius while descending stairs from the stage. The Humpty-Dumpty ending was not pretty.
