View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
07-11-2008, 7:31 AM
Friday July 11th, 2008


Well, another week has come and gone. It's been a pretty good week. Up until yesterday afternoon the weather has been great. T-storms started late yesterday afternoon and have pretty much been continuous since. One is just ending now and another is not far away as I put this together. 2-1/4 inches so far in just about 12 hours. More coming tonight before this humidity breaks.

I've spent part of the week re-sawing cedar logs that were left over from my buddies home build 14 years ago. I'm getting about 5 one inch thick boards from each log, after taking the tongues and grooves off. It's turing out to be a lot more than I thought when I took the wood.

I'll probably continue re-sawing over the weekend so I can get those remaining logs out of the weather. Then I just have to figure out some projects for all this cedar.

So, what's on the table for this weekend in your neck of the woods? Some fun?:D Games?:D Work?:eek:

Whatever it might be, I hope you enjoy the time and remember to be SAFE.


George Sanders
07-11-2008, 8:18 AM
We have been getting rain on an all too frequent basis. I work for a farmer and it has been the worst spring as far as planting goes.
I have an electrician coming over Saturday to wire up my 220 in the garage. I will finally be able to use my Belsaw 9103. I will use it to mold some baseboard caps from white oak I purchased locally from a sawmill. I used a Parks 12" planer to take 1" rough lumber down to 3/4" x 5". I will cap it with a top piece about 2" high. I also have an old Craftsman 1 1/2 HP table saw motor that runs at 16 amps on 110 and 8 amps on 220, so I think 220 would be the way to go with it. I would like to get the Parks motor running on 220 also. It's a Leeson 2 HP and it doesn't balk at all running white oak through it. 220v will also allow me to play around with my welder. New stands for a couple machines that will have a smaller footprint and hopefully allow what else, but more machines.

Art Mulder
07-11-2008, 10:19 AM
Today I'm going to finish painting the inside of our MBR closets.
(Previous owner painted the MBR a tan/puce/coffee+creme colour which we loathed upon sight. The MBR itself has been painted twice since then, but we never bothered with the inside of the closets, as they're usually full of clothes so you don't see the colour. Lazy? What? Anyway, we hope to replace the MBR carpet soon, so now is the time to paint the inside of the closets while we don't care about drop cloths. I paint the inside of closets white, for maximum light reflection, regardless of room colour.)

Also going to take the kids to the matinee of Wall-E. :rolleyes: Okay I admit it, *I* want to see it.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to be cycling 100km/62mi or thereabouts as part of my training (see my sig) along with 2-3 other guys.

Sunday after church we're going to the Beach! Whoo-hoo, finally. It's been a wet spring and we haven't hit the beach yet. Tomorrow is a "beach day" for our church, so hopefully lots of folks will come out and we'll have a blast at the Pinery on Lake Huron.

And maybe, somewhere in there, I'll work some more on the drawers for my son's tall dresser.


Jim Becker
07-11-2008, 10:24 AM
Long weekend for me...taking today off, too. I have to start burning some vacation time and use it all before the end of September. No carryovers...

So...today is mowing for the first time in about three weeks, entertaining the 'rents who showed up on Wednesday on the way to the cabin they have rented for the next month in NE PA; watching Nastia's camp horse show and perhaps, shopping for bikes for the girls. Saturday is my last day of "Mr Mom" duty as Professor Dr. SWMBO will be flying back from Shanghai, arriving at oh-dark-thirty Sat night/Sun morning. I'll be hopefully finishing up the trim around the bay window in the great room this weekend and moving on to landscaping work since the retaining wall and new front walk is now complete. The mason finished yesterday and it looks...awesome. (I'll post pictures later) Nastia also has a play date on Saturday afternoon, so I'll have to be paying attention to Alesya during that time. (She had a rough week emotionally with mom away)

Ken Fitzgerald
07-11-2008, 10:29 AM
I'm on call for the week and my co-worker took today off. I've got to get through today by myself and though the weekend on Standby. The way things have gone this week on standby.....It could be a very long weekend. A lot of folks on vacation

I'm batching it again as the LOML and my MIL returned to Illinois.

My 6 weeks of enduring my own cooking will be over in another 11 days.:)

Woodworking? I might get my MILs Christmas ornament finished. I started it last weekend but came down with a fever which is currently under treatment of antibiotics.

Clean the shop and start putting things away in the recently finished cabinets.

Yardwork on Saturday in the 90s.

Art Mulder
07-11-2008, 1:07 PM
Long weekend for me...taking today off, too. I have to start burning some vacation time and use it all before the end of September. No carryovers...

... perhaps, shopping for bikes for the girls....

Poor Jim, you have to take time off during the summer. :D

My one bit of advice regarding bikes is to try and also visit a reputable bike store and talk to them there. The main reason is that I've heard too many stories about how the local borg-like shopping stores too often do not do a good job of putting together the bikes they sell. :(

My local bike store guy is great (I've been getting my bike serviced there for 10 years, so we've got a long standing relationship) and gave great advice on which bikes would grow/work best with a child. For instance, my 8yr old wants a new bike, and Brian my bike store guy showed me a bike (Kona) which is available in an "extra small" frame, but comes with adult size wheels, so it rolls better/faster. And it has a super long seat post, so it should last for more than one year of growth, which makes up for the slightly larger price you pay compared to something at Wal-Mart/Costco.


Ben Cadotte
07-11-2008, 1:11 PM
Last weekend at work before 3 weeks off for vacation. :D 19 to 26th will be at the lake. After that its free time in the shop. Have not had a chance to spend alot of time in the shop in a long long time. Just have to survive 3 more days of work, and fly home. :cool:

Dewey Torres
07-11-2008, 5:31 PM
Getting my shop in shape and my tools sharpened and tuned to start the morris chair project...

oh and I need lumber!


Shawn Honeychurch
07-11-2008, 6:07 PM
Staining a bunch of shiplap for the new back wall of my shop, and finishing up the new framing for it as well. Hmm, think I need a few more 2x4 as well.

I think it is also time for a new fence piece and a new table top for my old DeWalt RAS, the current pieces are pretty cut up.
