View Full Version : Can a Face Frame by Sexy? (w/pics)

David Eisan
07-10-2008, 10:55 PM
Hello everyone,

I have been working on two vanities for our house.

Here are two sheets of prefinished 3/4" maple ply cut into parts,


Assembling one of the vanity carcasses, I am using a scrap of MDF cut to width to ensure the middle part is aligned correctly,


Both carcasses assembled and some rough cherry waiting to be dressed,


My setup for running the beading on the face frame stock,


The faceframe material with bead(s). I also ran all the rail and stile material,


One of the face frames built and laying out for the second one,


My jig for notching out the bead on the face frame,


The bottom of the jig,


I ground off the bearing post from a 45º champher bit.

Random shot of me working,


David Eisan
07-10-2008, 10:55 PM
Kick notched,


I used my SCMS for the crossgrain cuts and raised my TS blade though for the "rip" cut. I finished off the straight cuts with a jig saw and cleaned up the circle with the OSS,


Here is the end panel for one of the vanities,


A shot of both face frames assembled,


When my wife was looking at the face frames, she looked at me kinda weird when I called the finished face frames "sexy". I throw it out to my peers to see if such a thing is possible.

NB: Make sure you have safe search turned on if you search for "sexy vanity"... DAMHIKT!

The drawer fronts and doors will be inset. I hope to make them this weekend.

Thanks for looking,


Every Neighbourhood has one, in Mine I'm Him

Tim Thomas
07-10-2008, 11:01 PM
I would say "yes". Those look great to me, and with cabinets the face frame is one of the few things that people can see when you are finished. So yeah, face frames can be sexy and these are sexy as h-e-double-hockey-sticks. Smoke 'em if you got 'em...

Douglas Brummett
07-10-2008, 11:06 PM
Dead sexy! Nice job

Mike Goetzke
07-10-2008, 11:40 PM
I really like the notched-beaded ff's. Any way you could take a close up and/or provied a few more details on how both vertical and horiz. members are trimmed?

Thanks for sharing,


Dewey Torres
07-11-2008, 12:42 AM
It will be sexy...er once you get the doors and finish on it!

Nice work!


Walt Caza
07-11-2008, 1:52 AM
Hi David,
Another great thread with plenty of pics from you.
Your vanities are looking good.
Your wife can rest assured.....those are definitely sexy!
I like that you used stop cuts as much as possible to keep the straight
parts good and straight, and pleasing to the eye.

Sweet details, be sure to keep us updated of progress.
Thanks for giving us a peek,
take care,

John Schreiber
07-11-2008, 2:11 AM
That's a great looking set of face frames, but if you guys think they are sexy, you need to get out of the shop more often.:D

Brian Penning
07-11-2008, 6:24 AM
That's a great looking set of face frames, but if you guys think they are sexy, you need to get out of the shop more often.:D

Whew!! Couldn't agree more! :rolleyes: Er...with both points.
Jeez! what is the world coming to when face frames are labelled as sexy....heavy sigh....shaking head...and by a fellow Canuck too!!

Doug Shepard
07-11-2008, 7:04 AM
... she looked at me kinda weird when I called the finished face frames "sexy".

Little Tip - Gals dont like it when their guys ogle the curves on somebody else while saying words like sexy:D. Other than the little marital faux pas, the face frames look very sweet.

Richard Wolf
07-11-2008, 7:45 AM
Sexy? Nice work though.


George Sanders
07-11-2008, 8:32 AM
If your wife thinks those beautiful, excellently joined face frames are sexy then more power to her. You have definitely scored a bunch of points with her so more power to you.

William Nimmo
07-11-2008, 8:33 AM
How long are you married? She told you they were sexy.
I would take it, that you did such a beautiful job, you earned yourself some points to be used later in the day. Go make sexy time, and then get back to your shop.

Mitchell Andrus
07-11-2008, 8:35 AM
That's a great looking set of face frames, but if you guys think they are sexy, you need to get out of the shop more often.:D


BUT.... Na, not.

William Nimmo
07-11-2008, 8:37 AM
Just re read your post and your wife looked at you weird when you called them sexy. Still think you might need some time away from the shop.
Nice job though.

alex grams
07-11-2008, 8:58 AM
How did you cut the angles and notches for the mitered corners of the face frames? Hand saw?

Very nice though (but I wouldn't venture to call them sexy)

Ben Cadotte
07-11-2008, 9:09 AM
I think you forgot to post the pic of your wife sitting on top of the new vanity :eek::D Maybe you had a different view of the cabinet you are not letting us have a peek at. :D

Good work on the cabinet. But I would have to shy away from "sexy" as a description. Not sure I have ever looked at any woodworking and thought "sexy". I have been totally "amazed", but never "sexy".

Richard M. Wolfe
07-11-2008, 9:14 AM
Very nice work. I like the beading detail and the cuts in the arches in the base.

mike holden
07-11-2008, 9:21 AM
"can a face frame be sexy?" --- Nah!
I'm a leg man - and those legs are short but sexy! (grinnnnn!)

Nice job all around.

Tony Cox
07-11-2008, 9:23 AM
I probably wouldn't have said sexy:D, but my wife says I would have said something just as weird.

I think those pieces look great. What is the size? Height, Width, Depth. I have a double sink in our master bath and have been looking for ideas to replace the vanity. I am thinking something similar to yours with another set of doors on the other side of the drawers. That would put the drawers in the middle. May work, I don't know. I will have to draw it out.

Again, great work.


Greg Cole
07-11-2008, 9:36 AM
Very nice start. Sexy doesn't come to mind, but they definately have a touch of class above n beyond a traditional FF.

How did you cut the angles and notches for the mitered corners of the face frames? Hand saw?
Looks as his custom 45* chamfer bit and jig was the ticket. If you search for how to on a jack miter you'll find a few ways to do it.
Or "cheat" and do it how Norm does it and add the beading after building & attaching the FF.


Jim Becker
07-11-2008, 10:29 AM
Outstanding, David. BTW, that bead design is essentially how our whole addition was trimmed out. It has both simplicity and elegance...nice choice!

Brian Penning
07-11-2008, 10:38 AM
Next thing ya know shops like this will be springing up everywhere...LOL


Jason Morgan
07-11-2008, 1:11 PM
The cabinet and face frames look awesome, but what is the plan for the doors and drawer fronts? I assume they will be inset, but will they be beaded also?

Steve Clardy
07-11-2008, 2:35 PM
Sexy? No

Good looking? Yes ;)

Why the center stile under the sink area David?

John Schreiber
07-11-2008, 7:17 PM
Next thing ya know shops like this will be springing up everywhere...LOL

It's real.
Victorian Secret Woodworking
(780) 496-7772
10954 97 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5H2M9

Quite a pic Brian. My first thought was that it was a nice job with Photoshop.

Will Blick
07-12-2008, 5:30 PM
David, very nice post, thank you for sharing all the pix. I think face frames are often overlooked as a location for embellishments. Your example shows how just adding a little embellishment can go a long way. Very nice project, you will be proud of this for many years to come.

David Eisan
07-15-2008, 9:51 PM
Hello again everyone,

Here is how it looks tonight,


I have all the door parts milled and I did a little dry fit. No point in sanding and colouring panels, gluing up doors, etc., if I made the doors the wrong sizes... (BTDT).

More about how the vertical and horizontal parts of the face frame fit.

I have the modified 45º champer bit in the router jig that slides back and fourth. I first lay the board that will be set "into" the other onto the board to be notched and with a marking knife, mark the dead width. The fence part of the jig that sits on either side of the board being "notched" is used to line up the cut with the knife mark. It is tedious, I will be trying another method when I start on the kitchen, but I will have to fork over $X00 for a custom cutter for my RAS.

Thanks for looking,


Every Neighbourhood has one, in Mine I'm Him