View Full Version : Did You Get A Woodworkers Guild DVD In The Mail?

Scott Vigder
07-10-2008, 12:15 PM
I recieved an unsolicited DVD from the Woodworkers Guild asking me to either pay for it (and subscribe to future DVD's) or return it in their prepaid envelope.

I emailed them back stating I would do neither. I find it offensive that they required action on my part. If I get 200 of theses solicitations, am I to spend my time returning DVD's? Is my time that worthless to them? :mad:

I am not familiar with this group, and have had no prior contact with them to my knowledge.

I am curiuos to find out if other Creekers have recieved this solicitation, and if so I would be interested to hear your opinion on their marketing strategy.

jason lambert
07-10-2008, 12:17 PM
I aggree that is crazy, just say you didn't get it.

Dave Stuve
07-10-2008, 12:50 PM
You're not obligated to do anything - you made no order and offered no money, so there's no contract. It's sleazy marketing hoping you'll feel some sense of guilt for enjoying their gift or hanging onto it for too long before returning it and will pay for it. And often paying for it signs you up for a steady stream of 'previews' since you've then entered into an agreement with them.

If you like it keep it, if not give it away or toss it. They may send you another letter asking you to pay for it or return it, but they'll quickly give up since they have no legal standing and are expecting to eat the cost of quite a few unreturned items.


PS. I do return things that are sent by accident - but this is a shady marketing campaign, not any accident.

Craig D Peltier
07-10-2008, 1:46 PM
I got it. I was ripped. Even if there was an obligation for not sending it I wouldnt have. Thats just wrong we have enough marketing thrown at us.

How about all those solicitations for credit some of us get. I have read in the past since there prepaid returns that people just put there junk mail in them and send them back.Kind of a good idea if it makes you feel better or you get a laugh I guess.

David Eppler
07-10-2008, 2:40 PM
I got one too. As far as I know they can not require anyone to purchase these DVDs that did not ask for them. I plan to return the DVD since they will then have to pay the return postage. It would certainly be cheaper for them if we throw them away (as I imagine they are expecting most to do).

Scott Vigder
07-10-2008, 3:52 PM
I plan to return the DVD since they will then have to pay the return postage.

Hey, that gives me a great idea! The next time I'm visiting my local post office I'll pick up a couple of those annoying AOL CD's and stick them in the return envelope. :D

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2008, 4:51 PM
"...I'll pick up a couple of those annoying AOL CD's and stick them in the return envelope..."

Great idea. And while you're at it, toss in some of this:

John Keeton
07-10-2008, 7:00 PM
I have read in the past since there prepaid returns that people just put there junk mail in them and send them back.Kind of a good idea if it makes you feel better or you get a laugh I guess.
Craig, I have been doing this for years. Capital One used to send me an offer a week, counting the ones for my wife, our former business, etc. I probably extended the life of our local landfill by years by sending all my junk back to them. They finally quit sending the offers, but I am sure for some other reason.....But, it was fun! It is amazing how much stuff you can get in one of those envelopes. You can opt out of those offers http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/alerts/alt063.shtm

There is a very well thought out marketing strategy behind this with statistics to prove its effectiveness. They really don't care if you get riled, as long as a certain, predictable percentage of receipients end up participating. It's all in the numbers!

As to the obligation to return it, the answer is here http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/products/pro15.shtm

Brian Backner
07-11-2008, 6:48 AM
If you decide to return the DVD -at their expense, of course - make sure you duct tape it to a lead brick. :)

Seriously, I would suggest that you keep it and if they send you a letter demanding payment file a complaint with the Postal Inspectors' Service. They consider stuff like this to be mail fraud. You will not believe how nasty the Postal Inspectors can be!


Billy Chambless
07-11-2008, 9:06 AM
How about all those solicitations for credit some of us get. I have read in the past since there prepaid returns that people just put there junk mail in them and send them back.Kind of a good idea if it makes you feel better or you get a laugh I guess.

I pretty much figure that's what those are for. The only thing worse than the sleazy credit companies is the political solicitations. A few years ago, I got junk mail with prepaid returns from the NRA and the ACLU at about the same time, so I sent each organization the other's propaganda. ;)

John Thompson
07-11-2008, 11:47 AM
They anticapate you might toss it before they send it.. some will send it back.. some might even pay for it and that's what they hope for as they are aware that only a small % will do that.

Just put it aside for a few months and if they call asking (that is highly unlikely as they expect many to toss as first stated).. tell them to come get it or send a courrier to you house to get it and take it to the Post Office. After they hang up.. you will never be annoyed by them again.

Better yet.. just toss it along with all the other marketing garbage that shows up daily and move on to something more serious. :)


Peter Gregory
07-11-2008, 12:19 PM
I pitched the one they sent, they went on and sent me 4 letters about it! They are on the "no business" list now.

Bob Wingard
07-11-2008, 3:45 PM
"...I'll pick up a couple of those annoying AOL CD's and stick them in the return envelope..."

Great idea. And while you're at it, toss in some of this:

I do believe that this prank might very well get you a personal visit from the postal inspectors .. VERY MUCH an illegal act !! Not at all recommended .. I can't believe you'd actually propose such an act.