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View Full Version : Should someone stop me?

Toney Robertson
07-07-2008, 10:48 PM
This should be interesting. It will be the largest I have done by several inches and pounds. The piece has three knots in it and two holes.

Not probably the smartest piece of wood to make my first big piece.

Oh well, no one has ever accused me of being smart. :eek:



Jon Lanier
07-07-2008, 11:07 PM
Go For it! Can't wait to see what you see in that wood. :cool:

Steve Schlumpf
07-07-2008, 11:30 PM
Looking forward to seeing the finished product! Should make one heck of a candy dish!!! Have fun with it!

Bill Bolen
07-07-2008, 11:37 PM
That thing must be 20"! Can't wait to see what you and the wood decide to do! Good luck..Bill..

Ken Fitzgerald
07-08-2008, 12:27 AM
Uh....Toney.....posting that photo in the turners forum and asking for someone to stop you is like running into a heroin den with needle in your hand and asking someone to stop you!:eek:

Have fun guy! Can't wait to see the outcome!

Nathan Hawkes
07-08-2008, 5:59 AM
Uh....Toney.....posting that photo in the turners forum and asking for someone to stop you is like running into a heroin den with needle in your hand and asking someone to stop you!:eek:

Have fun guy! Can't wait to see the outcome!


I think this is about the best summation I've seen of the addictive nature of woodturning!!

Toney Robertson
07-08-2008, 6:34 AM
Uh....Toney.....posting that photo in the turners forum and asking for someone to stop you is like running into a heroin den with needle in your hand and asking someone to stop you!:eek:

Have fun guy! Can't wait to see the outcome!

In my best Larry the cable guy voice - Now that is funny, I don't care who you are.


John Abt
07-08-2008, 7:26 AM
Yes STOP NOW! Send it to me so you won't be tempted!!!!! :D

Jim Maxwell
07-08-2008, 7:42 AM
Go for it Toney, if I can turn 1500mm diameter x 125mm thick, that one should be a piece of cake. :)

Andy Hoyt
07-08-2008, 8:08 AM

Then buy another gouge.

Then proceed.

Barry Elder
07-08-2008, 9:15 AM
Safety Glasses, Face Shield, Steel-toed Shoes, and Attitude (Fun!)

Bernie Weishapl
07-08-2008, 9:34 AM
Wear your face shield and go for it. Looks interesting.

Jim Becker
07-08-2008, 10:41 AM
Please also make sure your lathe is securely held down to use it in this orientation. With the headstock rotated, you can indeed turn larger diameter things, but the closer to platters you are, the safer it will be. The mass of the turning in "that direction" WILL affect the balance of your whole setup and safety should be your first concern. Take light cuts, too. That said, enjoy! 'Looking forward to seeing the results.

Russ Sears
07-08-2008, 10:48 AM
Wait a minute...I need to back up a bit before you start turning that thing.

robert hainstock
07-08-2008, 11:08 AM
Gee Toney, if that ting were to get loose it could roll all the way up here to the UP. Have fun, lots of pictures.:):)

Toney Robertson
07-08-2008, 1:22 PM
I just thought of something this morning. How am I going to turn off the tenon?

I can't use a jab chuck since it will not fit over the ways. Is a dough nut chuck or doing it by hand my only alternatives?

Has anyone used a recessed tenon? I am a recess guy but I think on this sized piece I would feel better about a tenon.

Guess maybe I should of thought of this earlier! :D


Jim Underwood
07-08-2008, 5:12 PM
I'm not sure I'd worry too much about the holes and knots. The piece of wood looks pretty solid overall. If you've got some cracks, then I might be more anxious about it. Definitely wear your protective gear and don't stand in the line of fire.

What kind of piece do you have in mind for this?

You could glue a waste block on this for your tenon if you are worried about wasting the blank. You could even use a glue tenon if you want to make sure it's secure.

Jerry Rhoads
07-08-2008, 9:56 PM
Go for it Toney
I would use a waste block
If you are going to get hooked on doing ones this big, send me all those tools in the back that you no longer have use for.
