View Full Version : Picture Posting Question

Richard Madison
07-05-2008, 7:56 PM
Just tried to re-post a picture from earlier in a thread to show it along side a new picture. I even changed the file name of the original picture, but the forum would not re-post it. Is there a way to circumvent this irritating software behavior? What am I missing?

After receiving some helpful comments from folks and making changes or improvements, it would be nice to show before and after, side by side, in a single post.

Steve Clardy
07-05-2008, 8:13 PM
Richard. I usually change to size of the picture and it will post.

Yep. A pain

Richard Madison
07-05-2008, 11:47 PM
Thanks Steve! I just cropped it a little bit more and it posted. Appreciate the help.