View Full Version : How many pulls?

Rob Blaustein
07-04-2008, 10:02 PM
How many pulls would you put on the drawer in the cab that's on the right in each photo? The cabinet on the left is part of a set of cabinets that friends gave us from their old kitchen (they're only 4 yrs old) and we're recycling them in ours. We had to buy the one of the right and now need to add the matching hardware (the color match is better than it looks in the pic). The cab on the left is 27" wide, the one on the right is 24" wide, if that helps at all.



Brian Kent
07-04-2008, 10:25 PM
I vote for two.

Jack Porter
07-04-2008, 10:27 PM
2 for sure

Paul Girouard
07-04-2008, 10:32 PM
Two , as the precedent was set by the existing cabinet.

Steve Clardy
07-04-2008, 10:36 PM
Two , as the precedent was set by the existing cabinet.


Rob Blaustein
07-04-2008, 11:10 PM
Thanks, that's what we thought. But now I need some advice on those lower doors, cause I just made a careless mistake. No, I didn't drill one of the holes for the knob in the wrong place, but I came close. On one of the doors I measured off the wrong edge--the one with the hinges--and made a nice indentation to help my drill bit get started. When I went to drill it stuck me as odd that I would be drilling into the hinge, and then I realized what I had done.

Would steaming be worth a try? I've never done it, but read about it. The doors rails/stiles are solid wood, painted.

Rob Blaustein
07-04-2008, 11:14 PM
Oh, one more question for future reference. Whoever put on the original hardware aligned those semicircular drawer pulls so that they are a bit more lateral than the centers of each door. Is that typical? If I were building them, or installing the hardware myself starting from scratch, my inclination would be to line them up with the middle of the doors.

Paul Girouard
07-04-2008, 11:59 PM
Would steaming be worth a try?

I've never done it, but read about it. The doors rails/stiles are solid wood, painted.

I would not try it on a paint piece it will force water into the wood , IF it can get past the paint IN the dent you made , and that will more than likely screw up the painted finish.

One time filler and touch paint . Maybe Bondo if the dent is larger than you let on it was.

Paul Girouard
07-05-2008, 12:08 AM
#1: Whoever put on the original hardware aligned those semicircular drawer pulls

#2: so that they are a bit more lateral than the centers of each door. Is that typical? If I were building them, or installing the hardware myself starting from scratch, my inclination would be to line them up with the middle of the doors.

Commonly called "bail pulls" the Rockler catalog calls them "cup pulls " a term I've never heard used for those.

#2: Yes I'd say so , those pulls are about 3" to 6" in from the drawers end is common , a "shoulders width" apart. Making them more ergonomic so to say.

One thing about pulls and knobs , there pretty much is " No wrong way" IF the owner is happy.

Some like it one way, some another , so what ever floats thier collective boats eh!

But IMO those your showing are about right , and "generally" with two pulls like that once you choose a "set back" (IE 3" , 4 " or what ever ) from the drawer ends you stick with it regardless of the door width below, if that make sense to you.

glenn bradley
07-05-2008, 1:44 AM
Two would be my choice.

Jason Roehl
07-05-2008, 9:21 AM
Just to throw a wrench in the works, I vote one. It goes against my sense of balance and all, but I think it looks better, based on the pics you posted. You could always switch the existing drawer to one pull as well.

Clifford Mescher
07-05-2008, 9:28 AM
Just to throw a wrench in the works, I vote one. It goes against my sense of balance and all, but I think it looks better, based on the pics you posted. You could always switch the existing drawer to one pull as well.
I like the look of just one pull. Clifford

Frank Drew
07-05-2008, 10:27 AM
I look the like of one pull, too; the look seems to step out more evenly than cramming two pulls onto the shorter drawer front. One pull is certainly more convenient in use.

And don't forget, all great art is asymmetric :D.

Steven Wilson
07-05-2008, 12:02 PM
Two pulls - symetry is a good thing.

Rick Gibson
07-05-2008, 5:17 PM
I like the looks of the one pull better but the three pulls will not be the same distance apart so I have to go with 2. If you could move the 2 existing ones so they would all be the same distance apart without showing the holes I would go with 1.

Jeff Miller
07-05-2008, 9:10 PM
I was going to say two till I saw the pictures and now I vote one.

I think the Fox in the picture will probably make the final decision,if it's anything like my house:D


Rob Blaustein
07-05-2008, 11:11 PM
Well, I did two. I probably would have done one each, as some suggested, but thought it looked better to use two given the two on the other one. It looks fine, but goofball that I am, I didn't take a pic and won't be back there for another two weeks. I just had so many little things to finish up there before our renters arrived. Yes, I could have changed the one with two to only one, but that would leave 4 holes to fill and I find that's a pain to do that well. Thank you all for weighing in. --Rob