View Full Version : the little bowl that wouldn't

Ron Journeau
07-04-2008, 3:56 PM
...co-operate with me. Rim has more waves the the Bay of Fundy, tearout controlled by vast quantities of 80 grit, and couldn't get a nice shine out of it. Of course, I realize that the wood is perfectly normal, and it is user error that is to blame, but I feel better now. 5'' diameter by 2'' high, spalted maple with BLO buffed and a coat of Renaissance wax hand rubbed, to no avail. BUT I STILL HAD FUN ANYWAY. Comments and critiques welcome. OH, by the way, I am also not a photographer, but at least the film is cheaper these days




any special reason that the pics won't enlarge?


Wayne Bower
07-04-2008, 4:10 PM
We have all been there. Looks like a nice save to me.

Steve Schlumpf
07-04-2008, 4:14 PM
Very nice bowl Ron! I've had spalted birch do the same thing to me - no matter what I did I couldn't get a clean cut. Figure it was do to various sections of the bowl being really punky and other parts being sound wood - just kept me bouncing all over the place! This is still a nice looking bowl even though it gave you such fits! As long as you had fun - what more could you ask for?

Paul Engle
07-04-2008, 4:27 PM
Nice bowl Ron, as for the pics they enlarged for me ( using window 98 on 10 yr old puter ) so I don't know why. Yea some of these bowls just give us all fits and starts and you are correct , as your technigue gets better there won't be so many fits ;):D

Bernie Weishapl
07-04-2008, 6:44 PM
Ron that is some beautiful wood and you did a great job saving that bowl it looks like to me. Look for a post of mine on a basswood bowl. I busted the tenon of 3 times, it had punky wood and tear out was pretty good. But with a bit of patiences you can do it. We've all been there.

Alan Huey
07-05-2008, 1:57 AM
That is nice. Sometimes punky wood does that to you. Looks like you had a good save though. Actually the rustic look has a very nice appeal.

robert hainstock
07-05-2008, 10:01 AM
Your story, my story, our story. If we haven't had it happen yet, we most likely will. I agree with the others, nice save. :eek::):)

Richard Madison
07-05-2008, 7:43 PM
I think your pictures look good. Might want to crop not quite so close. Leave a little more white space around the subject to "frame" it.

And the bowl is very pretty, with or without waves. Wood with large variations in hardness is always a challenge. Sometimes even difficult to sand a surface level.