View Full Version : Myrtlewood platter

lynn smith
07-04-2008, 3:03 PM
Myrtlewood burl from southern oregon coast
8" X 1 1/2"
Wipe on gloss poly
Really fun to turn
Interesting odors from myrtlewood
What do you think about the edge with some natural and some dimensional?

Thanks for the critic

Steve Schlumpf
07-04-2008, 3:18 PM
Beautiful wood Lynn! There is so much going on in that wood that you don't have time to notice that part of the rim is missing! I like it cause it's different! Nice work!

Curt Fuller
07-04-2008, 3:47 PM
That's some pretty spectaular wood and you've done a nice job with it. The natural edge goes well with all that's going on in the rest of the wood.

Bernie Weishapl
07-04-2008, 6:38 PM
That is a some beautiful wood and you did a great job with it. Nice work.

Nathan Hawkes
07-04-2008, 7:25 PM
I really like the combined natural/turned edge. Also, looks like you're getting a GREAT finish to your bowls. Wish I had some of that myrtlewood burl over here! Really unique looking wood. I've never seen anything like it. Does the green color stay as the wood ages?

lynn smith
07-05-2008, 2:28 AM
You all are very generous, thanks.
Nate, I don't know what the color will do, this is my first encounter with myrtlewood. I hope to do more. I really enjoyed the wood it was very friendly to work with, I don't know yet if that is a common thing, I hope to find out.
From what I have seen myrtlewood comes in a wide variety of colors, grains and figuring. I'm looking forward to turning additional pieces.

Phillip Bogle
07-05-2008, 2:43 AM
I live a few miles north of you. I just started turning and have made a couple of Myrtle wood pieces, but my grandfather worked Myrtle and Pacific Yew for several years the wood just gets richer, not dull or darker. Deeper more luminescence and glowing.

For those that do not know Myrtle only grows on the Oregon Coast and Israel. Nice hard wood that takes a satin feel finish with just grit then wax.

Good job and that is a beautiful piece of wood.

robert hainstock
07-05-2008, 9:54 AM
you have done justice to a truly unique piece of wood. :D:D:D

lynn smith
07-05-2008, 11:11 AM
Another coastie, nice to meet you Phillip.

curtis rosche
07-05-2008, 2:40 PM
amazing peice, it almost looks like a totaly blued peice of buckeye

Clara Koss
07-05-2008, 8:54 PM
just really very different and pretty.... photos make it look like mother of pearl...enjoy...