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View Full Version : Rain, rain, go away!!!

Jason White
07-04-2008, 11:17 AM
Has rained just about every #%&$-ing day here in metrowest Boston for the past couple of weeks. I'm outside trying to blow insulation into my exterior walls, but it's more like "insulation soup!"

So, here's a question -- how much of your woodworking is weather-dependent? My "shop" is a one-car garage, which barely holds my tools (I can't even walk around in there most of the time). That means a lot of my so-called woodworking takes place out in the driveway with the sun beating on me, or snow, or rain, etc...

Any other "shade tree" woodworkers lurking here?


Steve Clardy
07-04-2008, 11:37 AM
Well we actually went for 3 full days without rain. Then it came down in bucket fulls wednesday night. :rolleyes:

All of my woodworking is done in the shop. Rain does not hinder my projects.

Rick Levine
07-04-2008, 11:41 AM
Jason, none of my woodworking is weather dependent. Living in New Mexico I wish I could have some of your rain. We are in the monsoon season right now and it has only rained three times for about 30 minutes at a time. Also, my shop is a separate structure which was completed last year which keeps my totally out of the weather, no matter what it is.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-04-2008, 12:08 PM
All of my woodworking happened on my carport until recently. Like others, I'd love to have some of your rain. Our annual moisture......a little over 12". A little less we'd be a desert. We start watering our lawns typically in mid-May or by early July the lawn would be dormant.

Chris Kennedy
07-04-2008, 12:08 PM
I am lucky enough to have a separate structure, but it has no climate control whatsoever. No heating, no cooling, and the big one -- no insulation. As we are not getting much rain here, just heat and humidity, I can only work so long before having to come in to cool off (which is what I am doing right now). The summer can be a little frustrating, particularly right at the moment. I am rehabbing a plane, and it is really frustrating to clean rust off, only to have more develop from the sweat dripping on it.

This is only my second summer with this shop. I am probably going to end up closing up the walls and insulating it, just to make it a little more bearable.



Michael Wetzel
07-04-2008, 12:31 PM
We need some rain too. It has been very dry the last few weeks, the grass was all turning brown and the plants looked really bad. We managed to get around a 1/2" of rain last night through lunch today.

My shop has a row large pine trees behind it (the east side), one large pine tree on the south side and 2 large maple trees that cover 80% of the west side. I am shaded enough the shop doesn't get ungodly hot, but the loft area does get up there. I have a pellet stove and a small 6000btu window A/C to make things a bit more comfortable. The weather only causes small problems, I like to cut sheet goods outside when possible.

Bill Wyko
07-04-2008, 2:17 PM
Tucson gets a Monsoon here but our total rainfall a year is around 12"s. Shop is climate controlled so no problem there.

John Cooper2
07-04-2008, 2:30 PM
What is "Rain"

burning up in northern ca....

could use some here...

Jason White
07-05-2008, 1:54 PM
Take a trip to the midwest or northeast and you'll find out!

What is "Rain"

burning up in northern ca....

could use some here...

Brian Kent
07-05-2008, 2:19 PM
A lot of days in the "Inland Empire" in California over 100° and a couple of weeks ago up to 111°. If I had more amperage I would add an air conditioner. For now I stick to early morning.

The other seasons are great. September through May I work in comfort.

Dan Regan
07-05-2008, 4:04 PM
I seem to be suffering the same fate as the O.P., here's the weekend, and once again,it's raining on the wet coast! Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have two peoples junk in the garage, waiting to be turned into a garage sale :rolleyes: couple more weeks and I am going to take great comfort in moving that junk to the curb myself if it isn't yet gone. Then it can rain all it wants, at least I'll have the garage back.

Michael Wetzel
07-05-2008, 4:24 PM
Our weather forecasters are doing very well this weekend. Last night was 50% chance of rain late, it was rained the whole evening. Today was 80% of rain and tstorms likely. So far we have about an hour of drizzle early this morning, the sun is out and I mowed the yard.

Jack Porter
07-05-2008, 4:24 PM
I feel your pain, I'm trying to get some projects started but, like you, I am working out of a one car garage. I need to cut full ply sheets to manageable sizes in the driveway and haven't had the guts to move 6 sheets of ply and sawhorses into the driveway with the storms coming through what seems like ever other hour for the past week.

As far as weather dependent woodworking, you should ask my neighbors, they get a kick out of it when I'm blowing out the shop when it's 2 degrees outside.

Alan Schaffter
07-05-2008, 6:05 PM
We need rain really bad in E. NC!!!!!!

Rob Will
07-05-2008, 10:01 PM
My farming is weather dependentbut the wood shop is climate controlled:D. When the weather is bad I try to target shop projects.


Peter Quinn
07-05-2008, 10:15 PM
I'm in a 1000SF basement cave with 12" thick walls, weather effects me little. Though last month I was working during a big thunder storm (it rains here in Connecticut too) when the power went out. Does that count? It gets awfully dark in a basement without lights. Really glad I was on the sander and not the TS.

Finishing can get tricky in the winter months but a new heat zone going in this fall should eliminate that problem too.

Jason White
07-06-2008, 7:29 AM
I'm from Redlands originally, so I feel your pain.


A lot of days in the "Inland Empire" in California over 100° and a couple of weeks ago up to 111°. If I had more amperage I would add an air conditioner. For now I stick to early morning.

The other seasons are great. September through May I work in comfort.

Larry Fox
07-06-2008, 10:04 AM
Most of a 3-car garage here and most everything done inside. Well insulated with AC in the summer and heat in the winter. I have had my share of very weather-dependent hobies and have found it very frustrating so I am glad that I can have one that is not so much. So humid here this morning in SE PA that you can see the air - I am NOT a fan of the humidity. No rain to speak of though. :(