View Full Version : My Daughter made first chair

Ed Costello
06-29-2008, 4:49 PM
First chair cello in her school orchestra that is. I have been lurking here for a while. Great forum and I have learned quite a bit from the group. It is a bit intimidating posting pics of a project considering the talent pool here, anyway................. I built this music stand for her. It is a rough copy of one I saw that a fellow woodworker built. Birdseye maple, sycamore, cocobola and burl maple. Danish oil, laquer and wax for the finish. The brass work was done on a small circa 1920 lathe that I restored back to working order. Hope it makes the grade..............

Ed Costello


Mark Stutz
06-29-2008, 5:20 PM
It sure makes the grade in my book. Is the curved upright sawn out of thick stock or is it a bent lamination? I'm sure I could have played better in my youth if I had a music stand like that for practice.


Don Eddard
06-29-2008, 5:39 PM
Beautiful work Ed. I really like the curves.

Ed Costello
06-29-2008, 5:40 PM
Hi Mark,

It is six pieces of birdseye maple laminated. I used birdeye all the way through so the figure would show on the outer edges.


Heather Thompson
06-29-2008, 6:17 PM

Love your work, you have nothing to fear when posting work of that quality here. I have seen people post their work and point out the errors, tell tails of brain disengaged moments, ect, never once have I seen a negative or inappropriate comment as a result. This a supportive and well behaved group, yes there are disageements but in a healthy way. Congratulations to your daughter, she must have worked very hard and have a true gift, bet it is hard for you to get in the shop with your head swelled up with pride. :D


Ken Fitzgerald
06-29-2008, 6:17 PM
Ed...You are so right. It's hard to post projects here when guys like you post things like this. Nicely done sir! Congrats on the daughter's first chair too!

Jim Becker
06-29-2008, 9:07 PM
That's a great piece and absolutely wonderful for your "first chair" musician! Congrats on both!

Ed Costello
07-01-2008, 5:09 PM
Thanks for the positive feedback...........Back to the shop to make more dust!

John Thompson
07-03-2008, 10:49 AM
Extremely nice, Ed. If your daughter sets a musical standard as high as the one you've set here... she will go far. BTW... the photography is done by someone that is well versed in that arena also.. be it you or someone you paid.

Compliments on both...


Jack Norfleet
07-03-2008, 11:05 AM

Awesome piece and amazing craftsmanship. Could you give more detail on how the adjustment mechanism works for the top? I have made a few music stands and my adjustment mechanisms are not nearly as elegant.


Ed Costello
07-03-2008, 4:45 PM

Thanks for the kind words. I have a 5/16" threaded insert in one side of the main "stem". I turned the brass knob and the insert on my little antique lathe, drilled and tapped it. I have a 5/16 threaded rod epoxied into the knob. It fits through a hole in the other side of the "stem" and through a routed slot on the piece doweled to the sheet holder. The main "stem" being split............as you tighten the knob it just squeezes the sheet holder and holds it at the desired height and angle. The other brass piece is to hang her bow


Mark Hix
07-03-2008, 7:31 PM
I like your design alot. Especially the adjustment. I have looked at several different designs and was not really happy with any of them. I think your solution is the best I have seen. I'm gonna have to take some notes.

Tony Cox
07-04-2008, 8:59 AM
That is sure nicer than any music stand I used when I was in high school.:D

Great Job....


Michael Panis
07-04-2008, 9:59 AM
Beautiful design...and execution...