View Full Version : Mesquite Jar w/ Lid

Richard Madison
06-28-2008, 4:29 PM
This is some of Robert McGowen's dandy mesquite, about 5" x 6" tall. Intended to make a hollowform when I heard the wood say "Stop that. I don' wanna be no stinkin' hollow form". So, not being one to argue with a piece of wood ---

Also not sure if I like the lid. Comments welcome.

Dave Stoler
06-28-2008, 4:32 PM
Looks good! I,d say the lid suits it well...

Toney Robertson
06-28-2008, 7:14 PM
I like it Richard.

How did you like turning the mesquite? I turned a piece today that I got from Robert and I liked how it turned.

Did you run into any inhabitants in the wood? I found at least two and maybe three but one could have been cut in two.


Bernie Weishapl
06-28-2008, 7:26 PM
That is a great looking jar. I like the form and the wood. I love turning mesquite.

Steve Schlumpf
06-28-2008, 9:03 PM
Richard - that is a nice looking jar! Great form and I really like the way the lid/top is part of the form and not just sitting on it! Very rich color to the piece, nice soft finish and also enjoy all the inclusions/voids. This is nice work and I look forward to seeing more real soon!

Clara Koss
06-28-2008, 11:45 PM
great jar and the lid looks like it fits perfectly.... nice color...whatcha gonna put in it????

Richard Madison
06-28-2008, 11:48 PM
Thanks guys. Toney, mesquite is one of almost everybody's favorite woods. It turns easily and finishes beautifully. I roughed out several small log sections a while back to remove the bark, sapwood, and the critters, so the wood could be stored for a while without being chewed into sawdust. Meanwhile, still have some pieces that continue to be chewed on. Presumably they will have some interesting voids (and inhabitants) when I get to them. Sorta got sidetracked on the ribbons for a month or more.

Steve, used to like strictly high gloss deep finishes, but they are a lot of work and time. Lady at small local gallery likes what I call "soft gloss" finish, which is fast and easy. Just a couple coats of lacquer base sanding sealer and buff.

Am starting to like the lid more. Thanks again, y'all.

Richard Madison
06-29-2008, 9:14 PM
Clara, hope to sell it to someone who has something to put in it. Right now I am just keeping some air in it, but the air is free to come and go through the worm hole.