View Full Version : Willow

Tom Bucanan
06-25-2008, 8:58 PM
I just tried to turn a bowl from fresh cut willow and it was HORRIBLE. I couldn't get a clean cut, it was extremely stringy, and in the end I just gave up because the gouge kept on getting gummed up. Have any of you had the same problems? There are so many woods out there that I finally decided that it wasn't worth my time and effort to finish that bowl. Any advice that would allow me to cut the willow better? I wasn't making any headway even though my tools were really sharp

Richard Madison
06-25-2008, 9:47 PM
My one attempt at turning willow had similar results, which did not justify the effort when nicer wood was available. Perhaps others have been more successful.

Curt Fuller
06-26-2008, 6:50 PM
Tom, willow, aspen, cottonwood and probably other woods in the same family all seem to be that way when turned green. But, if you rough turn it and let it get good and dry along with letting it get all the warping out of its system, it can be some pretty wood. It turns and sands much better when dry and something in the way it grows makes for a lot of wave and curl in the wood, especially the trunks near the ground. It also has a nice 'chatoyance', that shimmery look, when finished. It's worth the effort if you give it some time.

Burt Alcantara
06-26-2008, 10:02 PM
A while back I got a large section of a willow tree. Most was cut into very large segments. At that time I was chainsaw shy so most just sat there for a long time.

Over time, I found the dryer willow turned nicely but not without substantial tearout. Since I thought it was my lack of technique I just plowed on and really leaned on the sandpaper. The results were well worth it.

I don't have anything to post but I will be posting my latest willow hollow form next week when it comes out of the finishing process.

Don't throw that willow away. Seal it up and tuck it away for a while. You will be handsomely rewarded!


Bernie Weishapl
06-26-2008, 11:46 PM
Tom I have turned willow and like Curt said cottonwood is about the same. I roughed it out, put it in the DNA and then it dry for 3 weeks or so. I finished turned it with sharp tools. It sanded nicely and made some beautiful bowls. I am going to turn some and try some airbrushing of dye's and india ink on them.