View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
06-23-2008, 1:54 AM
23 June 2008

Good Morning.!!!
I'm up late....or up early if you look at it from another angle.
No shop time for me this weekend as my parents are here visiting and I'm getting to go through many things that was once belongings of my grandmothers. Maybe I'm a bit sentimental, but I truly treasure things of the past that belonged to my family members. Just call me old fashioned.

The weather is warming up here and the frequent rains have passed into frequent dry days and warm to hot temps. One A/C unit in my shop is broken and the other one will not be enough to cool my shop for me to work in it. I'm now looking into getting up on my days off before the sun gets up and start working in the coolest part of the day and migrate into the house around lunch time and spend the hot part of the day inside the house.

Any way, I'm enjoying my parents visiting with us, 3rd time in almost 10 years, so we're really excited to have them here with us.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Joe Mioux
06-23-2008, 5:48 AM

mowed some vacant lots/small subdivision property my dad has.

Cleaned up my wooworking space AND finally delivered my outdoor dining to my buddy. He and his wife loved it. btw, i really dislike 150 year old Oak with rusty nails. I had to make the table out of old barn wood.

I will be posting a small montage in a new thread.


Matt Meiser
06-23-2008, 7:57 AM
I finished cleaning up and priming all the parts of my jointer then straightened up the shop so I had room to lay out all the parts at once. I'll be starting to paint it starting maybe tonight.

Craig McCormick
06-23-2008, 8:49 AM
I had a little shop time Saturday and Sunday. It was 115 degrees Saturday! My new shop is well insulated and cooled by an evaporative cooler. I was able to work in the shop all day Saturday and stay very comfortable.
I made the templates that will enable me to make the proper size molds for a decorative concrete hearth top. I also started the molds, which will be made from melamine. The hearth top is a precursor to concrete kitchen counters. On Sunday I started adjusting my Robland X-31 combo machine and hung out with my wife in the afternoon.

Have a great week,

Craig McCormick

New shop here: http://www.azcraig.us/New_House_Project.html

Dewey Torres
06-23-2008, 9:03 AM
For yet another weekend... still working on the shoe cubby. I hope to finish it SOON! Have to get the shop ready for the Morris Chair project.

Guy Germaine
06-23-2008, 9:15 AM
No WW for me this weekend. Had an Obedience Trial Saturday and Sunday. Isabella passed both days to earn her Novice A Obedience Title.

Michael Schumacher
06-23-2008, 9:58 AM
My Weekend was successful...

Saturday and Sunday I worked on the Queen size bed and I've finally got it to the point where I'm ready to finish it. I'll post pictures tonight in the Finishing forum as I have a question on finishing it. It looks really great.

Besides that, my wife and I did some shopping, got a glass jar to make sun tea. Did some clothes shopping for our son at Goodwill - great place to buy clothes for a kid. I also got to enjoy mowing the lawn and I also took time to trim the tree in front.


Narayan Nayar
06-23-2008, 10:04 AM
First time in the shop in weeks for me. I have a thin aluminum garage door which sits in direct sun from about 12 noon on...I've once measured the shop over 100deg. And it stays that warm well into the evening, killing some prime shop time (I love Sat mornings and evenings in the shop).

Anticipating a hot summer, this weekend I put insulating foam on the garage door. Took me a while; my door has many panels which prevent laying down a lot of people.

Despite the heat in our area this weekend, on Sat night the shop was a cool 80 degrees. Hopefully this will afford me more shop time throughout the summer months.

One question for those who have done this before--the foam seems to have added significant enough weight to the door to prevent the garage door opener from keeping the door halfway open. Any way to adjust the springs to accommodate the new weight?

Hank Knight
06-23-2008, 12:09 PM
I finally got the bottom fitted in the hunt board I'm building. I glued up a panel for the bottom a month or more ago and just got around to cutting, fitting and installing it. It was fun. I used a wooden fillister plane to cut a rabbet around three sides of the panel. It produced wonderful long, curly shavings that LOML insists I save - for what I have no idea. Here's a photo:


Here's a photo of the hunt board with bottom in:



Greg Cole
06-23-2008, 12:34 PM
Made holes in the ground and filled them with ceeeement. 16 in total, I hope to start framing up a deck if the weather permits starting today after work, but chances of rain on & off the next couple days. The deck is going to encompass about 1/2 of an above ground pool.
Moving the bagged cement, post hole digging, mixing ceeement and pouring it almost makes me feel old this morning.
Doing a little digging for visual stimulation while I was planning the build, I came across WAYYYYYY TO MANY pics and plans based off using "Dek-blocks" for this style of deck. Seriously? Might be a wee bit (or alot) more grunt labor to make a hole in the earth and fill with cement, or I am just into overbuilding? I could never put a 20' x about 8' deck on those little toy cinder blocks and call it "good"....:confused:

Nice looking start on the sideboard... and nice canoe. I had one an awful lot like that one for years, it was my best fishing buddy for years.


Hank Knight
06-23-2008, 12:42 PM
Nice looking start on the sideboard... and nice canoe. I had one an awful lot like that one for years, it was my best fishing buddy for years.

Thanks Greg. Sounds like you're into some heavy work for a while. I hope you guys missed the worst of the weather and the aftermath. We've paddled most of the black water rivers in the South Carolina lowcountry in the canoe. It's has been great fun with some beautiful scenery and fantastic wildlife.


Ben Cadotte
06-23-2008, 12:44 PM
I have not been in the shop for 5 weeks due to work. Headding home tomorrow though.

Got this done on Sunday.


Company finnally said enough is enough. We got enough done of the heavy check to send it back to our own maintenance base to finish the last couple items. Plane was 55 days late and still not completed when we took it out of maintenance. We were using an outside provider since we do not do our own heavy maintenance.

Home for a week, then to Rome for 2 weeks (for work).

Jerome Hanby
06-23-2008, 1:37 PM
I put together a rolling lumber cart made out of 2x4s, 3/4" ply, and 3/4" PVC based off a reader submission in an old issue of Shopnotes. Wasn't mentioned, but the leftover strip of plywood had to be intended to reinforce the uprights. As presented, first time you tried to roll the thing you would rip the uprights loose. One strip of ply and it's solid as a rock. Of course I used up all of my lumber building it...:p

Ryan Sparreboom
06-23-2008, 3:33 PM
I did this:

and reorganized the shop bench and tool holding peg board. So lots done but nothing with wood.

Fred Voorhees
06-23-2008, 6:10 PM
Forfitted a night at the races this past Saturday night and got a lot done around the house this weekend. Mowed the grass, straightened up the shop and got it back to normal after the tablesaw and outfeed table construction deal. Finally got around to straightening up around my new Dell computer in the "computer room" and even got around to sorting through about 180 race track souvenir programs that had recently been given to me to add any missing issues that I have in my collection for research material. Had a nice steak dinner with the missus on Sunday evening since the NASCAR race was late enough that the normal Sunday crowd didn't want to come over.