View Full Version : Richmond Symposium

Bernie Weishapl
06-22-2008, 4:50 PM
Well just got to son's house from the Richmond Symposium. Got to meet Brodie Brickey, Ruth Niles, and Barbara Gill. Got to meet and had a great conversation with Dave Hout and Rolly Munro. Had lunch with Hilel Salomon and Eli Avisera. The next day sat at a table with my son along with Larry Hasiak, Beniot Averly and Binh Pho. Today got to meet Al Stirt and Cindy Drozda. Both are extremely nice and helpful. Found out NCWood.com who sells wood on the big auction site was there. Got to meet Gary finially. Great guy and has some nice wood. Dave Hout demo'd and sold me a new Hold Fast Vacuum System. He turned the bottom of a bowl on a Jet while holding it with a pancake compressor. It only cycled twice and I could not pull the bowl off.

Don't know about anyone else but had a great time especially yesterday with my son who I am hoping will maybe take up some interest in this. I had a wonderful time at this at least for me a once in a lifetime thing.

Yea I know no pictures it didn't happen. We only have one camera and you can guess who came out on top. Yep Grandma won that one. She said you buy what you need as far as tools go and I will take pic's of the grandkids. I mean how can I argue with that logic. :D:p:cool:So needless to say I did not have a camera any of the days I was there. I will have pictures of the tools when I get back to Kansas.

Well I am headed for Virginia Beach with the grandkids as they let grandpa do what he wanted for three days. I shall be home Wednesday night to Kansas.

Burt Alcantara
06-22-2008, 5:38 PM
I'd love to hear about your airbrush class with Bihn. Glad to hear you're having such a great time. Wish I was there!


Steve Schlumpf
06-22-2008, 5:44 PM
Wow!!! I'm happy for you Bernie! Sounds like you got to meet so many folks! Glad you were able to share the experience with your son! Have a safe trip home! Enjoy the Grandkids!!!

Bob Hallowell
06-22-2008, 9:13 PM
Bernie, Wow sounds like you had a great time. Wish I could of been there.


Jim Becker
06-22-2008, 10:01 PM
Sounds like a typical GREAT time at the symposium!! I really wish I could have gone, but it just was not possible.

Bin did a coloring class at our local AAW chapter a couple years ago. Great guy. I had met him previously at a symposium and sat at the same table during the charity auction...where I dropped a large amount of cash on a piece by another AAW artist. LOL

Bruce Pennell
06-22-2008, 11:35 PM
Bernie glad you are having lots of fun on your trip. Have a safe trip home. Can't wait to see pic's of your new toys. The hold fast vac system sounds great. Enjoy the trip...Bruce

Ted Calver
06-23-2008, 8:11 AM
It was a great symposium..lot of learning available there...and some wonderful people. It won't be the last one I attend (I hope).

Bernie Weishapl
06-25-2008, 9:29 PM
Well we made it home from Richmond and I did have a wonderful time. Met a lot of great turners. I hope like Ted said it is not my last but if it is I will surely remember this for some time to come.

Burt Binh's class was one of the best. It was one of the fullest I attended. He showe how to use Frisket for designs and how to freehand paint. He said the best way to learn was to get a good airbrushing book.

I will post pictures of the holdfast system when it gets here, the Robust tool rest I bought, and all of the other tools I walked out with. Anyway good to be home again and get back to putting some things I learned to the test.

Bruce Pennell
06-25-2008, 9:41 PM
Bernie glad you and the family got home safe. Sounds like you had a great trip. Can't wait to see your new toys. It always fun to take off on an adventure, but it sure nice to get home to your own bed (or lathe). Glad you had such a good time...Bruce