View Full Version : Not Proud of This Segmented But Learned a Ton!!

Christopher K. Hartley
06-21-2008, 8:49 AM
Even though it is my first, I don't need a bunch of help with what's wrong with this one. If it could be wrong, it went wrong but the lessons were invaluable. I reached a point where I was going to burn it but the amount of work kept me from it. I decided to just put a finish on it even though I wasn't done and call it a day. It will be what I look back on as I get better at this. Poplar and Purple Heart Segmented 8" X 4 1/2". I have a brand new appreciation for you Seggies.In case you are wondering why I am even showing this...I made a promise to do so. It is however, embarrassing. The next one will be better.:o:o:o

Jim Becker
06-21-2008, 9:20 AM
That's a lot better than I would do, Christopher! LOL The most important thing is that you took on the task and now have some experience that you can use for the next one or one hundred of them. I still have my very first bowl-bowl...still has the screw holes in the bottom, "variable thickness" and a foot that an NBA player could fit into...

Steve Schlumpf
06-21-2008, 9:56 AM
Chris - I have yet to attempt a segmented anything - so you are way ahead of me in that department! I like your color choices and the basic form! Most of the joints look really tight! Next one has to be easier and I look forward to seeing it!

Ken Fitzgerald
06-21-2008, 9:56 AM
Chris....Not bad for your 1st. Kudos for having the integrity to follow through on a promise. I've shown much worse turnings here in my swirling in the Vortex.

Mark Hix
06-21-2008, 10:09 AM
So the fit wasn't quite what you planned or the shape not quite what you intended? It was still exciting wasn't it? My first two came off the lathe in a shower of peices, the third was OK and taught me more than the first two. It is different from "regular" bowls because the thought process is different. I think trying to turn segmented bowls has helped me in my "regular" bowls. Hang onto it and compare it to the third or fourth....from what I have seen in your other turnings, we will all be impressed real soon.

Robert McGowen
06-21-2008, 10:57 AM
If you really thought it was THAT bad, you would have signed someone else's name on the bottom, so I guess you have to be at least little proud! :D:D:D:D
The second one is lots easier than the first one though, so get to cutting...... :rolleyes:

Paul Engle
06-21-2008, 11:06 AM
Christopher ... uh , the good Lord aint takin no burnt offerings today....;).

David Newson
06-21-2008, 4:51 PM
Chris - my comments are ditto to Steve's I also have never tried any segmented turning yet, so you are also way ahead of me as well,I should imagine getting the correct angles is the hardest part,when I've got more patience I will have to give it a go myself,any way yours looks good to me for your first attempt.

Bill Wyko
06-21-2008, 5:48 PM
Alright Chris! Nice to see you give it a try. Great job for your first attempt. Looks like you need a clean sanding disc:D and you'll have it down perfectly. I did the same thing on one of my first pieces too. How did you like the experience?

lynn smith
06-21-2008, 10:48 PM
Nice go on your first.
Can't wait to see the next one.
I'm still trying to get my head around how to lay out a segmented pattern using different species.

Richard Madison
06-22-2008, 12:40 AM
Welcome to the "black hole" that is at the bottom of the "vortex"! Glad to see you finally took the plunge. Nice combination of woods, and the next one will just naturally be a bunch better.

If y'all like to "build" stuff as well as "turn" stuff, why not give it a try?

Christopher K. Hartley
06-22-2008, 8:59 AM
Thanks everyone, I can't wait to try the next one so I can correct all my mistakes. I'd hate to be the one to make Malcolm cringe if I haven't already. :eek:

By the way Richard, are you telling me there is another "Black Hole" inside the Vortex I've already been in?:confused: That is very scary!!!:eek::eek:

Bill I really liked the experience and I can see where you get so excited about it.

Bobby, sometimes you can really be a pain.:D:D I was going to sign your name but I like you too much for that. I'm cutting...I'm cutting already...Sheesh!! Cut a guy some slack!:D

Mark, I think you hit on my problem...the thought process...for me walking and chewing bubble gum can't be done together much less something like this.:o

curtis rosche
06-22-2008, 11:42 AM
thats very good for a first try. alot of people first segmented blow up. at least at school they do. once way to get some of the gaps out, is to use the pipe clamps to make the rings and tighten them as much as possible. i found that my saw makes clean enough cuts that i dont need to sand the edges, which is goo because the edges i sand seem to have bigger gaps