View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
06-20-2008, 7:06 AM
Friday June 20th, 2008


Today is the day. The first day of summer. The longest day of the year.

After the storms and flooding we had, this past week has just been picture perfect weather. Temps have been in the 70's with lots of sun. Things are drying out around here, but there are a lot of people without homes and a lot of roads damaged or closed yet.

I've been busy in the shop when not doing other household chores. Been working on a bird feeder and a couple of other small projects. Not sure what the weekend will bring as we have the possiblility of rain today and tomorrow, so I'll just play it by ear.

So what's happening in your "neck of the woods". Fun, games, Tom Foolery, work? Whatever it might be I hope it will be fulfilling.

Have a great weekend, a great week and make it SAFE.


alex grams
06-20-2008, 7:41 AM
Crown molding the bathroom, and replacing a couple of light fixtures. Not much in the garage (eventually going to get a good clamp rack made... sometime).

The bathroom was an appeasement to the wife to stall the kitchen project (which will ultimately entail refacing kitchen cabinets, redoing the wallpaper, and retiling the floor).

First step is the floor, which is going to dang near kill me i suspect when I have to tear up all of the existing tile :(

oh well!

Ken Fitzgerald
06-20-2008, 7:49 AM
I'm in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area this week and next. I'm getting together with a number of Creekers on Saturday for lunch...bbq...mmmmm.

Sunday...study and do laundry. Probably watch some NASCAR if a race is on....

Youngest son is going to drop in for supper Monday evening. He's driving in from Houston.

Matt Meiser
06-20-2008, 7:54 AM
Working on my jointer restoration will be the main plan. No lawn mowing needs to be done, there are no other pressing home projects, and there are supposed to be scattered showers/t-storms all weekend so it should be pretty clear.

Craig McCormick
06-20-2008, 9:06 AM
With temps above 112 I will be enjoying my first well insulated and cooled shop. WOOOHOOO! There are a few early pictures of the shop on this web page. http://www.azcraig.us/New_House_Project.html

We are going to make a few melamine molds for a hand pressed concrete hearth top and some molds for hand pressed concrete tiles for a fire place face. These smaller projects are a precursor to concrete kitchen counters which I hope to complete before summer ends.

I also have a nephew coming over tomorrow to help catch up on the yard work. I started mowing yesterday and will finish today. I'll have the nephew trim and spray weeds and remove a few small trees. Our house is 18 years old and the previous owners never planted trees in places that would shade their cars or the west side of the house to keep the brutal Arizona summer sun from cooking them??? We will start planting trees in a few weeks.

Have fun,

Craig McCormick

Michael Schumacher
06-20-2008, 9:10 AM
I'm hoping to get some shop time in this Saturday. However I might have to take quick trip to a "garage" sale that I saw on Craigslist for some woodworking tools - most likely junk, but sometimes you find a diamond.

Anyway, I'm hoping that I can finish up the side rails on a bed that I'm building, then test fit the slats in the head/foot boards and then it should be ready for finishing.

Of course this all depends on what the wife wants to be doing...


Jim Becker
06-20-2008, 9:24 AM
This weekend will be the first totally unencumbered (and likely last one for a long time) weekend I can remember. No Karate. No picnics/barbecues scheduled. So I'll be back outside on Saturday working on landscaping and also working on interior trim in the great room throughout the weekend. We also need to deal with getting our new guest room ready (it's been used for storage of art items and other things since the addition was completed) as the 'rents are heading north at the beginning of next month and I suspect they will be spending some time here on the way up and later on the way back to central Florida. I also need to get more stuff moved out of my old office so Professor Dr. SWMBO can get her office moved IN there which means that her old office can finally become the playroom as designated. Oy! Too much to do. And more "work-work" due to some increased responsibility isn't leaving me copious free time these days...

Mike SoRelle
06-20-2008, 9:43 AM
I've got to get the yard cut and help with some planting, other than that, no other real plans.

Ben Cadotte
06-20-2008, 4:38 PM
Broken record for me. STILL AT WORK.

Company has decided to give up on this repair station and we are taking our plane and leaving. Quite a few things are not done. So our own mechanics will have to work on it for a week or so. Pretty bad when an airline has to take a plane before its finished. They just don't have the people to finish the plane on a decent schedule. Right now the plane is 48 days late on something that should have been done in 45!

Good new is I should be heading home by Tuesday if we do indeed take it out of here tomorrow. Will have a week home and then 2 weeks in Rome, Italy, before vacation.

Stephen Ash
06-20-2008, 4:53 PM
I finished my big project of the little table and chairs for my son last weekend, so now I'm freed up and I can focus on various loose ends. In particular, I have to cut miter slots into my outfeed table so that I don't have to keep removing the table every time I use my crosscut sled...

Best regards,

Craig Summers
06-20-2008, 9:18 PM
Already cut the grass today, I'm off every other Friday :D Finished putting sand in the sandbox of my son's new swingset.

Tommorrow is my son's 2 year Bday party. so thats a pretty full day with most of his cousins, aunts/uncles, & grandparents coming over. :) Gotta fix the leaning street sign out front.

One other party on Sunday.

Still trying to do some fix up work in the garage....

Nancy Laird
06-20-2008, 9:22 PM
STILL trying to get all of the 32-year-old tile up off the concrete slab---finally rented a machine that is supposed to do the job, but it's loud---louder than any planer you've ever heard!!!! If we get all the tile up tomorrow, we start laying hardwood on Sunday.

julie Graf
06-20-2008, 9:49 PM
i get to go see tom petty and the heartbreakers on sunday! yeah!

tomorrow i'm starting on a tv stand for my parents new flat screen tv. my dad is making the jump from oak to cherry. (everything in his house is oak, and my mom wanted something different. :) So i'm going to mill some of the cherry out, and call my dad for the measurement, which i lost. good thing he's my dad!