View Full Version : Here's my new shop toy (pics)

Fred Voorhees
06-19-2008, 8:27 PM
It was delivered about two weeks ago and I have been busy putting it together and adding the outfeed table, ala Mr. Beckers plans. This is the second time I have used Becks plans and they have come through both times - the first with a contractors saw and this time with my new Jet cab saw. The outfeed table was so large that an additional pair of legs were needed at the hinged portion which is roughly two feet off of the back of the saw. Total dimensions of the outfeed table are just under four feet off of the back of the saw and six and a half feet wide. Besides offering a vast sea of space for sawing capabilities, it will also double as some wonderful and additional work space. Sorry about the white specs in the pics....I had just swept up.

Peter Quinn
06-19-2008, 8:32 PM
Nice tool Fred. Nice table too.

Mitchell Andrus
06-19-2008, 8:36 PM
Floor's too clean. Get on that... 'K?

Fred Voorhees
06-19-2008, 8:43 PM
Floor's too clean. Get on that... 'K?

Yeah.....plan on it!:D

Denny Rice
06-19-2008, 8:43 PM
Outfeed table?? That table is cleaner and nicer than my dining room table!! LOL, Its time to get that shop dirty....:eek:

Craig Summers
06-19-2008, 9:17 PM
just wondering what kind of maid service Fred has ..... :rolleyes:

(I just gave SWMBO a maid service <every 3 weeks> as a gift for childbirth, although they dont clean garages :()

Great job in your shop!!

Von Bickley
06-19-2008, 9:34 PM

That looks like a GREAT out-feed table. Looks like a good spot to put some storage cabinets under the table also.....:)

Jim Becker
06-19-2008, 10:14 PM
Fred, that finished up great. And I'm glad you put those extra supports in on the fixed section. Even without the hinged portion mounted the other day when I stopped by, my mind was saying that it was going to sag big-time without some additional support.

Dewey Torres
06-20-2008, 1:55 AM
Very nice set up! You will surely like it:)

Fred Voorhees
06-20-2008, 5:45 AM

That looks like a GREAT out-feed table. Looks like a good spot to put some storage cabinets under the table also.....:)

Von, way ahead of you. That is on the "to do" list.

Jim Becker
06-20-2008, 9:43 AM
Fred, check out Jerry McFalls' thread in the Woodworking Projects forum relative to his "oversize outfeed table". The size is similar to yours and there are some pictures down at the bottom of the thread showing some of his storage in progress.

J. Z. Guest
06-20-2008, 9:57 AM
Nice Fred. Looks like the new centerpiece of the shop. But now you're obligated to really crank out some nice stuff!

Lori Kleinberg
06-20-2008, 10:34 AM
Very nice set up, Fred. Can't wait to see the projects that come off of that.