View Full Version : E.G. Atkins Scraper

Paul O'Halloran
04-16-2004, 8:21 AM
I was given an Atkins Scraper and I would like to get info on sharpening it

Angelo Schembari
04-16-2004, 4:55 PM
Paul, thats a nice looking scraper you've got there! If you follow the lik below, you will find 2 articles on scrapers. The one by Ralph Brendler covers plain scrapers as well as a scraper plane like yours. The article by Bob Smalser just covers handheld scrapers. There is a ton of good info on this page, especially all of Bob's articles.

Took me longer to read the article then it did to sharpen them the first time!Good luck!


Mark Singer
04-16-2004, 4:58 PM
I had a previous post on a Stanley #80....it would be the same proceedure.

Paul O'Halloran
04-18-2004, 8:13 AM
Angelo, Thanks I will go to work on it.
Mark, I also picked up an old Stanley 80 and i put a Veritas double edged blade in it. This is a link to the blade


Angelo Schembari
04-18-2004, 3:37 PM
Paul, I got my #80 without a blade, thats why it was so cheap. I made one from an old handsaw, an Atkins actually, and it works great. Just something to consider next time you need a scraper.