View Full Version : New to this forum

lynn smith
06-18-2008, 8:55 PM
Hi fellow woodworkers.
I have been cruising in the background for sometime.
I have enjoyed everyones projects and have gleaned
some good info.
I have been turning now for 7 months and am completely hooked on turning.
It is amazing what is revealed when you begin removing wood.
I have a bowl that I wanted to share.
It is made of Red Alder (alnus rubra) 8"H X 14" dia.
I used walnut oil on it which seems to work well on the alder.
I have also been turning Broad Leaf Maple, Port Orford Cedar, Myrtlewood, and Western Juniper, (which is the most enjoyable to work with because of the wonderful fragrance and the tight grain.)
Thanks for the opportunity to share a bowl.
I will work on sizing down my pictures.

Bill Bolen
06-18-2008, 9:05 PM
Great work Lynn and welcome to the forum! I know you will find great people here, more than willing to share...Bill...

Toney Robertson
06-18-2008, 9:52 PM
Very nice.

You will probably get conflicting comments about the foot you put on it but I think it works.


Ken Fitzgerald
06-18-2008, 10:13 PM
Welcome to the Creek Lynn! You've been holding out on us! Nice bowl. I like the foot.

David Wilhelm
06-18-2008, 10:20 PM
Welcome Lynn, very nice bowl thank you for sharing. Woodturing is very adicting, it makes me not want to go to work every day and head back to the shop. One of these days I may just do that:)

Steve Schlumpf
06-18-2008, 11:04 PM
Lynn - Welcome to the Creek! Really like your bowl! Very nice form and great color! Looking forward to seeing more of your work real soon!

Dennis Peacock
06-19-2008, 12:10 AM
Welcome to the Creek Lynn..!!!!! Oh...and welcome to The Vortex!!!!!! :D

lynn smith
06-19-2008, 12:55 AM
Thanks for the greeting and the feed back.
I like this forum.

I know you will find great people here, more than willing to share

Bill I believe you're correct

conflicting comments about the foot you put on it but I think it works
Toney, I'm looking forward to creative and critical discussion

I like the foot
Thanks Ken

Woodturning is very adicting, it makes me not want to go to work every day and head back to the shop. One of these days I may just do that
David I couldn't agree more.
I am planning on retiring in 6 years and going to full time turning and small wood projects.

Welcome to the Creek! Really like your bowl
Thanks Steve, I have gotten alot of good info from your posts look forward to more interaction with like minded folks.

welcome to The Vortex!!!!!!
Dennis I hear exactly what you are saying, this is the best vortex that I have experienced.

robert hainstock
06-19-2008, 9:18 AM
And execution. The foot works for me, and I realy like the depth of the bowl. Good job/ :):):)

Geoff Hanha
06-19-2008, 1:24 PM
cruising, now you can get arrested for that in many countries, we frown on it here in the UK:D but the turnings good lynn, welcome to the forum, its always nice to see a lady trying to become as good as a guy:pnow i get moaned at;) lovely wood, hope to see more of your stuff, im sure we will see more. Geoff

lynn smith
06-19-2008, 3:14 PM
Hi Jeff,
Also wanted to clarify that I'm a man, with the female spelling of my first name. The mistake happens often and I take no offense.:D
Happy turning

curtis rosche
06-19-2008, 3:23 PM
thanks for clarifying that lynn, i almost made the same mistake. that bowl looks great! looking forward to seeing what else you can do.

Steve Knowlton
06-19-2008, 3:57 PM
Lynn, Welcome to the turning vortex. Bowl looks great. I have turned Alder and it is fun to turn wet. Great to see another person from Oregon in the forum. Steve

Geoff Hanha
06-19-2008, 4:36 PM
Hi Jeff,
Also wanted to clarify that I'm a man, with the female spelling of my first name. The mistake happens often and I take no offense.:D
Happy turning

Like i said you can get arrested for that:D i supose a kiss is out of the question then. And its Geoff with a G not a J so were equal and start again, nice turning, blokes make better turners anyway:D now the ladies will kick the legs from under me. All the best Geoff

robert hainstock
06-19-2008, 8:27 PM
My neighbor Steve S put me onto a free download called PIXresizer it is easy to use, and FREE. I always downsiize mine with the twenty five percent option. Then I save them to my shared picture file to keep them separate from the original. Good luck. And thanks for clarifying the name thing. :)

lynn smith
06-20-2008, 12:55 AM
OK so I gave up the cruisin:rolleyes:
So Geoff now that we have the introductions out of the way
do I call you mate?
What are your favorites indigenous woods to turn?
I checked out your website nice looking pieces.
See you along the creek

David Newson
06-20-2008, 8:24 AM
Lynn - Welcome to the creek you'll be pleased now you've stopped cruising and joining in, its a great place with lots of helpful folks, that's a nice bowl as well, look forward to seeing some more of your work in the future.

Tom Edwards
07-06-2008, 12:11 AM
Hi folks, have been ill for some time, last time I visited was May last year. Now I am getting on my feet and want to start turning! Have an old Walker-Turner woodlathe (1939-1942) that I need to get rid of (no room) now that I have just acquired a Teknatool XP 3000.
Anxious to aquire some skills but am very disappointed with my efforts. I thought I would simply practice for a while turning spindles and round blanks, just to get the feel of the lathe and the tools. I first tried turning a mahogany disk (just a 6" dia x 2" thick). What I discovered was that the wood tore quite badly. I altered the angle of my tool (when entering the wood) remembering the old adage of 'riding the bevel' but nothing worked.
I then switched to turning a piece of maple, again trying to make a simply disk (5" dia x 2"thick) almost the same results - I could not possibly see turning any kind of ogee on the rim of the disk, it continually tore even though my tool did not catch.
Then I switched to turning a simple cylinder from a piece of fairly new maple bough. This was much better but did not reveal why I had such poor results with the two disks.
I should point out that those pieces have been air dried over 30 years and am wondering if the wood can be too dry.

Looking for help boys and girls, got the new lathe for my 79th birthday and really want to create a couple of 'band stand' clocks before I turn 80.

Alan Huey
07-06-2008, 12:39 AM
Welcome. You will love it here.

Bernie Weishapl
07-06-2008, 9:27 AM
Welcome Lynn. Lots of good people and lot of knowledge. Very nice looking bowl. Keep'em coming.

Bill Wyko
07-06-2008, 4:26 PM
Welcome to both of you to the Vortex of wood turning and SMC. Very nice work.

Bill Bolen
07-07-2008, 10:17 PM
Welcome Tom! Nice to see another "Youngster" on board..Bill..

Tom Edwards
07-08-2008, 12:20 AM
Thanks to Bill and William for the warm welcome.

Was hoping to hear some words of wisdom re my attemps at turning some very old wood however, I went at it again today first sharpening my tools and then increasing my revs to 1600. That made quite a difference in the output.
Sooo, it look like I will be able start on some real turning and not this 'practise' stuff.

Thanks again and perhaps this time I will be able to visit the board more often.

Lynn, belated congrats to you on your work, looks very good to me.

lynn smith
07-08-2008, 8:32 PM
Tom it's good that you are able to get back at.
Look forward to seeing some of your work.