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View Full Version : Laserpro Hidden Menus ? C180, Spirit ?

Robert Ray
06-16-2008, 10:14 AM
I purchased the new Laserpro C180 a couple weeks ago, and want to baseline the laser power with my power wizard. What I want to do is baseline the laser, then, with the XY mechanism moved furthest away from the laser, check the output after each mirror.

I want to keep a log, so I can plot degradation over the years.

On the Laserpro Venus, Mercury, and others, you press and hold 2 buttons while turning on the power to access the hidden menues.

Well the new machine don't have the same buttons, and I have tried every combination I can think of, but nothing works.

I talked to my Laser Pro rep, and the buttons he told me to use do not work, then he said to download the Laserpro Spirit manual, and that the hidden menues would be the same.

Well the Spirit manual does not list the hidden menues either.

Does anyone know what the hidden menu access buttons are for the C180 or the Spirit machines?

Robert Ray

Kevin Huffman
06-16-2008, 3:40 PM
Just hold the Enter button down while turning it on.

We just got ours, I have to run it for the next 30 days and give my thumbs up or thumbs down before we add it as a product. I am pretty sure everything will go ok.

Robert Ray
06-16-2008, 7:46 PM
Thanks Kevin, I got an email reply from Dan Lopez of GCC America who told me of the Enter button too. I just did a quick 3 reading spot check in front of the window between Mirrors 2 and 3, and got 39.0, 38.8, and 39.0 Watts from my 30W machine! I set the power to 100% for the measurement.

So far I am really happy with this laser. I have 2 Venus systems, and I like the 35W a lot, but the 12W is less useful. But the C180 will make a very welcome upgrade to the Venus systems.

There are 2 things I don't like though; first is I cannot figure out how to access the exhaust box (Smart Box?) to dump any ash buildup, (the Venus was 2 thumbscrews and instant access) and second is I wish they would have included a network port so I don't have to use a printserver.

The pluses so far make this machine very pleasing. First, the built in LED Light bar is just what the doctor ordered. Material setup is so much faster with light where you need it.
Second, the drivers are fantastic! There is so many great settings available. I have had my machine less than 2 weeks, and I have gone through almost all of them now, with the exception of any stamp mode stuff. My old laser used to burn holes in corners when doing small squares, and this laser has the PPI set to reduce laser fires when you get into the corners for a true PPI, making great vector cuts. I tested some decal paper, and was able to cut just through the decal film, leaving the paper uncut, and no holes drilled through the corners! Fantastic!

The rastering is faster too, and the mechanism is much stiffer than the Venus. NO SQUIGGLY LINES! It looks like the same components used in the Spirit, but with the table I prefer. (I do Z Scale model railroad kits)

My 1.5" lens just showed up a few minutes ago, so put my dinner in the fridge, and excuse me while I have some fun! :D