View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
06-16-2008, 8:27 AM
16 Jun 2008
Happy Father's Day (late)

Good Morning and I hope each of you had a very nice day yesterday and I'd like to say "Happy Father's Day" to each and every one of you.

I didn't work at the day job on Saturday as I took that day off so I could go and take my motorcycle beginning riders course. I starting riding motorcycles when I was 6 years old all the way up until I was getting out of the military. But most of my riding days were in dirt, motorcross, hill climbing, and going to/from high school. Now, some 27 years later, the cost of fuel and the sell of my car to my oldest son, got my back onto a motorcyle again and all the safety stuff and the class was "required" by the LOML. All I can say is that WOW.!!!! I learned a TON in ths riders course and learned how to do things on a bike that I never thought possible. The instructor was nationally certified motorcycle safety instructor. He is also a 21 year veteran motorcycle policeman that taught us as if we were on the police force. What a class!!!!! I love it and I hated it....but I sure did learn how to be a better rider. If you or any family member are riding motorcycle? I strongly suggest that you look up the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) and take the BRC. You will NOT regret it.

We've been working in the garden some, but I'm working special projects at work and most of my time has been taken up there. I've begun some shop cleaning and reorganizing so I can get back to working in the shop again and make a few things in the cooler part of the day on my days off.

So....on this Father's Day weekend.....What did YOU do???

Best of weeks to you all.

Al Navas
06-16-2008, 8:32 AM
Did a little work with hand tools (http://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=86502), chopping the mortises for the knife hinges on my Krenov-inspired cabinet, and posted it on my blog. Then, my wife and our daughter and her family took me out to a wonderful Father's Day breakfast at on of the new local restaurants, for a wonderful breakfast. I loved it!

I hope you will have a GREAT week too, Dennis.


Matt Meiser
06-16-2008, 8:55 AM
Last week I spent several days in Dallas for work (no time to try to set up to visit anyone--the client barely let us eat, which is ironic since they are a well-know food company) and came home late Friday night. Saturday I did some yard work, then worked on stripping paint of my "new" jointer and finished cleaning up all the hardware. That evening LOML and LOML jr took me out to dinner for Father's Day. Sunday morning I finally called on a Craigslist ad I saw two weeks ago but didn't have time to go look at. Surprisingly the item was still available. Brought home this (which is partly my Father's Day gift.) Not sure of the age, but its a Parks Planer which I got a great deal on. It will get a full restoration, though it would be usable as is. Its actually in better shape than the picture makes it appear. I've been seriously bit by the old-arn bug. Restoring the machines is as much fun as using them. And unfortunately, the machines are getting much more affordable around here with less competition in buying them.

Jim Becker
06-16-2008, 9:30 AM
Happy Father's Day, Dennis...and all the other fathers and potential fathers! LOL

I didn't get nearly as much done this weekend as I intended, but thems the breaks. I had the YMCA karate run on Saturday, even though that was out of our rotation, as Professor Dr. SWMBO had to "enjoy" the pomp and circumstance of Drexel's graduation ceremonies. For the remainder of the day, and since I got the lawn cut on Friday afternoon after getting home from Denver, I played with big rocks building a low retaining wall along part of the gardens in the front of the house. Thus starts the necessary post-addition landscaping work. Needless to say, I was very dirty, very sweaty and very tired after that work...and it's not done yet.

Sunday, I took a ride in the late morning to get some "cheap" New Jersey gas ($3.95) and pick up some trim materials from the Home Depot on that side of the river. 'Stopped at Fred Voorhees' place on the way home to oogle his new Jet Deluxe cabinet saw and the outfeed setup he's building. Once at home, I milled the trim material for the front window in the great room and got the trim already installed in the loft painted. We then had a barbecue/swim gathering at a friend's house to round out the day.

George Bregar
06-16-2008, 10:12 AM
Saturday: removed the forms and dug out all the gravel around the concrete work I did earlier to enlarge a parking area at my place. Dug out a stump of a large arbor vitae that I removed and graded out the top soil. Basically doing jobs that Americans won't do. :rolleyes:

Sunday: Annual Father's Day father-son golf championship. I somehow eked out a victory. Bach home for some BBQ and then watched the US Open. Good day.

John Bouthiette
06-16-2008, 11:13 AM
Spent some time yesterday afternoon sanding the drywall in my niece's basement which I am remodeling for her. It was a quiet rainy day here and it was the finish coat so her husband should be able to prime and paint it next. Next comes the suspended cieling, stairs and trim. Hopefully I will get it all done before the birth of her second child. Glad the drywall is done!

J. Z. Guest
06-16-2008, 11:21 AM
Sat. AM - Met up with a buddy & played chess for a few hours outdoors while his son was doing baseball practice.

Sat. PM - Finished construction of the Adirondack loveseat & stained the bottom of it.

Sun. AM - Surfed a bit, had coffee with my wife, went to Dad's & barbecued for us, drank a bunch of beer.

Sun. PM - Stained the top of the Adirondack loveseat

I should be able to put it into service tonight and maybe enjoy a piņa colada in it with the wife. (Keep an eye on the Projects Forum for pix soon!)

Next project will be a remote control caddy for my father in-law, which I'll start on this week.

Joe Mioux
06-16-2008, 11:27 AM
worked and church saturday.... Oldest son was in a minor car accident Sat night.

Sunday, Watched Meet the Press. goofed off in the morning.

Went outside and started to dimension some oak, but the girls came out so I didn't get much accomplished. Jennifer wanted to "chisel"

Had a nice steak dinner last night in honor of me.


Steve Knowlton
06-16-2008, 11:30 AM
Weekend started friday nite with 2 daughters graduting from colledge with bs in elementary ed. Great way to start the weekend. Saturday wifes birthday. Took our youngest daughter to Univ. of Oregon for her Test for teaching licsence. Went to Woodcraft. Only spent $30. Drooled a lot. Sunday was Church and lunch with inlaws. Then spent it sleeping the afternoon away. Awesome Weekend. God Bless.

Art Mulder
06-16-2008, 11:39 AM
Happy Father's Day, Dennis...and all the other fathers and potential fathers! LOL
Sunday, I took a ride in the late morning to get some "cheap" New Jersey gas ($3.95)

Happy Father's day right back at everyone!

I did some riding also, but there was no gas involved. I recently got clipless pedals for my bike, and I've had to start building up my strength again, as this now is using different muscles. My one shin has really been objecting to longer rides. I've been pushing myself. Friday I biked 36km/22mi before my Shin said "Stop!". Saturday I rode 41km/25mi before same. Sunday morning I woke up early, so I was on the road at 6am and managed to knock off 48km/30mi by 8:30, so I still made it to church. (didn't fall asleep either, but I did get drowsy in mid-afternoon...:o) And the best of all was that my shin was fine on Sunday morning. Today I'm going to see about an 80km/50mi ride, if I can manage the time. Hope the leg is okay. I've got 2 more months before I need to be ready to do 100km a day...

But the shop beckoned as well. I sorted through some less-than-stellar Cherry in my stash to find some nicer segments and milled and glued up this:

which is going to be the top of this:

which is going to be a twin to this. (http://www.wordsnwood.com/2007/dresser/) ... Someday. My son asks me when his dresser will be done, and I tell him "Christmas". I am teasing a bit, but it is a big project and I find it takes a long time for these in my shop.

Happy June!

Greg Cole
06-16-2008, 12:41 PM
Saturday was spent in the back yard, weeding, weeding and picking more weeds. I usually try to weed all flower beds once a year, whether they "need" it or not.... was ABSOLUTELY perfect weather on Saturday here. Had a baseball game for the little dude at noon and we retreated to the back yard after the game and played in the pool all afternoon.
After getting out of the pool, I made a supply run for stuff for a deck around the pool. 1,000 lbs of ceeeement followed me home the first trip. After handling 1,000lbs of ceement 3 times to get it home I was feeling spry, so I went back for a truck full of PT sticks.... about oh, another 1,000lbs or so. Moved that pile of sticks 3 times to get it home and called it quits for the day. And did some of what Jeremy did, "drank alot of beer".
Plans to dig n pour footers on Sunday went up in smoke with a couple of thunderstorms. So, I built a frame for a functioning gate for the newly built fence... the "temporary" one that was inscrewed for mower passage was actually TEMPORARY. As I got the gate up late yesterday after the rain passed... usually those temporary things tend to be semi-permanent.:rolleyes:. 'Least at my house that seems to be the progression.

Nancy Laird
06-16-2008, 1:00 PM
No shop time for us this weekend - we spent most of the weekend pulling up OLD ratty carpet in our house, then chipping up OLD tile off the concrete slab, in preparation for laying parquet flooring. Living room, dining room, and hall are getting new flooring. Such fun!!!

Hubby chose to work away on Father's Day, after a nice breakfast, cards, e-cards, and a telephone call from son. Talked to my dad, but it was very frustrating; he can't hear well and his speech is going downhill. I have the sinking feeling that he won't see another Christmas.

Today, I'm working on laser stuff - four orders to fill!!! Yeah!!!