View Full Version : First Gloat and a few questins

Robert Flowers
06-14-2008, 4:20 PM
Got 2 Disson saw for 10.00 each,a Miller Falls breast drill for 20.00 and a expansive bit for 3.00 and a headless awl for free.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v369/raflowers/Vacation066.jpg
One saw is a D-15 victory saw the other maybe a D-23 not sure on that one can't read the design.
My questins are
How do i clean the saws without taking off the designs?
How do i fix a crack in the wooden crank handle of the drill? its about 1 1/2" long almost all the way thru just want to stop it before it becomes trouble.
And last what do you use to lube the drill?

Bill Houghton
06-14-2008, 5:24 PM
MOst people use sandpaper on a wooden block. I'm prone to SOS pads, myself (just watch it near the teeth).

Almost any oil is OK for the drill. Motor oil's usually cheapest.

Michael Faurot
06-14-2008, 5:49 PM
How do i clean the saws without taking off the designs?


How do i fix a crack in the wooden crank handle of the drill? its about 1 1/2" long almost all the way thru just want to stop it before it becomes trouble.
Use the real thin cyanoacrylate glue. You can get it from Woodcraft (http://www.woodcraft.com/family.aspx?familyid=346) or Lee Valley (http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.aspx?c=2&p=20022&cat=1,110,42966). I believe both companies sell the same product line. What you want is the red label stuff with low viscosity called "Hot Stuff". Because this stuff is so thin, it'll flow into the crack and fill it. It might take several applications if the crack is fairly large.

And last what do you use to lube the drill?
I use white lithium grease on these types of hand drills.