View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's" - Friday the 13th Edition

Karl Laustrup
06-13-2008, 8:21 AM
Friday June 13th, 2008


Well, since last Friday we've been inundated here in Southern Wisconsin. Our friends in Iowa have it every bit as bad as well.

Severe storms last Saturday and Sunday left us with 9 inches of rain in little more than 30 hours. Needless to say there isn't anywhere for that much water to go when it comes down that quickly. We have a lake that is no more [Lake Delton] 90749 and so many roads closed that travel has become near impossible. This morning Interstate 90/94 from just north of Madison is closed all the way to Mauston, a distance of about 60 miles, after more storms yesterday afternoon and evening.

There are a lot of people displaced, but as of this time I have heard of no deaths related to these storms here in Wisconsin. As in Iowa, most of the crops are under water and will probably be lost.

LOML heads out tomorrow for SoCal for 2 weeks, so I'll be batching it. Well, my mom, who lives with us, is staying home, so it'll be me and her.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing this weekend. I should start milling the Jatoba for a flag case, but I'm just going to leave it open for now. I could also use some of the cedar and make a couple of bird feeders. I think I'll just play it by ear though.

What's happening in your neck of the woods? Fun? Games? Work? :( Or a combination of things?

Whatever it might be I hope it'll be a great weekend and above all a SAFE one.


Ben Martin
06-13-2008, 8:35 AM
Sorry to hear that Karl, we have some friends with cottages on that lake. Nonetheless, their property is no longer lake front...

Hopefully, dams will be re-built and the lake will fill up again, the Dells needs it!

Ken Fitzgerald
06-13-2008, 9:20 AM
Good Morning Karl! Sorry about all the rain.

THe LOML left me Tuesday morning and won't be back for 3 weeks. SHe'll return with her mother in tow. They are making the grand rounds of Bloomington, IL, Denver, CO, Pearland, TX, Long Beach, CA and finally Lewiston. Then they will return to IL for 3 weeks.

I'm batching it too Karl. Monday I leave for 2 weeks of training in TX.

This weekend, finish painting cabinet doors and get them mounted, yardwork, mow, trim, feritilize. Pack bags, fly out Monday.

Jim O'Dell
06-13-2008, 9:29 AM
My heart goes out to all of those affected by the flooding and storm problems!

My weekend kind of started today, as I took today off (first full day off since I started this job back in September) because the wife is at a convention in Houston...no not the political one, the Texas Music Teachers one. :p Thought it would be good to get my eyes checked and some new glasses, plus do the Ford recall of the last recall on the cruise switch. (If you own a Ford truck or van, contact your dealership. The harness installed on the first recall evidently had the fuse on the wrong wire, so that it won't kill power to the cruise control cut off switch in case the switch goes bad. Could still catch on fire. Ignition does not have to be on.) And I need to find the steel place and price some stuff for the shop. If not too expensive, I'll go ahead and pick some pieces up.
I do have to work 4 hours tomorrow at the day job. Shame my weekend to work had to fall on this weekend, but that's life. :) Will work on the outfeed table when the casters get here this afternoon/evening. They are on the UPS truck for delivery.
Have a safe weekend!! Jim.

Craig McCormick
06-13-2008, 9:33 AM
Good morning!

Lots of mowing this weekend as well as trimming/spraying weeds etc... I also hope to build the template and mold for a concrete fireplace hearth. The hearth project is a precursor to concrete kitchen counters. I have done a few test slabs and invested over $500.00 in concrete polishing equipment. I have been looking forward to this project for several months, but the wife said I had to finish a bunch of other projects first.

Karl how is your foot doing?


alex grams
06-13-2008, 9:41 AM
Sorry to hear about the weather. It is dry down here in Houston and I wish we could take some of that rain from you.

Not a whole lot planned, going to clean up the garage a lot this weekend since i just finished with the wifes desk/wallunit/bookshelf project, and the garage is a mess.

It is my wife and I's 1 year anniversary this weekend, so lots of relaxing and such. She got (IE: let me get) a nice Oklahoma Joe's smoker, so Sunday I am going to break that bad boy in and make some ribs.

Lots of other little projects around the house, new light fixture in the bathroom as well as adding crown molding in there, then in the coming weeks it is a new kitchen floor (tearing up about 250-300 square feet of tile and retiling the floor (o... joy..... my back is hating me already)

Lance Norris
06-13-2008, 9:49 AM
My thoughts go out to all who are suffering with floods and storms:(.
This weekend, I am building a patio table for my stepdaughter, similar to, but smaller than, the picnic table I built for my wife. Funny how when someone sees something you have built, then they want one, but different:rolleyes:.


Karl Laustrup
06-13-2008, 10:21 AM
Good morning!

Karl how is your foot doing?


The foot is doing much better since I started wearing the "Crocs" as my Dr. suggested. Still not 100% but at least I can get some things done. I may even try and get out and golf this coming week. :)

Thanks for asking Craig.


Matt Ocel
06-13-2008, 10:26 AM
Daughters H.S. graduation party.

Lotsa potato salad and ham sammies.

Jacob Reverb
06-13-2008, 12:20 PM
Tuna fishing and wiring a 220V/50A circuit for a welder.

Mike SoRelle
06-13-2008, 12:30 PM
I read about Lake Delton, but that picture tells alot more than the article I read. Hopefully they can get that rebuilt. Also a real shame about the people getting the short end of the stick due to the lack of participation in the federal flood insurance program for the last few years.

I think my weekend is going to end up being devoted to work, have a couple of big projects that came up out of the blue, so there goes some shop time.

Talking about maybe going to King's Island (amusement park) this weekend at some point.

Dennis Peacock
06-13-2008, 12:31 PM
Howdy Karl,

Sorry about the storms and the weather, but we've had our tastes of the severe weather a bit too much this year and I know how you feel.

I'm off work tomorrow (Yeah!!!!) as I'll be out taking my motorcycle safety course to help me survive riding on the highways with cars and trucks. I've ridden many bikes in my time, but mostly dirt or mud only. The safety course is supposed to help me with many aspects of riding with traffic as well as control and how to handle a motorcycle in the event of an emergency or accident. I'm looking forward to the course....it was mandated by the LOML that I take the course. Now if the rain will just hold off until the course is finished. :)

Brad Schmid
06-13-2008, 2:24 PM
Now if the rain will just hold off until the course is finished. :)

Don't be dissappointed if it rains Dennis!

The last MSF class I took about 2 yrs ago it rained for an entire 8hr day we spent on the riding range. It was absolutely fantastic training! Think about it... you're goal is to improve your skills to handle less than ideal situations. Learning emergency stopping/maneuvers in the rain is about as good as it gets. HOPE for rain!:cool:

For me, this weekend is a bike maintenance weekend. I'll be swapping some drivetrain parts on my bike to lower my rpm's a bit at highway speed, replacing burned out headlight bulb, filters, fluids, etc. Maybe even give the pig a bath:D Be well ya'll;)

Jack Camillo
06-13-2008, 3:53 PM
Closing in on finishing the pergola over deck. Waiting on the large crosscut tenon saw from Lie Nielson as I'm employing a lot of handcut woodworking joinery vice metal brackets and the like. Probably won't be finished until next week sometime. What a sweet saw that is - tried one last week, man what a beautiful cut.

Lance Norris
06-13-2008, 5:24 PM
Well... 5 hours later, here is my weekend project. I want the wood to dry for a week or so, and then I will radius the corners and run a round over bit along the edges and call it ready for paint.

Steve Clardy
06-13-2008, 5:37 PM
I'll just be wondering when our next rain will come also.:rolleyes:
I've tilled the garden so many times to get it too dry up I've forgot how many times I've done it. [Tractor with 4" tiller]

Low water bridges are covered up again.

Watching it rain while working in the shop

Gary Kvasnicka
06-13-2008, 6:06 PM
I driving up to PA in the morning to pick my new(to me) lathe Nova DVR with extension bed and outboard turning attachment. Pre-gloat:D
Then Sunday down to Lake Gaston to spend Fathers Day with my Dad. This weekend should help me forget the Friday the 13th gremlins that caused a blow out tire on my work van this afternoon.

Peter Quinn
06-13-2008, 8:18 PM
Wow, Motor Cycle Safety course. I miss riding. My old bike is moth balled behind a wall of lumber in the garage. LOML doesn't want me on it since my son was born last year. My instructor said something that has stuck with me all these years.

"The most dangerous part on a motor cycle is the nut that connects the seat to the handle bars. If that gets loose, things can get ugly. And watch out for old ladies that can't see, they are dangerous too."

Started framing a wall that will divide my shop expansion (basement) from a new cedar close/pantry. Hope to finish it tomorrow. LOML and I were arguing about how much of the 500SF is mine and how much is her's. I finally snapped a plum line on the floor and ceiling...she says "so the framing goes to your side" and I said "WHAT...it goes to your side!" I decided we were arguing about 6", and put the framing to my side to keep peace. Might move the new slot mortiser in tomorrow and set it up if I can get a few friends to help move it. I need it for a job I'm starting next week.

Hope to spend Sunday with my Dad. He's moving to Florida in a few months so I'm taking every opportunity to spend time with him while he's still in driving distance.

Hope the rain lets up, and HAPPY FATHER"S DAY to the Creek.


Jim Becker
06-13-2008, 9:58 PM
Thanks for that picture, Karl...I didn't see one like that in the coverage.

Professor Dr. SWMBO has to do the pomp and circumstance thing for Drexel's graduation ceremonies tomorrow, so I get to do the YMCA run for karate again this week. We also have a swim/picnic at a friend's house later on Sunday to celebrate Father's Day. Outside of that, I'll likely be moving around dirt and stones as well as painting trim the rest of the time....

I got the lawn mowed this afternoon after getting home from Denver, so that's already out of the way.

Fred Voorhees
06-13-2008, 10:27 PM
Busy weekend for once. Got a great start on the outfeed table for the new Jet tablesaw tonight after work. Tomorrow, much of the same beside the weekly garbage run and a run to the Depot for hardware for the outfeed table project. Saturday night, if the weather permits, we will be hitting the stock car races at the New Egypt Speedway. Sunday morning, the wife and I are hoping to get a few hours in of bike riding for the excersize benefits. Then it will be home for more work on the outfeed table before the guys come over for the afternoons NASCAR event from Michigan.

Dewey Torres
06-14-2008, 2:02 AM
Finishing a nagging project (which I will post when done) in order to make more space for the Morris Chair Project.:D

Also made a ZC insert for my new saw. (complete with Micro Jig Splitter)

...And completed another small project (nothing special) with my wine cork collection (Will add to my album if you want to see it).


Clara Koss
06-14-2008, 9:08 PM
as a fla resident i can feel your pain!!!! we have had our share or loss and disbelief.... we have been watching on tv and pray all will be better soon....

Duncan Potter
06-15-2008, 10:07 AM
I decided to replace the sliding exterior doors to my walkout basement with some french style so I wouldn't have to disassemble the doors every time I moved a wide load in or out.

Needless to say, on removal of the old doors, rot was found in the sill and some of the framing so what should have been a straightforward job became an excavation, concrete pouring, pressure treated extravaganza. Got her done though, and it will be nice if and when I need to move bulky equipment into my shop (wink, wink, nudge, nudge!)

I'll be out in the midwest next week, so I'll get to see some of the weather aftereffects. Best of luck to all out there...

George Bregar
06-15-2008, 10:55 AM
Pulled the frames off a concrete job I did here at Che Bregar, and landscaped. Watching Tiger amaze me again. Going golfing Sunday with my son and then back for BBQ and the final round of the US Open (thank you DVR!). That is, if weather permits. More storms Saturday and scattered T-Storms Sunday. :mad:

Yeah, the rain and resulting flooding sucks, and some locales took it hard...mostly those with lakes/rivers/dams like the Dells. While crop loss is extensive in areas, to say that most of the crops in Iowa and WI are lost is is a bit of an exaggeration.

Here is a video of the breach at Lake Delton, five houses in the path were lost