View Full Version : Stanley 55 Gloat

Henk Marais
06-11-2008, 6:20 AM
I came across this stunning plane and could not resist. I paid the equivalent of $225 for it. Before all of you tell me I was crazy and paid to much for it,:eek: I must mention that in our neck of the woods these kind of deals do not come across our path to often - Antique tools are very scarse and the dealers phone the serious collectors before it is offered to us mortals.
It has a sweatheart logo on (it did not come out to clearly on the photos)

Derek Cohen
06-11-2008, 8:07 AM
Hoe gaan dit Henk

That is a pretty excellent deal you made, regardless of location. I would pay that for a #55 in Perth if I could just find one at that price! (I hate to think of what you paid in Rands - about R1500?). I recall wandering though a market in Cape Town a year ago and all that was there was a sad Stanley #5.

Totsiens van Perth


George Springer
06-11-2008, 9:35 AM
My hand could not have gotten to my wallet fast enough if I found one like that for that price. Last one I saw complete in the wild, the asking price was $575 and the overall condition was not nearly as good as yours. Congratulations.

George Springer

Henk Marais
06-11-2008, 10:39 AM
Hi Dereck, yes I was very fortunate to make this find (Paid R1700 for it) I did not have enought money with me and convinced the seller to hang on to it, while I went to search for a bank.

You are quit correct, at the markets there is nothing worth looking at. We sometimes get to here about these deals throuht our woodworkers associations but if you dont have the cash right away you also loose out.

Looking forward to this years tri Nations.:D
