View Full Version : Silver Maple Box

Mitchell Cholewinski
06-09-2008, 9:39 PM
I recently got a bit interested in making boxes, something I never tried before.These pictures are my first attempt at making a box.I turned many larger hollow forms so hollowing the box was a piece of cake. I was concerned about cutting the lid off and getting it fit right. I lucked out cause this lid fit perfect, when I put the lid on and push it pops.This box is pretty large at 10". The wood is wet so I finished withmultiple coats of poly. The platform is part of the hollowed part and is turned from the same wood.the last picture is with the lid on upside down. Mitch

Geoff Hanha
06-10-2008, 4:25 AM
Hiya Mitch away you go, going to have to watch you know with the boxes, nice going. The thing about a box lid having the pop is i think a personal thing of how good a fit i can get to show others. Its got a good chance of sticking as all woods will move with the inviroment, theres nothing wrong with a lid that does not go pop. Lids can be of all types, its always a good thing to make the top of a box out of the same wood and to the same thicknes so that all movments are basicly the same. Nice design mitch looking at a couple of other post you are starting to change your style and way, always good to change a direction, someone has been looking at books video or something, keep on mitch i like it. Geoff...LB :D

Mitchell Cholewinski
06-10-2008, 6:40 PM
Hello Mate
Thanks for the positive reply. Always nice to hear from you. I am pleased you think this box is ok. Of course you already know that I regard you as the best as far as making boxes. I like your creativity, as well as John Lucas, another turner I admire.You can always come up with a very nice box and then another and another. I don't look at videos or books so I need to learn the basics to making a box first, then I will see if I have any creative side to me.I turned a practice box yesterday, just for practice and again it popped on and made me so happy. Being wet wood it soon stuck. I need to figure how to get around this. I need to go look at your boxes just for ideas, if you don't mind and even if you do mind, I am going to.(wink). Mitch