View Full Version : Free Plane Refinishing and Sharping Class ATL, Ga.

Johnny Kleso
06-09-2008, 4:02 PM
I am planning a Hand Plane Refinishing/Tune-Up Class with a Chisel/ Plane Iron Sharpening Class..

It will also be Sodas and Burgers as my shop is mostly in the driveway and backyard..

Here is a Google map to my house with a tail on to get to 75 to 675 to My House

You can Zoom In or Out and turn on or off Satellite View

I have a few others intrested on a sharping thread and want to get all that is intrested.. Highland Woodworking charges $60 for sharpening classes and I dont think you would learn much more and a Handplane class is another $60 so dont pass up a good thing...


David Tiell
06-09-2008, 5:05 PM
Dang, and I'm in MD! With gas at $4/gal, it would hardly be free, but I'm sure it would be money well spent. To everyone who takes advantage, enjoy, and post pics!

Bob Noles
06-09-2008, 6:20 PM

Have you finalized any details like a date and time yet? Be sure you count me in.

If you are in the Atlanta area, I hope you will consider Johhny's kind invitation. He is one of the best around at what he does and this is an opportunity NOT to miss. Also a great chance to meet your woodworking neighbors.

Mike Duffy
06-09-2008, 6:40 PM
Sounds great. When is it? :)

John Thompson
06-09-2008, 7:12 PM
Mr. Noles took the words from my mouth about the time and date... a true artisan who concentrates on the content of craft so hard.. he forgets to set a time and date. :D



Barry Reade
06-09-2008, 7:22 PM
Yes, count me in.

Jack Camillo
06-09-2008, 7:42 PM
Hey, I am also in MD. Maybe Johnny will consider doing tours afterwards! Who can we get to sponsor his plane tickets?

Brian Kent
06-09-2008, 7:42 PM
When is your workshop in SOuthern California?

Bob Noles
06-09-2008, 8:03 PM
Yes, count me in.


I'm in Hiram. We can car pool if you want. :D

Barry Reade
06-09-2008, 9:05 PM
That would be great Bob, I have a TDI Jetta that get around 40 mpg.

Barry Reade
06-09-2008, 9:07 PM
Johnny, is there anything I can do to help that day (whenever you decide) as i am just up the road in Powder Springs.

Johnny Kleso
06-09-2008, 11:05 PM
I'm good most any day and time..

What do you all think about when is a good day and time..

This will have to be contingent on weather as shop is out doors :)

I'm thinking this or next weekend unless you you folks are free like me :)

Randal Stevenson
06-10-2008, 1:34 AM
I'm good most any day and time..

What do you all think about when is a good day and time..

This will have to be contingent on weather as shop is out doors :)

I'm thinking this or next weekend unless you you folks are free like me :)

For those of us who are far away (and find it next to impossible to get time off), would SOMEONE PLEASE VIDEO IT?!??

I would love to have a copy. I am getting better, but am still learning on my own mostly. Thanks!

Sell it, make it downloadable, place it on You Tube, I don't care, just let me know PLEASE!

Barry Reade
06-10-2008, 6:03 AM
I'm good most any day and time..

What do you all think about when is a good day and time..

This will have to be contingent on weather as shop is out doors :)

I'm thinking this or next weekend unless you you folks are free like me :)
Either one for me just let me know the date and time and if I can bring anything.

Charlie Schultz
06-10-2008, 6:16 AM
Depending on time/date, I'm interested.

Bob Noles
06-10-2008, 6:31 AM
My vote would be for a Saturday around 10 AM.

Mike Duffy
06-10-2008, 7:59 AM
Either is good for me, too. Let me know if you want me to bring anything.

Johnny Kleso
06-10-2008, 3:25 PM
I'm thinking the 28th or 29th of June?

This will give everyone time I hope to make time for this.

How does 11 o'clock sound and we can do a late lunch around 1or2

Bob Noles
06-10-2008, 3:40 PM
I'll be there for sure either day you pick. Please tell us if we can bring anything or pitch in a couiple of bucks to help with the food/ Also do we need to bring any tools or equipment?

This will be much fun!

Barry Reade
06-10-2008, 4:22 PM
I'm thinking the 28th or 29th of June?

This will give everyone time I hope to make time for this.

How does 11 o'clock sound and we can do a late lunch around 1or2

I am good for either day, which ever is best for the most.:D

Charles Cannon
06-10-2008, 6:53 PM
I won't be able to make it to Rex Mill that weekend but I do like the Utube idea.

Barry Reade
06-10-2008, 8:46 PM
I won't be able to make it to Rex Mill that weekend but I do like the Utube idea.
Johnny, I was just informed that the 28/29th is family reunion weekend. I sure would like to come to your seminar. What about 21/22 weekend?

Charlie Schultz
06-11-2008, 6:28 AM
My preference would be for a Saturday (e.g., 21 or 28), thanks.

Barry Reade
06-11-2008, 6:47 AM
My preference would be for a Saturday (e.g., 21 or 28), thanks.
I am hoping for 6/21:D:eek::)

Barry Reade
06-13-2008, 9:08 PM
So Johnny, are you sticking with the original date or are you considering changing it so some of us can make the seminar??

Danny Thompson
06-14-2008, 11:52 PM
The weekend of the 4th would be great!

Johnny Kleso
06-15-2008, 4:20 AM
21th also works for me.......

Anyone coming if you can bring a folding chair would be good and if you would like beer instead of soda..

I think I have enought chair maybe four or five but just in case...

I'll have hamburgers and Bratts with onion and peppers and macroni salad if anyone wants to bring anything else they are welcome to chips or dip or some other items..

We can stay for an 2nd coarse late lunch and a early dinner as thime goes really fast when having a good time I have found..

How does this date work for all ?

I may have another this fall if we get some folks out to this one..

I have digital camera I can try to do a mpg for u-tube for those out of state..

can we have a role call on dates you all can make and ones you rate top pick??

Barry Reade
06-15-2008, 6:06 AM
Wow, the 21st is great. I have extra chairs and will bring some.

Mike Duffy
06-15-2008, 8:33 AM
The 21st works for me, too.

Bob Noles
06-15-2008, 8:40 AM
6/21 sounds great Johnny!

Joe Petersen
06-15-2008, 1:34 PM
Count me in for the 21st. I have folding chairs and a couple planes to practice on that I picked up at a flea market. I'm in Douglasville and would like to take part in a west side carpool if there is room.

Johnny Kleso
06-15-2008, 3:46 PM
OK the 21th 10:30-11:00 for sure..

I do a google map and directions from 75N of my house..

If you do a google or mao quest directions it will take you around 20 which is longer and more turns like if you where truck traffic...

I'll post this a little latter...

Lee Koepke
06-15-2008, 9:52 PM
that sounds like a plan !!! We had talked about doing this with a group, and sounds like its working !!!

It may just be a birthday present to myself ... ( a day for me !! )

Danny Thompson
06-16-2008, 10:10 AM
I am truly sorry I won't be able to make it. Sounds like a great day.

Johnny, Thanks for offering this to "the Creek."

Johnny Kleso
06-16-2008, 6:15 PM
I'll try to take some pics for you Danny,
Its not like your an hour or less away, you would have a long ride home I bet..

Johnny Kleso
06-19-2008, 8:40 AM
Looks like 40% chance of showers Sat. so we maybe in the house and not as much hands on type stuff but still sould be a good class..

Terry Bigelow
06-19-2008, 9:05 AM
Dang it! Won't be able to make it either. Having a birthday party for my 3 year old. Guess it'll be next time. Sounds like it'll be a good turn out though. Nice to see the GA Creekers comin' out!

Johnny Kleso
06-19-2008, 9:08 AM
Just being your daughter and the cake :)

Dave Anderson NH
06-19-2008, 9:14 AM
Remember the cardinal rule here at the Creek Johnny, "No pictures, it didn't happen." We will expect a full report with pix. Have a great time.:D

Johnny Kleso
06-20-2008, 1:49 AM
Should be good I'm useing the good bait..
Cheeseburgers and carmelized onions and Johnsonvill beer brats as two the main baits..
Also with with a few how tos about hand planes thrown in as the sides :)

I got the camera on the tripod already

Barry Reade
06-20-2008, 8:40 PM
I will see everyone that is going in the morning. Anyone in Marietta, GA area that needs a ride let me know.

Johnny Kleso
06-20-2008, 11:54 PM
Looking Foward to seeing You All :)

Johnny Kleso
06-21-2008, 5:32 PM
Here the pic I got
Me, Lee, Brian and Charley


Brian has more pics maybe here will post...
I think everyone had a good time and they said they learned a lot and I think they are off to a good start...

Barry Reade
06-21-2008, 9:28 PM
Those that missed Johnny’s presentation really missed a great one. This man is an encyclopedia of plane and chisel information. He was a very gracious host and presented a wealth of information and backed it up with demonstrations. Attendeess were Johnny, Charlie Schultz, Lee Koepke, and Barry Reade.

It had been raining before we got there so Johnny set up inside. He brought out just a small sampling of his collection of planes that went back well over 100 years.


These were some of the products used to clean up old planes that were rusty and gunked up.


Johnny had but together some great notes and went over several things like what to look for when you are buying a used plane. He said he has a web site www.rexmill.com that has a lot of information. I checked it out a little bit and it is very full of information on hand planes.

After a couple of hours of saturating our brains with plane information Johnny fed us burgers off the grill with caramelized onions and two kinds of potato salad. Charlie took care of getting the caramelized onions heated in the microwave.


Johnny and Lee talking during one of the breaks.


After lunch we went outside and he set up his JET wet sharpener and all of his million dollar stones and worked on all of our planes. I didn’t get any pictures as the old Fuji didn’t deal with the direct sunlight well and I didn’t know how to get any filtering with my camera.

Johnny, thank you for opening your house and sharing your information with us.

Lee Koepke
06-21-2008, 9:40 PM

Yup. Thanks from me as well. I appreciate you taking your time to show us a little about the trade.

I will put the knowledge to good use !!! sharing time and information is a special trait. Thanks again Johnny !!

Terry Beadle
06-22-2008, 10:08 AM
Thanks for the pics! Looks like a great time was had by all.

Charlie Schultz
06-22-2008, 1:11 PM
I thouroughly enjoyed it. Johnny was a great host- well worth the trip.

Bob Noles
06-22-2008, 4:53 PM
WOW! It appears I missed out on a really good time as well as education. As I explained to Johnny in an email, LOML decided she wanted to get away for a few days at the last minute. Sorry, but she is better looking than you guys :D

Myabe if you have another one of these in the fall I can make it down or I may just give you a call and come down for a visit one day when I'm off and goofing around.

Good show and I'll bet everyone came back with a lot of know how on planes.

Johnny Kleso
06-23-2008, 8:59 PM
I'm thinking I may do another class might when it cools off...

I think we all would have been well done if we spent all day outside :)

I relized after the class that I should have spent more time on how to plane that how to restore a plane...

I think the next class I spend more time on that subjuct and also add a few pages on using a plane to my website soon...