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View Full Version : Water, water, everywhere

Bob Rufener
06-08-2008, 6:13 PM
I wish we could send the rain we got in southeastern WI the last 18 hours to some of you who need it. I put a bucket out and when I measured it before lunch, it had about 5.25 inches in it. That's from yesterday afternoon at about 5:00 to 11:00 this morning. It is likely that more is on the way. A few tornadoes but nothing destructive. The local golf course had two waterholes and now they have about 8. GLub! Glub!

regis helaine
06-08-2008, 6:42 PM
send it to North west texas. we have 112 today. really which we could have some rain

Joe Pelonio
06-08-2008, 7:17 PM
Here where we are the butt of rain jokes, it's sunny and 65 today. While we average 40 inches a year, it's spread out pretty evenly among 10 months of the year. 5+ inches in a day would definitely cause major flooding of all the rivers.

David Freed
06-08-2008, 9:30 PM
There was 10" of rain 40 miles north of us Friday night. Now it is overflowing the levees here and not cresting until tomorrow sometime.

James Rambo
06-08-2008, 9:44 PM
Here in SW Florida we can get 2 inches of rain in 20 minutes of a rainstorm that will only be about 45 minutes long not everyday but most. We have a rainy season that lasts about 40 days. I don't know of the top of my head but I would believe we get about 80 inches a year.

Dewey Torres
06-09-2008, 1:19 AM

Remember "April showers bring May flowers"?

Well here:

April brings snow
May brings snow
June brings flowers thirsty for water
June brings brings water restrictions
June brings Grass which grows only in duress
June brings showers or even more fun HAIL that deposits a mere spritz of water which, in turn burns the grass (already in duress) in the hot mid day sun:(

I think they need to re-do the rhyme for Colorado. (I confess. I live on the prairie... Admittedly, I guess nature intended it this way:o.)


Karl Laustrup
06-09-2008, 5:50 AM

This is what it looked like Saturday around 1 PM just before the storm hit and the flood gates opened. Within 5 minutes of my taking this picture we had tornado sirens going off, with wind blowing at least 50 MPH. The rain was coming sideways. No reported tornadoes around us. Lots of trees down and local flooding. Thank goodness I live on a hill.

With slight breaks between, we've had rain ever since. As of this morning we stand at 9 inches. I'm waiting to hear what the local weather people say about whether we'll be getting any more rain.

Tyler Howell
06-09-2008, 7:57 AM
5.5" in 10 hours.
Alot of roads undermined and washed out.
Downtown and harbor area flooded. A few wet basements:(.
I'm high and dry here.
To think we were beging for rain with the fires this time last year.

Stay safe


Bob Rufener
06-09-2008, 10:54 AM
A wee bit over 7" in the bucket this morning-and the bucket is tapered outwards. Creekers in Iowa and Minnesota-please turn on all of your fans and blow this stalled front away from us! Luckily, our house is on a high spot and is built on sand and gravel. I pitty the poor folks whos houses are in low lying areas. I hope their sump pumps keep up with the demand. We may have to look for a fellow woodworker named Noah before it is too late.

Craig Summers
06-09-2008, 12:13 PM
We may have to look for a fellow woodworker named Noah before it is too late.

Or you are just stuck with the modern version NOAA (http://www.noaa.gov/), not much of a woodworker though. :rolleyes:

Reed Wells
06-09-2008, 3:50 PM
We got the hail here. Golf ball sized. Insurance is going to replace house roof (3 years old), shop roof (new last year) and about half the new vynal siding on the house, (three years old).

Chris Padilla
06-09-2008, 7:21 PM
Dry as a bone and 90+ degrees here.... :)

Joe Pelonio
06-09-2008, 9:42 PM
It's now 47 here, and they have just issues a Heavy Snow Warning for the mountain passes. In the middle of June!!!

mark page
06-10-2008, 6:47 AM
Someone up north has gotten lots of rain. The MO river here in KC is almost bank level. LOML states that at Riverside Park next to the casino in which she works has been sand bagging for over a week now. We have been getting a lot of hard rain in spurts, but I don't think enough to put the river to this level. Must be coming from uphill somewhere's.

Bob Rufener
06-10-2008, 8:33 AM
I woke up to a blue and sunny sky this morning. Amazing what that does for one's attitude. Rain finally moved out. I hope it doesn't stall some place east of us. Thought I'd share this. Wisconsin Dells is the major tourist area in the state. A lake (Lake Delton) had a breach because of saturated ground and excess rain fall. Lots of nice homes on this lake and the Tommy Bartlet waterski show has been held on this lake ever since I can remember. Blew out four homes and the lake dumped into the adjacent Wisconsin River (to the right in the picture. The lake is virtually dry or should I say sand and mud. The lake (or what's left of it) is on the left in the pic. The second pic is rather self explanatory. Those boats in the upper right of the picture used to be floating on the lake.

Karl Laustrup
06-10-2008, 8:55 AM
Here's the latest from up this way.

Yesterday we finally got a break from the rain after getting 9 inches in two days [Saturday-Sunday].

At about 10 AM we heard reports that a dam was probably going to fail. This dam creates Lake Delton. The dam held. An area about 300 yards north of the dam had water flowing over due to the high water. The water finally got to the earth and carved a path about 300' wide by at least 200 yards long to find it's way to the Wisconsin River.

The lake drained in less than 2 hours and is now dry, save for some runoff flowing through on its way to the Wisconsin.

Five homes destroyed, with three of them floating down the Wisconsin River almost intact. I have no idea how far they've made it by now. Boats were part of the flow also. Here's some local coverage with video and pictures.

www.nbc15.com (http://www.nbc15.com) www.wkow.madison.com (http://www.wkow.madison.com) www.channel3000.com (http://www.channel3000.com)

It should be noted that the area that was swept away included a forested area as well as a very well traveled county highway. We can not get close enough to see the area that is no more.

This is where the breach happened with one of the destroyed homes clinging to the edge.

Here's the police boat that didn't quite get back to what was the shore. They were warning people who were trying to get boats out of the water.

This is where the water enters the lake from Mirror Lake, which is about 3 miles away. The Mirror Lake dam is in question at this time, but as time goes on without rain the situation improves.

The Tommy Barlett Water and Ski show is no more. It's been a part of the Dells for around 50 years, as I recall.

The talk is of repairing and refilling the lake. If so it's going to take a couple of years I would think.


Ken Fitzgerald
06-10-2008, 8:59 AM
The folks here in Idaho don't know what a real rain is. They see a real rain maybe once in their lifetime. We had 4" in 4 hours...once in the last 26 years.....

But it did snow last night 40 miles away and we are supposed to get to a high of 53º F today....:confused:

Benjamin Dahl
06-10-2008, 1:38 PM
When I was a kid we had an 80 acre farm just outside of Viola, WI and remember the flash floods. I heard on the radio that Viola was completely cut off by the flooded Kickapoo. Pretty devastating. Have not seen any overhead shots yet.
I hope the ski show can come back; those guys and gals can really do some great stuff.
We could use storms like that here in GA as our drought is continuing.

Matt Meiser
06-10-2008, 11:31 PM
I flew over Indiana and Illinois this afternoon. The amount of water is unbelievable and as I'd look out towards the horizon there were 1000's of what looked like puddles.