View Full Version : First Farmers/Art market Saturday of the year.

Bruce Shiverdecker
06-07-2008, 8:07 PM
Got up at 6:30 am. 6:45 - WOW can't see across the street due to rain coming down. 7:00 - rain down to a light shower, so I left for the show. BTW, LOML thinks I'm CRAZY! Told her I had to go down and pay for the year and who knows, it might stop.

7:15 - Pull in to the show and it's raining harder now, so I get me an application copy to fill out and pull into my spot and park.

7:25 - Rain almost stopped, so I chose to set up my canopy and two tables without any draping and left the lathe in the van. Too wet to take a chance of gettin' Zapped!

Only had one customer that bought today, however, she is well know in the art community and she picked up two pieces (Sorry, I didn't even have time to get pictures of them yet). The first was a 12-1/2 X 3" tapered side Russian Elm bowl - $75.00 and a NE Sassafrass bowl 5"X4" $50.00. Subtract that from the annual booth rental and I will be even with one more $45.00 sale.

First year I've done that.

Then went to Woodcraft and taught a turning class.

ASK ME IF I'M HAPPY----------------- sorry ----------NO! Didn't get to spend ANY time with my Granddaughter today.
Bruce Shiverdecker - Semi Retired (Part timer at Woodcraft, Peoria, Il.)

robert hainstock
06-07-2008, 8:38 PM
The best thing that can happen to a struggling, (starving?) artist. I hope for you that she shares the usual propensity to tell everyone she knows. :D:D

Steve Schlumpf
06-07-2008, 9:13 PM
Bruce - congrats on your sales! Hopefully they are just the beginnings of a great summer for you!

Next time take your granddaughter along!