View Full Version : Jet Air Filtration System - Looking for Feedback

Jeff Wright
06-05-2008, 10:01 PM
I have a chance to buy a slightly used Jet air filtration system for about half the regular price. Have any of you used that system and have any comments? It is the unit that typically hangs from the ceiling.

Jay Yoder
06-05-2008, 10:16 PM
If it is the 1000 series air filter, buy it! Ur lungs will thank you! I bought mine used and it is amazing how much dust it swallows up! Every so often I vacuum the prefilter and keep on going. It is a real champ! Make sure it is the 1000B series. i think some of the earlier ones had sealing issues in the front end.

Tyler Howell
06-05-2008, 11:27 PM
I have the 1500 and chringe every time I clean it. I can't believe how much crud it scrubs out of the air.
Still very happy after 3 years.

Larry Marley
06-06-2008, 12:32 AM
I have the AFS-1000B. collects a lot of dust... when I remember to turn it on:o

Dewey Torres
06-06-2008, 1:23 AM
I also have the AFS 1000B. Great Great system. Some say JDS is the best but I would have to rank the Jet near the top as well.


Clay Crocker
06-06-2008, 6:28 AM

I have had the Jet AFS-1000B for about five years and have been very happy. Mine came with a disposable paper pre-filter that I have since replaced with a permanent pre-filter that Jet makes. For me that was a good upgrade.


Fred Conte
06-06-2008, 8:21 AM
Jeff I can't comment on the Jet unit since I made my own from a squirrel cage out of a discarded hvac system. I ganged 4 air filters on the input side, total cost was less than $10.

But whatever you decide definitely get something, like everyone else you'll be amazed at what the unit will pull out of the air.

Good luck!


JohnT Fitzgerald
06-06-2008, 12:15 PM
Does anyone have the JDS unit? I'm really considering the Jet - if it's as good as people say, then I can't justify the extra $100 on Amazon for the JDS. But it's a little cheaper at Woodcraft - so I still haven't decided.

Convincing SWMBO on either one should not be a problem - I accidentally made a rip cut with a dull blade that ended up with burned wood and some smoke/dust in the air, right before she walked into the basement - and she was not pleased with "breathing in" all that stuff. I'd feel guilty if I did that on purpose, but I guess 'serendipitous' pops to mind.....

Brian J Holmes
06-06-2008, 1:34 PM
somewhat off-topic for those that have one of the jet systems, how do you clean the inner bag filter?

Clay Crocker
06-06-2008, 4:33 PM

I wash mine in the bathtub.


Rob Diz
06-10-2008, 11:21 AM
I have delta unit, and turn it on whenever I am using a power tool or pick up any sand paper. I am always amazed at how much crap the filters pick up.

One tip - Rockler sells some velcro based brackets that you can use on the outside of your unit to hold up some 24 x 12 furnace filters. It's much easier to throw those away than to clean the innards of the air cleaner. You can also choose how tight a filter you want to use, and pretty much go down to 1 micron or less (recommended), and have the air double filtered.

It's one of those "tools" that does not give you much immediate satisfaction, but will keep the risk of injury (to your lungs) down.

LOML and I watched the TV show "30 days" yesterday, where the host works at different jobs for 30 days. This round he was a coal miner. Looking at the filter on his respirator after just an hour, you quickly realize what goes into your lungs if you are not careful, even in a workshop. Yikes.

Rick Gooden
06-10-2008, 1:30 PM
I have the JDS, have used it for over 2 years and am pleased. I don't have anything to compare it to but it goes on as soon as I enter the shop and goes off an hour after I leave. It has never failed and I am in the shop everyday, anywhere from 3 to 10 hours. I have a permanent prefilter and clean it regularly. I will say it sure traps a lot of dust so I am glad it is there. The design of these things is really very basic and I am sure the Jet would be just as good, the same with a well built home made unit.