View Full Version : Band saw scholars

Brian Weick
06-05-2008, 11:11 AM
These band saws look very similar in many ways and from what I have found this is made by Cresent, that's for sure~ just by the identical appearance of a lot of features on this band saw. ~ , based on my research it is a 30" DMD , not the 32 and as far as the year ???? where can the owner look at finding out some information on what brand ,what year,,etc,etc, inside the wheel/motor plate?? :confused: I am considering this machine for purchase and need some information on it.
any help would be appreciated ~:)
Thank you

Pete Bradley
06-05-2008, 12:10 PM

Brian Weick
06-05-2008, 12:25 PM
I know , I live there practically, OWWM~ I just was wondering if anyone can confirm my speculation about this band saw.
thanks anyways~ :)

Ken Fitzgerald
06-05-2008, 4:02 PM
Brian. I wish I could answer your questions. I will tell you that based on the photos.....it appears to be a bandsaw.:D

Brian Weick
06-05-2008, 4:19 PM
Man, I don't know what I would do without you Ken, I have plans Ken,,, serious plans, for one thing,that motor is getting ripped out, and well, this is something for me and my Chick (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPbDKudo6Go) to do together~:D

Thanks Ken ~ :)

Steve Clardy
06-05-2008, 7:04 PM
Brian. I wish I could answer your questions. I will tell you that based on the photos.....it appears to be a bandsaw.:D


Shaking head, looking up at Ken, wondering if Andy sent him some spoiled Moxie.:confused:

Jim Becker
06-05-2008, 8:55 PM
I think that Ken is spot on.... :D :D :D

Seriously, I can't help you with the identification information, but that's one beautiful hunk of old iron! I hope it works out for you.