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Bob Moyer
06-04-2008, 8:09 AM
What is the best method to keep mice from building nests in the gas grill. We use it about once every two weeks.

Peter Stahl
06-04-2008, 9:09 AM
What is the best method to keep mice from building nests in the gas grill. We use it about once every two weeks.

If it were me I'd put poison bait on the shelf under it. I also heard they won't chew threw steel wool so maybe you could put some in the openings. Best to get rid of them asap, as they breed like rats!:)

Jim Becker
06-04-2008, 9:13 AM
Umm....use it more often? :D Sorry, I couldn't resist, Bob...and unfortunately, I also don't have any good advice on this as it's never been a problem with our grill. The question in my mind is, "What would make the environment undesirable for nesting to the little rodents?"

Jason Roehl
06-04-2008, 9:19 AM
JIM! I can't believe you'd say such a thing! :D (Before I read your post, I thought, "Turn it on...")


Greg Cole
06-04-2008, 9:35 AM
Agreed with Jim n Jason.
It's a non-issue at our home as we use ours pretty much 12 months a year unless it's below zero.
I would recommend a good cleaning to remove the "stuff' that's bringing the little rodents up for a snack.... which reminds me it's "about time" for my once a year scrub down.... ucky.


Bob Moyer
06-04-2008, 9:49 AM
Umm....use it more often? :D Sorry, I couldn't resist, Bob...and unfortunately, I also don't have any good advice on this as it's never been a problem with our grill. The question in my mind is, "What would make the environment undesirable for nesting to the little rodents?"

I find it to be a pain to use it often for only my wife and I; we live in the country on a wooded lot and the mice were here first; the previous years it was not as big a problem because the horned owl and the hawks kept eating them and everything else. This year the hawks did not return and the owl no longer lives in the tree outside the garage, I guess I made to much noise with my new woodworking hobby and he moved on.:(

Bob Moyer
06-04-2008, 9:50 AM
Agreed with Jim n Jason.
It's a non-issue at our home as we use ours pretty much 12 months a year unless it's below zero.
I would recommend a good cleaning to remove the "stuff' that's bringing the little rodents up for a snack.... which reminds me it's "about time" for my once a year scrub down.... ucky.


We do keep it very clean; and it is ucky.

Nancy Laird
06-04-2008, 9:53 AM
I've heard that mice don't like moth balls--might try putting a few inside the unit.

Ron Dunn
06-04-2008, 10:24 AM
My first thought was "turn it on!", but barbecued mouse bits might not be an attractive addition to your next cook-fest.

Could you find where they enter the grill and stuff some fine wire mesh into those places?

Jeffrey Makiel
06-04-2008, 10:40 AM
Nonsense. Mice are delicious. Taste just like chicken. :)

-Jeff :)

Phyllis Meyer
06-04-2008, 11:13 AM
Seriously! They don't like them! We learned that after our large repair bill at the local car shop (the mice built a nest somewhere under the hood of our car near the heater). The mechanic said to lay a few fabric softner sheets under the hood. Never had another nest.:D


Cliff Rohrabacher
06-04-2008, 12:32 PM
Kill the mice.
Leave "Havoc" around for them

Jim O'Dell
06-04-2008, 12:34 PM
Find you a plastic horned owl and make a grill ornament out of it! Might work. I opened our grill one night and there wes a rat under the grid...Darn those igniters that never work!! Of course, it would have probably caught the house on fire. :D When I got back with the lighter, it was gone. Jim.

Lee Schierer
06-04-2008, 12:43 PM
Although I liked Jim's and Jason's ideas, cover the openings with 1/4" hardware cloth. It will stand the heat and let the ir in that the burners need. Mice cannot get through 1/4" hardware cloth.

Also have you considered a cat?

Ed Kilburn
06-04-2008, 1:44 PM
A cat can be a good thing, when we moved here a cat wandered up the back porch and made him self at home. We built the house new so it wasn't like it belonged to the previous owner. My wife being a cat person took him to the vet for shots, and a neuter job, and named him “Baby”. I've renamed him "Killer the Cat"; if it moves it's dead. I haven't seen a live mouse on any signs of one. Last week I found a candy bar in my shop that had to be over a year old, wrapper still intact. At the old place I had to keep my rags in a metal can or the mice would make nest in them, and I even keep mouse bait out.

Bob Moyer
06-04-2008, 1:55 PM
Although I liked Jim's and Jason's ideas, cover the openings with 1/4" hardware cloth. It will stand the heat and let the ir in that the burners need. Mice cannot get through 1/4" hardware cloth.

Also have you considered a cat?

First, I am allergic to a house cat; secondly there are more cats (farm) in the area than you can shake a stick at; however, the ones that hang in my yard prefer the birds at the feeders and birdbath.

Bob Moyer
06-04-2008, 1:58 PM
A cat can be a good thing, when we moved here a cat wandered up the back porch and made him self at home. We built the house new so it wasn't like it belonged to the previous owner. My wife being a cat person took him to the vet for shots, and a neuter job, and named him “Baby”. I've renamed him "Killer the Cat"; if it moves it's dead. I haven't seen a live mouse on any signs of one. Last week I found a candy bar in my shop that had to be over a year old, wrapper still intact. At the old place I had to keep my rags in a metal can or the mice would make nest in them, and I even keep mouse bait out.

I have mice traps, poison you name it the garage; found a nest in my table saw last week, I build a chest for my work shoes/boots; years ago I took my truck in for service, the mechanic found a nest in my air filter. I thought I had a great setup, put a little peanut butter in a 5 gal bucket; caught 5 of them until one of them chewed a hole in the bucket

mark page
06-04-2008, 10:15 PM
Thinking like a cat, why eat something that resembles a small possum, when there is an abundance of something that resembles quail, pheasant under glass, mandarin duck, squab, or cornish game hens. Sorry, I couldn't resist.:D

Michael Schumacher
06-23-2008, 5:04 PM
I thought I had a great setup, put a little peanut butter in a 5 gal bucket; caught 5 of them until one of them chewed a hole in the bucket

Did you put something in the bucket - like water or oil? Something to drown the stupid things? I'm hoping I never see any, as the wife is very afraid of them and if there was one, we'd end up having to move...:eek:

Bob Moyer
06-24-2008, 9:04 AM
Did you put something in the bucket - like water or oil? Something to drown the stupid things? I'm hoping I never see any, as the wife is very afraid of them and if there was one, we'd end up having to move...:eek:

Nothing else was in the bucket; my wife is a farm girl; has no issues with bugs or other animals; she does really hate mice. Live or dead!

Clara Koss
06-24-2008, 8:30 PM
they're protein...don't worry and enjoy the bbq!!!!! just kidding... sprinkle pepper in there after it's cooled down...someone told me about that but can't be sure if it works...