View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
06-02-2008, 8:06 AM
2 Jun 2008

Good Morning,

It's been crazy around my house and at work for the past several weeks. Recently, we went through supporting a "power grid" change for one of our data centers. They put in 2 new Cat self contained generators, you know, the small ones with a little Cat V-16 Diesel engine in them.!!! These are some bad-boy generators. From a cold start to full run and full load in 9.5 seconds!!! Yow!!!! That is fast!!! Well, it went successful and only 6 servers lost power during the change over while the other "buhzillion" stayed up and running as well as the cooling units. Gotta love it when a plan comes together!!!!

That and a couple of other projects are what I've been overly busy working on or with. My cardio checkup went very well and I was pleased to get a thumbs-up from the doctor.

The garden is coming in rather nicely and we've been picking strawberries and raddishes like crazy for the last 2 weeks. Can't way until more of our "more popular" veggies come in so the whole family can enjoy them.

Been tossing ideas around for the kitchen table project as I have Black Walnut and Red oak that were provided for the project by the new table owner. And if you are wondering if I got the planer cutterhead changed out last week? The answer would be "no". I had some things come up that prevented me from changing out the cutterhead. After my 9:30AM con-call this morning and dental appointment, I'm hoping to get some sawdust moved around in the shop today.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

alex grams
06-02-2008, 8:59 AM
Garden is producing tomatoes faster than I or the wife can eat em.

Saturday at the office. Then mounted the wall unit/bookshelf for my wifes desk. Then started cutting up for the matching bookshelf to go along with the desk and wall unit. Found out the arbor on the Ridgid ts3650 isnt long enough for the SD608 dado (DOH). But i will just shelf the dado blade for now, as a new table saw will be in the future in a year or so I hope (for getting a new SD608 for 200$ i really don't want to return it).

Lots of yard watering. It has been an incredibly dry year so far in Houston.

Joe Mioux
06-02-2008, 9:41 AM
worked all day Sat.

Sunday afternoon, applied some Spar Varnish on a table that I have been building and yard work.

Trimmed some Sans Cherry bushes, cleaned up the mess that the phone co. made when they needed access to the telephone box - they destroyed - chopped up a couple landscape plants around the box. Dug out some old stumps from dead bushes....


Matt Meiser
06-02-2008, 10:51 AM
Saturday I spent the day running around. Went to two garage sales that had woodworking tools listed. The one that sounded more interesting was of course a bust, but the second I ended up leaving with a jointer as posted in another thread. The guy had several more machines, some a steal, some overpriced, but nothing I "need". Stopped by the ReStore and found a brand new prebuilt set of PT steps that will work for the porch I need to rebuild in our garage (garage floor is about 3' lower than the house floor.) Stopped and looked at a new used car for LOML--need to take her car back today and see if I can work out a deal with them. Sunday I got my bench top on my bench, then switched over to working on the jointer and got it completely torn down and 90% of the hardware cleaned with a wire wheel. Made a (very short) list of what I need to get to complete it. Should be an easy restore and make a very nice machine when done.

Leo Zick
06-02-2008, 10:53 AM
2 Jun 2008

Good Morning,

It's been crazy around my house and at work for the past several weeks. Recently, we went through supporting a "power grid" change for one of our data centers. They put in 2 new Cat self contained generators, you know, the small ones with a little Cat V-16 Diesel engine in them.!!! These are some bad-boy generators. From a cold start to full run and full load in 9.5 seconds!!! Yow!!!! That is fast!!! Well, it went successful and only 6 servers lost power during the change over while the other "buhzillion" stayed up and running as well as the cooling units. Gotta love it when a plan comes together!!!!

That and a couple of other projects are what I've been overly busy working on or with. My cardio checkup went very well and I was pleased to get a thumbs-up from the doctor.

The garden is coming in rather nicely and we've been picking strawberries and raddishes like crazy for the last 2 weeks. Can't way until more of our "more popular" veggies come in so the whole family can enjoy them.

Been tossing ideas around for the kitchen table project as I have Black Walnut and Red oak that were provided for the project by the new table owner. And if you are wondering if I got the planer cutterhead changed out last week? The answer would be "no". I had some things come up that prevented me from changing out the cutterhead. After my 9:30AM con-call this morning and dental appointment, I'm hoping to get some sawdust moved around in the shop today.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

what size gens? we just finished commissioning and are writing O&M manuals for a data center plant with 5 2MW gens, and a total future capacity of 14gens.

Jim Becker
06-02-2008, 10:57 AM
Busy, yet productive weekend. 'Got my office physically moved to the new room in the addition...at least the desk system and all the electronics. I had to eliminate one section of my desk setup in the new room, but I kinda like this straight-forward arrangement. (This is Ikea Effectiv modular furniture from about 1990 or so and it's still going strong) It was nice to be able to do a "do over" after 7 years in that the "rat's nest" of wiring is gone and everything is tucked up nice and neat with proper cable management. Now, I just have to figure out where to put all the other stuff...oy! (Yes, that is SMC on the monitor to the left of the picture...)


Other activities included installing the new screen door at the kitchen entrance and mowing the grass with the new ZTR mower. (now that was an interesting experience...) Someday I'll get back in the shop, but I see mucho landscaping work in my immediate future, although I really do need to do a couple of quick and dirty night stands for the girls and get the glass in the wet bar cabinet doors once and for all.

Karl Laustrup
06-02-2008, 11:04 AM
Garden is producing tomatoes faster than I or the wife can eat em.

Wish you were closer Alex. Some BLT's sound really good, especially with home grown tamaters. :)

Well, I finally got the shop cleaned up enough to see what I have. I picked up some Canadian cedar and sliced some down into 1" boards. I'm going up to get the rest of the cutoffs today. Going to try my hand at making a few bird feeders.

Busy week ahead.

Hope ya'll have a great week.


Jerome Hanby
06-02-2008, 11:15 AM
Worked on cleaning the garage/workshop at least until the temperature/humidity got high enough to cook shrimp. Did meet one goal to cleaning, found my fancy wooden encased combination square (top of the line from Harbor Freight:eek:) and the center gauge let me mark some curtain rods that I needed to drill to hold a dowel. All pretty boring (pun intended) except I finally used the Shopsmith as a horizontal boring machine. That operation is a godsend! Of course in the process, I discovered the x-y sliding vise of which I thought so highly (again pun intended) sits too tall to be of any use in this mode...

Steven Wilson
06-02-2008, 11:32 AM
Well, I ran some spray paint on the grass to layout where a new retaining wall and some lawn edging will go. My landscape design is from the John Deere school. You know, layout landscape designs according to the turning capabilities of your garden tractor.

I also started working on some fishing nets. Went to Kinko's to get some copies of some full scale drawings, glued a copy onto some MDF and then trimed close on the bandsaw. Spent some time sanding to the line and smoothing the curves and now I have some good masters. Also rough cut some templates from the masters, now I need to setup the router table to follow the masters and make some good templates out of baltic birch. I also rough cut some melamine for the form base and thick MDF to make up the clamping forms. Hope to get a steam box built this week so I can bend some wood next weekend.

jeremy levine
06-02-2008, 11:46 AM
Punched ( put foot almost through ) a hole in the ceiling while adding insulation in the attic, SWMBO will be punishing me for a while over this. To add insult to injury she just called to ask "why won't the attic fan go on".

me " I took the precaution of shutting in down while working in the attic"
her "seems like you took the wrong precautions.."

Tyler Howell
06-02-2008, 1:22 PM
After a wild 6 months, I finally made the last leap.:o
Closed on my home in the Minneapple on Fri. Packed and loaded the truck Fri afternoon and unloaded in the new place Fri night.

Shuffled some furniture and boxes. Entertained the poor souls that helped me move. the rest of the weekend.

Life is very good.:D:D

Dave Stuve
06-02-2008, 1:31 PM
Finished the wall cabinet from Woodsmith #99, with a few changes: deeper, taller, a real top instead of the fancy molding they had, and used my Domino for the joints instead of dados. Made it most of it from a local maple tree.

Hanging it on the wall was fun - it's centered on one joist, so I used a couple of narrow cleats all hanging from the same joist.



Travis Rassat
06-02-2008, 1:47 PM
That's a really pretty piece, Dave - you did a great job! Making it from a local maple tree just makes it that much cooler!

Ben Cadotte
06-02-2008, 3:17 PM
Only thing I got done was more day dreaming about being home and working in the shop. Was notified I had to stay in Lake Charles, LA at least 10 days more. Basically doubling my trip down here. :mad: Supposed to go home for a week tomorrow. But not enough guys. Guy I was swapping out with the last 2 months has to go to Jacksonville for another plane. I am used to it. At least its not Israel for 3 months, 2 weeks off and then 4 months straight again. :eek: Only good thing was the money part.

Dennis Peacock
06-02-2008, 4:21 PM
what size gens? we just finished commissioning and are writing O&M manuals for a data center plant with 5 2MW gens, and a total future capacity of 14gens.

I believe the 2 just put in at in the C175 family. 4MW I think. I'll have to look again. We have a LOT of very large generators where I work.

Leo Zick
06-02-2008, 5:24 PM
I believe the 2 just put in at in the C175 family. 4MW I think. I'll have to look again. We have a LOT of very large generators where I work.

cool stuff. must be a big data center to hook up 2 new 4MW gens.. self contained though? whats that mean?

how big is your white space?

Gary Kvasnicka
06-02-2008, 6:04 PM
My son graduated from college Saturday...WOO HOO!!! Tim Russert from Meet the Press was the speaker, and did a great job. Anybody want to hire a hard worker with a BS in Biology w/chemistry minor... Anybody? Went out to a nice dinner to celebrate with the whole family.
My daughter's 19th birthday was Sunday, I did get some yard done before the party. she has three more years of college left... can't increase the tool budget yet. I told LOML that I deserve a nice grad gift after we get her through school(I'm thinking a Robust lathe). My logic or lack thereof is that it costs less than a semester of college;)


Lenny Howard
06-02-2008, 6:07 PM
Garden is producing tomatoes faster than I or the wife can eat em.

Saturday at the office. Then mounted the wall unit/bookshelf for my wifes desk. Then started cutting up for the matching bookshelf to go along with the desk and wall unit. Found out the arbor on the Ridgid ts3650 isnt long enough for the SD608 dado (DOH). But i will just shelf the dado blade for now, as a new table saw will be in the future in a year or so I hope (for getting a new SD608 for 200$ i really don't want to return it).

Lots of yard watering. It has been an incredibly dry year so far in Houston.

Garden ? Tomatoes ? Well at least the snow has all melted finally here in Maine. :D

Did get this finished and sent off to Brooklyn to my son for his 1st apartment.

Peter Quinn
06-02-2008, 7:22 PM
Concrete slab in basement for my shop expansion is curing nicely, seems almost ready, but I was told not to occupy it with heavy machines for at least two weeks. I was wondering how to keep myself from being tempted to start moving the shop around when my one year old boy got sick on Friday. Stayed home with him Friday, wound up in ER on Saturday with a really sick kid. I guess he has some bacterial induced Bronchitis that was heading towards pneumonia. Seemed to come on real quick. It was a long weekend nursing the little man and my wife who has also become sick. Made a big pot of Chicken soup, all are headed for recovery today.

No wood working done at all, or much else for that matter. Life really does come at you fast.